Show banners in session alexandria ALEXAND KIA la jan as special the louisiana state agricultural Airi cultural suri ety is holding its annual meeting here the session will continue until friday evening when it will close with a banquet juile Dl ackman for the people of alexandria and rapid welcomed the visitors to the city the morning session vas devoted to 1 bu hiness two sessions will be bield daily during the convention al which a breast s mill bo delivered on by hie leading ot llie state aguon itie to ha discussed are yraac culture bub tr caury bill alie auar cottien culture insect benall farms farm ani and liow t mare t pay in alie hill the society has riwu steadily in influence and ltd organization ana it has proved a benent to alie hatate Uni lerita agriculture haa im proved and advanced in louisiana passenger hals of ahe cload BUFFALO N ajan 28 special A meeting of passenger of the roads is leing held at the niagara lintel lor the purpose of revising the division hooli the division book is compiled ava F chief clerk in tho dahart ment of the michigan central railroad at is proposed to aad cincinnati abolia kanba city and other points to tho now embraced atie linea now r presented here are alie ew york Cent nil the I 1 aston aud albany lake michigan central kiy four and wabash marriage of hass ever waiter ATLANTA gajan SS the m itri uye of miss evi waiter te dr walter nasli of tenn wjk today to day at 1230 in the first church the bride is one of At lantas accod ami popular daughters |