Show in alia Sast ices court of arke utah county t territory of utah before james malsen justice of the peace ellen plaintiff 1 TS john doe i to john doe defendant whose name Is otherwise unknown tou are hereby requested to apgear before alb court n the day of jan uary A 3 1891 at 12 owsald d ay iy ton a corn plaint filed against yon plaintiff claims abe sum 10 CO damage by your animals trespass lne on her at aake view bald animals are described aa follows to wit I 1 roan steer 3 years old mark or brands visible 1 walta belfer 2 years old crop off and split in right er steer two years old crop oft and split in riehl ear I 1 dark ed heifer 3 years old croo ff richt par boch horns 3 iwert ol 01 branded D H on left side and am on side u you are hereby d that if you fall t appear and answer said complaint at the time and place aforesaid juds will b a earnst yon for fio the amount of alethe cost of keepin said animals anath cost of this suit bated this day of jaried MADSEN justice of the |