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Show DISCUSS RAISING OF LARGE FUND The adjourned meeting of the million dollar fund voinmlttt-e was hold estii-duv estii-duv morning In the supper room of the IIo'lcl Utah, Tith Chairman Thomas V Blcknell. former president of the National . -f J Education association, presiding. The purpose of the meeting was to con- suit the state directors regarding the gen- , eral plan of raising the fund and of dls- - posing of the Income of the fund after ;j such fund Is raised. The plan as agreed ,S;J upon was referred to the new board or .(.( directors for approval at their meeting next Saturday morning. It was agreed at tho morning session v that thero should be provided a permanent i h Income from the million dollar fund, and .-; that in addition there should be estnb- .!; Hshcd a national headquarters for the Jr'ii National Education association in Wash- t Ington. This headquarters building should contain the permanent offices of the ,h..f secretary and heads of departments. Pro- feasor E. C. Bishop of the extension de- Sv!Jf partment of the Agricultural college or .-. Iowa proposed that In addition to these ',t';i things there should be kept there a per- .Wr manent education exhibit, that all those (:fri of permanent educational value should be gathered together In a large educa- r. tlonal museum similar to the Paris mu- r"rr. seum. or to that in the Southern Educa-tlon Educa-tlon building at Washington. Ho advo- rated that the exhibit should bo madu l' by departments. V ' |