Show hvass carry the choicest L J Lt i iBb L i J i ud u d J aft W w daff DW Ff J id M websey adim A rn r f P ofa V fl ll 11 a I 1 ao 37 jersey or bianga bionga geibey or blonita Blo Tita in black or white I 1 in blue an dWhite 1 1 A abd bice and zed stripe vaai i PRICE j I 1 i L ja L t made in ladies and misses sizes of lavy or fast black jersey 1 GA y these garments arc considered by every rf purchaser to ditc itc afie f T best fitting and cheapest suit in tho mau ket sa s1 1 sf s f w GOTO i i 1 y lj l ay A sox rota r W GOOD FIT clr t lj ACCORDED arid skirts VERY CHEAP if ii C j S lt fm r MRS DAVIS r 71 alj e J as it tt ss CS SAvl ocoa ay awl 9 w tr 1 I OR SCHOOL por yur school crayons ink Pa etca smooney 00 J e jg s i y ty t y A rt 7 t ty ir r we carry the leai sibil cheapest lina of ir yi ifer arvins natte BOOKS BOOK E ot any house in town i acenie for gutic sewing macbane Mac bine packard nd cawro 1 A A afi i S elegant liae ol 01 WALL PAPER enst received jl t g er f K i 1 i lla ak fic block T rth j s 11 jl alva 1 i d havethe largi aidt as dt town of in rit Q b fo sory and gibej Si bEj spectacles i m s niep T idl aux ami Wm i eshett 1 03 1 wf ii at dd A H H tarr Engl net designs plans and estimates submit ted for all manner of in the above lines in utah and juab counties personal superintendence of construction in all its branches doneal prices compatible with good work prepared to made all kinds of maps and blue corinta aa 4 11 arf fl 12 if ahi ll 11 i JS ij n tta sac uin j by ate incan clab chief abw cut I 1 his ont or reference F H linimon SI nimon M D F D physicians ibid ROOMS 1 and 2 EXCELSIOR blk ER 00 city irr A H SMART physicians and surgeons i provo city utah F J F F BRO dentists have all modern instruments for the practice of operative and prosthetic DENTISTRY artificial CROWNS BRIDGE WORK A SPECIALTY joyall guaranteed 10 bank building provo aft ak WW AND the treatment 0 OA sEO and chronic diseases Is eases in which he has had upwards of 40 years anc experience a ape fialty PROVO CITY UTAH dentist electric yas hen 9 aired by ill pain AH kinds of dental woi k in the best and idlest ilesa all flork from be guaranteed according to agreement or the noney ill be refunded io 2 bank building provo city utah J B bootle E 4 wilson BOOTH walson AT LAW and Lan dOffice agents 0 23 N J street PROVO CITY UTAH tl EO D D f r i attorney s at lai HB w ROOMS 5 and 7 tr ional e yive t r PROVO CITY 1 3 TK fl I ly i salici lake and 0 effice ta salt laka hooper meldredge blk allce lurono ai tae X i AND we are prepared to receive or make contracts for l all a i y v estimates furnished we have the facilities for 1 turing the best and most durable qualities of BRICK m aay required quantities samuel liddiard go A PROVO UTAH AN 2 decorative painters AND interior decoration A SPECIALTY opposite opera house UTH ANT HOUSE open day add night A first class dinner served every i day from 12 to 4 25 cents r t prop 1 t ay afa v ps t s r ALSO the pleasant valley cc 1 5 peitra m m mm smoot deals goal yard rio grands J 3 j leave at or telephone to the commercial and bank provo atory OUT MORE WORK DAY OF THE YEARs THAN OF ITS a racilus of ei Thoua anci milea T sarn S na is i S x THIS IS IN CHARGE OF u x JOSEPH T M i one vf thy oldest experienced a V 8 I 1 3 competent job printers in the I 1 address all orders and mahe all remittances to ENQUIRER COMPA PROVO CITY UTAH er an fn utah outside c w salt lake city faasa larger circulation j in central and southern utah then i vy i all other newspapers combined graily r 6 gwim per ear per j err s ascertained by either persona or writhes 4 enquiry 8 j men who wish to reach the mass of people advertise in THE ram i mn i I 1 |