Show PLEASANT VIE V WABD organization completed ames of appointed I 1 he farther organization of the young and growing ward took place yesterday at half past ten a m bishop gilia pie presiding the following lochies were organized hie relief society sabbath school ud primary association when the following xv ere ind set apart under llie of president and cluff assistant bupt supt of sunday schools SS Jones pros isiac bullock of the priests Iri ests quorum and bishop gillispie of the danl sister ff for of society councillors councilors Counci lors lj djina ina pott and eliza barrett eliza Pe tereen sister an cluff of alie primary association caun cifors caliesley Cl iesley and bupt supt of sunday schools abbani fidai vidai nt bupt supt jacob snyder and martin W mills i ten of the lady members of the word were chosen aad as teachers in the relief Soi ity presidents cluff gave the people some chancil co ancil sh anin the necessity nece sity of such organizations in fally on th of the of atie ward the necessity of living nearer the lord that they may be halh qualified for their and labors assistant bupt supt S S jones sitters mary john marella danniels Dat niels and emily en after which and who hid visited them and gaye encouraging remarks after ih 0 benediction was pronounced by isaac bullock |