Show lo 10 an execution t me directed br tb elret Judicial District court cr ill e terri utah exposed at public sal at the front of the court bouse in 01 titan and territory t the aar of january m all the right and interest of james W mcaller Mc Auler of in and to the real situate ly utah county and an undivided one t the follow ine property to alt ix aad half leet coath of abe aon beast corner of lot one in block thirty south to the north bank of hobble creek thence west oo of said twelve ba a half rods thence point of ani cut velve and one half rod to dolbt of in 83 town 3 east la utah county utah territory T be old ar th property of jalaa W mcauley at the uit ot kaba adf aaka ie H is S ta aj s A i 3 r |