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Show LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS. Chicago. CHICAGO, May 21. Cattle Receipts, 2500; market slow: beeves, ?G.109.00; Texas Htoers, $6.0037.85; western steers, JC. 258. 00: stockers and feeders. S4.40tf? 7.10: cows and heifers, $3.108.00: calves, ?5.25(p8.75. Hogs Receipts, 11,000; market Blow, steady: light. $7.25S7.75; mixed, $7.35?T 7.S5; heavy. ?7.357.85; rough, 57,35 7.55: pigs, $5.00gG.90; bulk of sales, $7.60 37.S0. x 3 Sheep Receipts. 12.000: market steady to 10c higher: native, $3.75G.30: western, west-ern, $4.00tffG.3o: yearlings. $5.25fi7.35: native lambs, $o.00S.75: western lambs, ?5.030,00. Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, May 21. Cattle Receipts. Re-ceipts. 7000, including 300 southerns; market mar-ket steady; native steers. ?7.009.15; southorn steers, $5.408.25; southern cows and heifers $-1.00tfiiG.u0; natlvo cows and helfera. $400(i?8.25; stockers and fcedors, ?5.00)B.7n bulls, $4.75(5)5.00; calves, $5,00iS.25; western steers, $6.50 (2)8.75: western cows, $4.25tf6.25. Hogs Receipts. 13.000; market steady; bulk. $7.'157 70: heavy, $7. 6507. 80; packers and butchers', ?7.00tf7.75: light, $7.25(3)7.65, pips, S5.7o6.20. gneeprcceipts, "000: 25c up: muttons, $.25G.00: lambs, $G. 509. 50; range wothurs and yearlings, 54. 500.00; range pwes. J3.255.35; Texas goats. ?3.25J 3', 75. Omaha, OMAHA. May 21. Cattle Receipts. 4400: market steady to strong: native Htoers. 58.80(3)0.00; cowh and heifers, $3,75 g7.75, western steers, S4,75(I7.50; Texas steers. $4.50(?J)G.50; range cows and heifers, heif-ers, $3.50'&''t.30; canners, $3.00(3'4.85; stackers and feeders. $4. 207. 20; calves. J4. 250i8.25; bulls, stags, eio.. $4.40IS)7.25. Hogs Receipts, 18.500; market 10c lower: heavy. 57. 4517. 55: mixed, $7,30 7.40; light. $7.25S7.-15; pigs, $G.00B'7,25; bulk. ?7,30(R7.40. Sheep Receipts, 4000; market 6tcady: yearlings, $6.755i7.25; wethers, JS.BBtft 6.65; ewes, $B.25U.fiO; lambo, S7.G0C? 8.60. New York Money. NEW YORK. May 21. Money on call steady, 2i3 per cent: ruling rate, 2J per cent: closing bids, 22 per cent; of-fored of-fored at 3 per cent. Time loans Hteady; sixty days, .1 per cent; nlnnty days, 3(3)35 per cent; six monlhB, 3i per cent ' Close. Prlmo mercantllu paper, V8 per cont, Sterling exchange firm, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.84.50 for sixty-day bills and $4.87.20 for demand. Commercial bills. S1.S3J. Mexican dollars, 4Sc. Government bonds steady; railroad bonds easy. Condition of Treasury, WASHINGTON, Mat 21. At tho bcglnninft of tiimlncu) today tho condition of tho United State treBiirr trass Working bilinco In treasury offices, J6D.S17,- osc, In banks and Phlllpntnn treasury. 133,487,034. Tho total balance in general fund was S123,-7CU. S123,-7CU. Ordinary receipt yestordar wore JD4S.757. Ordinary dlsburscmonth were S2.102.0S5. Deficit to dato thb Itical year In $12,105,127, an itgalniit J050.3SI at this tlmo lent year, Thcso figures oxcludo Panama canal and public debt trncactloas. Evaporated Fruits. NEW TORK, My 21. Evaporated apples oiilct: fancy, 103-lOHc; choice. SViQOc; prime. 7K8c. rrune-i firmer; quotations ringo from 45J9V4c for California: up to 20-403 and from 74JD5c tor OroKonu. Apricots dull; choice, I20,12isc; extra choice, 124313c; fancy, 13014c. reaction Inactive; choice, SlSCfOHc: fxtra choice, aiiCTlOHc: fancy, 10311c. Rnlslnn dull: loose uiutcztula. GJJG'io: cholco lo fancy needed, 5?i'flc; ticcdlcn, SHSSc; London Lon-don layora, $1.400 1.41!. New York Produce. NEW YORK, May Zl. Flour otcady, with moderate mod-erate trade. Wheat Spot firm: No. 2 rod, J1.2H1 c, I. f. domrxtlc biiels to nrrlvo, and export Jl.Jlli f. o. b. aflont to arrive; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1 25 f o. b. ufloal. Future closed ',ic to Aic net bUfcJr: May closed at SI. 19; July, $1.13 7-1C; September, ll.OSli. Wool quint. H6p, hides and petroleum utondy. rtnw niuar uteaily: muuenvado, SJ tft. S.Sbo: centrifugal, teat, 3.S4c; molawes sugar. tent, 3.11c. Kenned quiet. "Flax, Oats and Rye. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. 5Jy 21. Flax, K.KMH 2.27!5. Barley. 70cU.:2. Coru, No, 8 yellow, .36f?7c. Oata, No. 3 white, fiSligXle. nye, No. I, Sfc Cotton Markot, NEW YORK. May 21. Cotton clotM xery ateady and from 1G to 17 points not higher. |