Show BOUGHT A BOGITS BOG ITS BABY clever trick of a brooklyn wonna disisto 1 by t C her husband NEW A ha ivy duft liaa come today anich occasioned a comi iou of pays euger trains in a lu on the andton centra railway this dornink mor baili bruins afro at a fair raty 01 and when they met the anre both killed five ard also killed and twenty terribly injured the moans of the wounded were x anil luany werd we ayd buthe wreck so alie could not move abrookin ABro oKia ff oaias Iii CORr NE v YR H leury hubar of Bru klyn i t hive that his wife baa planed wo mans 01 him aa her bvm the real 1 manibod its return and while a pac xiu b iby etl fer aliu fi atone adopted lie arrived ailt kiil an tion lie is i cabinet ci binet inal cr and lis work shop ii i i oi iaia housa and from it u can sue much that is guing on there 0 ie he sav a well dressed wo iian carry a iodide A ill poses bion to leini and he crossed alie road to seo it all wu 5 el with hid wife he biad been apfl to believe she wa ery ill and eliat baby boy lid come to call him lather the couple hae been seven years the union has not been blessed etith childson chil dion belh havy krown bip children by a firmer marriage when mr unbar filtered his house lie found liia wife who n he he had thought to ill loo leave nor be a t dianie while ahe one he had believed to bu his waa belli prepared for removal his entrance sent his wife in i mint and baue the youns women to snatch up llie baby and anu out on alie et mr tl luber followed and at liis request an arre td woman and too K lii r to the st police HI ti arr she herself iia koehlar Koehl pr ahe nf 1 rett in new york aj written to her nir n kin her for n ne w born baby lh baba wa delivered amr ani mr kiuber on returning filin work ras informed that his wife had ie cun a dur ing diaab enu lie lier for concealing conce alini her condition but accepted the situation gracefully that was on wednesday ilio real mother of alie child bavm parted with it and insisted on its return mrs buher was notified and informed that mrs koebler could provide biby for her in its place if she would aise up the one sho biad mrs huber willin and alip exchange was about to be con air hubar inadi hi 11 Iv oehler was detained alio detective detec s ent to yew boik to investigate lier alory aliey foaud it true in detail ahe was released mr kiiber coin pel elliis bif to send back the bs by he nor his wife hae any to make to the public irish 1 NEW feb 20 special the veteran 1 ot tho irish revolutionary brotherhood aill celebrate alio twenty bikih anniversary of lie rebellion in ii eland to by a banquet at the aliu man house none will be admitted to the fet except those ahu to k part in alie hostilities in in duio remained beio to alie bines of war and kept tl em will not be an on tins occasion to vaunt their the old fenian leaders are rapidly pd Ebin aak ay the most con of them general francis burke died only a few months ago his speech from the dock in dublin has him chube banquets in lie auturo rill be held A Leae fil to Barlia pa feb 20 special buin will be riven at the hotel cam it nill n ill 18 a very swell affair and amon thoe who fiill be present arc governor secretary of mavor finer of delplina delp liia So natora Cain crun and quay Poat masler john field ter general members of the from delaware counte society cinadr YORK feb 20 special ahe society dinner for which extensive hive been made will be iven tins evanina at tho medi eon square sarden there will bo but four toasts and flipse will be responded to by senator elect idill governor gordon of georgia general A aror and ex president cleveland amoni the invited aes ues arp postmaster van colt mavor grant chief justice fuller jadw L Q C cainar F R condret 1 pierpont morgan governors n anckner of kentucky governor EH E H jackson of man land governor john M mi is ap pp i governor I 1 v virginia and governor D R francis of mie couri A terril abra it hust H 20 A terrible storm at today to day atil prent amao ali u es wiro and trees ti 1 ut athe loots alie storm was by an which caused two laign fired one of the buildings i was the alsi colley aad of ti u ere bamily ida ared by jumping from the windows bashop Ma Aswin iha I 1 n 11 II K s DUBLIN feb 20 of hat a letter ro the clerca of hii hi i hoaeae warning the olt to ahr aar nell M v H rt rb arn il n f j i tiati 3 gava A itie jo rt W a bir airie i irie branded with a special cumo of heavrin |