Show THE MONKEY DRUMMER an african story accredited to pacha emin pasha the story of whose res cus from central africa is well known to the world is an enthusiastic student of natural history and had made a collection at his headquarters on the upper nile which he was compelled to abandon one of the objects of his interest in the equatorial province was a species of chimpanzee and mr stanley tella some remarkable stories regarding emina observations according to stanleys Stan leys account the equatorial chimpanzee is not greatly the inferior in intelligence of some of the human beings found there the forest of is infested by a tribe of chimpanzees of great stature who make almost nightly raids on the villages and little plantations of the eswa natives carrying away their bananas and other fruits there ja nothing very remarkable about this fact since many kinds of animals make pillaging forays upon the habitations of men but the surprising part of eminel narrative Is the statement that in these thieving raids the chimpanzees make use of lighted torches to hunt out the fruit if bad I not myself been a witness of this spectacle mr stanley reports emm as saying nothing would ever have made roe believe that any race of monkeys possessed tho art of making fire on one occasion emin says a chimpanzee of this intelligent tribe stole a drum from the huts of tiia egyptian troops and made off with it beating it as he ran the monkey took the drum to the headquarters of his own people who were evidently much charmed with it for the egyptian soldiers often heard the monkeys beating it vigorously but irregularly sometimes in the middle of the night some sleepless chimpanzee would get up and go to beating the drum just what the other chimpanzee a thought of this midnight musical performance for mance will never be known positively ti vely but broto tho fact that TO sound of battle and slaughter among the intelligent chimpanzees ever fol lowed the egyptians were forced to conclude that they liked it N Y sunday journal v n |