Show A letter the following letter speaks for itself i henry giles dear sir allow ma to compliment you and your most excellent clubs on the high grade culture and fine singing you displayed nt the contest you have reason to leel proud of the talent you have to support you in baur professional line as a teacher and conductor of music on the other hand I 1 would gay to the lovera of the divine art of provo that they have every reason to congratulate themselves on having such an accomplished musician in their midst and I 1 have no doubt but that they realize and appreciate this fact with the start have had and encouragement received it will be your own fault if at any future contest you should happen to come off second best in speaking of music we must d 0 so as the jew would say de quality of de goods must always be considered it is like a painting the beauty of which depends on the finishing touches or the lights and shades which ahe master artist is able to give in this respect your rendition was unusually good tha voices were well developed and well balanced and due respect was paid to all the embel ish ments of the several pieces the victory was an easy one for in all vital points you excelled although I 1 must say the erizea were very well contested by the other clubs there is one thing to be regretted th atthe judges did not mention the points of merit and demerit as this would tend to educate the contestants te As a token of my earnest re garde and confidence I 1 send you two of my own anthems a dozen copies of each also the song let us treat each other kindly which I 1 am satisfied you will you will get up in good shape as you are perfectly able to do so respectfully J 8 lewis SL city june |