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Show IisiiizE "CUM TRUST" Federal Industrial Relations Commission Ready to Examine Ex-amine Witnesses. NOTED MEN SUMMONED Purpose Is to Find Out How the Public Is Affected by Philanthropy. Ni;V VOFIK, Jan. I". ,V h-t !.-r ie-I'lUfi-ii of n.i-roi:i.afei- a qiit-r-T of a MJlk-n ill tis . onr.rliI ty f'"ir K-at .Ulnnlhru.lr iiiStlUirlonM BiK.uM ho ctri-ryrA ctri-ryrA wltimut tt.ovtriaii'-ut r.'K nUi.t ion in ihh proni'.tl'Ui f ml rpr!f'M ;rT-"tin pul-ll'- vii:.n, en."-!aliy u.;u r wage -4u1r.fi. In oi.b ir .ib MUfc.-t.ui.d wni'-li Uie rlr-il li,.luiriiil reUtlOii CH:nm-Hiion will l-.rlliK tn tip: fnnit ivr'i during tt. ffirr.lirornii.kf lir-anriK-t. luvu.-iUwdUon. hrtvn for Uf-i r v (J ut-f-ks hn jriai-iMif jriai-iMif diil.t upon v r a I H to tjttaj liit exurnllld-lloli exurnllld-lloli if WKin-hHrn. Th-i four infill nitons ro fh no.-koft'l-Iftr, fin "tw. .-.liui-l UJluo) anU lUnni 1 Mirs:u fuiiii.Ultons, t.'.u UUd fl'ienll In linn n.iinirv i,y .In. oh II. S'. iiirl. Tnlr fil-r oflk'tia ha. I'm ln'-.ti MuiiiriMHif.1 to ta-1 ta-1 1 r y Biif will hti at!k'l, It. w.iti fcrti.l lA,lay fifth" fif-th" i i.niiiiis.--l'.ii hr.i.l'i lui rt.-ra, lo teil what .mIk-icm gm'ern ii (Us 1 1 Linillini of their hi ruiei, llieir a 1 1 Undo in ward labor in-ohii-int. I lii naiui'M (if their Hi.'h;m'B for frhi.l hi tc.i tiu-.rii ; In mini, to diio-in in JniaiJ ih fii.uiirt.-r of nil their activities. Pertinent Question. In vlfiw of tha fad t l;a.t the Immense rHiur:f of lh--.se Institutions wer chu-.f-I v iIm-I veil from tho prof I la of Industrial mtiTpnaes unl th.it tuny were now em -ploylntC theni in iiumy way aitticltntf the conditions of wiiko i-Hi'iif rn, ll was the fits-flrti fits-flrti of (Iia coiiiinl.saion, ll wan explained, in tin I eruiiuH whet lior 1 1 it: 1 1 " pollcu-.s were 111 VMiy rt;hpfu;l C'ollSlStfllt Willi tllf! pul- weifm-A. It waa pomu-d out that the IliNt Itutliiun wei'ft under no leynl ohllya-tlon ohllya-tlon to make their openitlons puhlic and that It wan a pertinent. iiit.Ktion to Oettr-rnlna Oettr-rnlna wlielher mich innnenHb resources wure potentially U.i ngerout-, wlum noL subject sub-ject to (t'lVtirnuinnlal i i pyrviaion. Iri miBinc thia (ue(ttlou no implication wkh Intended, It wyai explained. It wan Imply the purpose of tins commission to call attention, without prnjudiL-e, to the power which these Institutions were in a poHltion to exercise, rightfully or wrongfully, wrong-fully, enptjcuilly In aliapiug publhi opinion. Wt mt her, after the dicta have been brought out, sui-li Inntliutlorjn shall and can be reKulaled will bn left to congress' aft.'r t'ho roniml:-.sion hs reported. It was pniuied out Unit In England, the so-called "ehartty trusts" ore rtiuired by law to nui ke publio reports. Plans of Commission. The rum mission Hl(t plans to call the diiMdors nd ehief stockholders of several of iho lai'Ko liidustrieti to obtain a diacua-Mion diacua-Mion of t hlr relations with nrfplovees; Iko niembors of tho National Civic Federation, Fede-ration, and the New York Charity Orgirt-t.atloii Orgirt-t.atloii society. "It le the purpose of the commission." nays a statement by prank P. Walsh, ciuilinian ot t he com mission, "to bring beforp It In New York the men whose i in uies a re most closely associated with our great ttaslc Industries, and through this means to obtain a full, frank discussion discus-sion of the relation that exists between the centralization of wealth and power In their hands and a feeling of unrest among wKe. earners. 'Whether rightfully or wrongfully, a very lare number of wage earners eom-p!;iJn eom-p!;iJn that their Interests are prejudiced by the tact that the industries In which they nr employed ore owned and controlled con-trolled by men who live at a distance and who have no personal knowledge of the conditions under which the employees work and live. This Is one of the charsres most frequently made bv writers and speakers engaged in enlisting recruits for i ne moat rauicai political and economical movements, and tho commission feels that Its work will not bo complete until it has given lull consideration to the euhieet. "'lyarge employers mid stockholders In industrial corporations are more and more turning their attention to organized efforts ef-forts toward social betterment. The commission com-mission will seek to And out whether or uot (hes-e efforts are undertaken because .their authors feol a responsibility for the condition? which create Uie need of such effort, and if so whether or not the various schemes of welfare work and philanthropy j can be considered adequate to meet the nee'ls. "The commission assumes, of course that every good citizen desires to aid iii any sincere effort to gett the underlvina causes of industrial unrest, and In 'this as in its other Inquiries it is approaching its task with an open mind and a de,ire on y to Ret at the facts.. Each witness v. Ill be ursed to maJie a complete statement state-ment of his views. The commission's conclusions con-clusions will be stated onlv in its report to congress, and until that is submitted ipreMice1''8 OP"--1! d e Nearly fifty witnesses have been sum-S!onMneeSt sum-S!onMneeSt ' PerSnS f nati' They include; John D. Rockefeller. Jr.. J. P. Morgan. Jarab H. Scruff ChiriM Stelle Oeorse W. Perkins, Georce f! Baf ker. Andrew Carnegie, Daniel Guggenheim. Guggen-heim. K J. Berwind. Adolph Lewiol,n Angus Belmont, A. Barton Heoburn and Samuel McRoberts. New York financiers Julius Rosenwald. Chicago merchant-Henry merchant-Henry C. Ford, Detroit, automobile manu-' ,lC U"' ,Sarnuel Gompers, president of 'h? American Federation of Labor and John M tchell, vice president; Jane d-dams d-dams ot Chicago, social welfare worked mend. New York, engineer; Carles W vS;'e,ngH: Kellogg, editor of the Survey r-hat 1' V ';a vr.es Holmes. Xew" York' Char-ep1 |