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Show Turf Results, Entries, Riders and Weights Laurel RchuUh. Ily lull rnatloiuil iNhhh Sendee. FirM. nice, one mile I M ploi mi . Hlj (. I ioi el ), Ji.JO, wnii; Ab-I it I, I ( 1 cdei Itt), iJ.;;o. m-ennd; VI fur, 1U. (Met hiliry ), Y.iU, third. Time, Lndy Hull only, Viimi, 'Jiuiuuhine, Kefloi tlon timl .SulurnUb ulna ran. U'hllo Moliil and Vifer eoupUd Davis eni i y. Sreond no'e, ndtn and it Mxteenlh Ital-fron, Ital-fron, lui) ( Shilllm;). J. I. won ; I v. 1 Mien -ner, 1 1 i V.,U,.), y..SH, eeond, Hudii a Hiother, 1 o r (Aml.ior.ej, $1.-0, tlilid. 'I'inii', 1 : h; 4-ii. t ' ie I h tin j pin n. t'mo N'Miii', Hoilondo, I'l'iiiwH, l'etiiluw and Uiiklmi'.-i tilso run. Third no-e, tlw f iirloii.:;-liaiHpiet , loS (.Met'ahoyl. v,.m; ;i.- Will. 1",, (I'mli, .MH'ini.l ; iiitifiou. 1 is (l(trri W), third. Tune., 1 : 00 l-.r.. I:hiim:thlu, Hiooin l.tiif. Vldct. Lr. ;urriek uud Hervlsli uiao I'M 1 1 . Fourth rare-, mile and a alxteenth Spcui heatl. In,' (I.'uvie..s. "t&.fiO, won; lioll-duv, lioll-duv, in,, iM.-Tii;'(;ut't j, f,i, Mtennd; Ihyn-liiuali, Ihyn-liiuali, 1 00 ( M r:,lMoy, J.I.L'D, thiid. Tinie, l:i; u-6. (jood I ;iy and FlAah u Iho ran. Villu nice, hlx furlonMH-Traiild. IU0 ( M I't.'u I ley 1 1 yr:..'6n, won; hsidora, 1U- (Mc-TiiKKiiM (Mc-TiiKKiiM t, $7. jo, Hf'uml; Hruve Cunurder, itt ( siil lln m ), JlM.iiu, third. Tlmu, 1 .13. Water I.udy, Sluniher Jl, FlIUeiKold und Spniiho.ud iilHo run. Sixth r.ic, om. mlletj.-iurd, (Hut-weil), (Hut-weil), jiiil.i",!', won: Aleourt. Ivi (Muxtont, j.'.:"', .siM.iul; .Nil pier. Ins (,'I'roxlor;, $i.oU, third. 'Hme. i ;;jti Hilli Rnknr, Smiley, yuiek Start, Kudy Cliant, VeuoLa Snoine and AsiroluKer also ran. Laurol Entries. l.i- International News f?rvlee. Fir;. I nice, onn mile Milliard, Chanpe, 1 ; SuiKcon, Miild of Honor. 00; Lady Fin it en ly, Rt-r King, Jtucy, Fair llflell. :ui. Seot.ud ra'-e. flro and a half furtonps Helamotir, I'liiiekley, Sijrwool, J 1 ; Water Welles, 111; Kiln Lry.son, J.r. K. L. Sw ai euKer. 1 inn r;i 11 ( o-tn, M.i rjoi le A.. 11D; Kimah.il. ICS; orkvllle, Lulyar, Ida l.aviim. lui; Honey liee, l'i. Ttdrd race, tivc and a half furlong 1 hkt nny Hoy, lis; i'ulltix, 100 ; Haiibon. 11"; Leonnlne, inn. Fourth rai e, mile and an eighth Flv-ln Flv-ln Fairy," r.alner, 117; KiiMkin. llf; Koh-vrt Koh-vrt 1 trail ley. Mti : Tartar. lOJ; G. M, Miller. y.i; Fardner, iS; Tactica, 92; Polly h.. :. Fifth raep, one mil Painter Brujh, 1H; lu-puhllean. 1 f-t ; Siia : pr liootcr, 1UH; l.lttle Nearer, 10.'; Spi I ncl-oard, li)f; Thnrnhlll, It. 3; hull (innliu r, M. Sixth lac.. ti.e nn'.i Colon-d . Uollo-uay, Uollo-uay, )13; Autniun, Kmp iiaiford, 11": Joe Finn, l.oiienurln. Sin inKuut.s, Frank Hudson, 10.., i'erthroek, liuzz Around, Flat Hush. 1'iella Mu'-k, Minda, HJu; Mor-deeah Mor-deeah 1-ouitu T raven. Pj. Latoma Results. Hy Internal ional New a Son lrc. Flret rare, live and a hull furlongs Fio---.e Fioekeit. l"." ro;ilnx), 54. 'jo. won; ".eitn:de H.. 110 (N.-vion), JT.lu, second;; J .Minion Girl, 110 iM. tf alf i. $:i.S, third. Time, I:"? 4-.". liatlie lUirton. Alh-e I I 'iiult-v, r',i. I.ntle Sam, Planetary, Ida, 1 i b il. 'iIUi oe. and I.azie Puff a ito ran. Second rr.ee. ."-ix furlonpn The Sierras. ; 111 M'ol), 0, won; Oakland. "" (Mtirphv), J4.'. 5ooi:U; T. M. Green, 113 U'.ie.O. j;..L0. third. Time. 1:13 2-.i. 0?aple, G-Sulllvan. 'ail. Mae,.Peau Chll- j ton. l-nnit.'ct Tail, Praotorian. The P.taeh Filly, Hainan nnd Kublion 111 also nin. i Third ra'-e. five and a half furlongs 1 Gard:tan. Ill tMurphy). 5i..'-, won; s.n-Net. s.n-Net. (Tuvinri. s""ond; H!l!ie Joe. (Hennyp, Si. third. Time. 1:07 1 !k-do, The? e.A Pet ha, Anna Cruttr, B. I Fhsi, PhoiJen. Vnliaha, (,'arno Ornie and Hons Hoo iiiho ran. Fourth race, m.v furlonpf? "yrlnphurt. s 'Tay'orf. 7..'n. won, I-oeharep. 1 ('.'o'hrl. $".'". sr-eonrl, Casuarina, P'l -Murphvl. th:rd. Time, 1:11 4-5. Water n.-K-t. Lady Mwi'ft. Pack Bay. llel.-'ii Ftarhf-t un! Gleinairii also ran. Fifth r.ic-. o-e ndle 1U ite of lirvn Mawr, 1".". (Gros.-1. $7.'hjr won; Chris tophi to-phi re. !'l i Hart we 1 1. peeond ; I.ulh.T. M"i (Nt-yton). third. Time. 1 ;t-7. San :a. OUaan and Colonel Marehmont al?o ran. Sixth race, niile nnd a pixteenth Bonnie Bon-nie Klni.to. l2 (Mete, f). f.!M. won; Pillow!, Pil-low!, fis (Murphy). J.'.M, peco'id; Charley M.-Fenan. T t ( Hrdi'.nf-on 57.70. third. Time. 1:47 l-.r. Clinton, Insuranee Man, Marshon. Sleeplar.d, Charles Buford, til-ton til-ton P. and Galley Siae ahco ran, Latonia Entries. By Internal lonril News Service. First race, rr.i'e and an eighth Biark-broom, Biark-broom, ; Injury, p.7 ; Mockery. 1 Slur Artless. lu-S: Hin-,-!f ng", 10.. S.voud raee, five and a half furlonps Casaba. Fieeta Belle, Amazon. One Step, lu'; L'r. Carman, 112; Converse, 1"S; Aunt Josie. lu'j; F'ortcli. Freeman, lo3; Tokav. IVj; Christie, IOC; Sweetheart Sue. HO. Third race, six furlongs Mis Fielder. 100; Grecian. 104; Ormulu, 111; .ea Shell, Uh; tolly, 117; Ed Crump, 122; Chalmers. 120. Fourth race, one mile Little Father, 102 ; FurtotiL', 1 07 ; " enhee. Brook Held, ili4; Giovtr Hughes, 110; Winning Witch, 115. Fifth raee, tniie and a sixteenth Floral Park, loS ; Hodge, P'3; Prince Hertids, lol ; A'ater Pass, 117; Doners il, 107. Sixth race, six furlongs Code, 00; Glint. I0S; Harhard, Bob llensley. 10i; Stout Heart, S'nao, 110; PJrhwood, The Norman. lor; Inoll. 102: IackroPe. li'f; Othello. K0: Pav Perrv, Candle. 10j; Sleeth. lo7; Wilhite. 115. Seventh race, mile and a sixteenth Rustlini.' Brass. !'S; George Stoll. Tlor-muda. Tlor-muda. Joe I'lebohl, 107; Pie.rre Duniiis, 10: O'Suliivan, 100; Guide Post. SofIus. Garneau. Moeklcr. 100 ; Sun Queen. ft(j ; James Lockery, 110; Lady Colonist, 100. |