Show till inai hub firof itoiz botel roberts bani destroyed THE WINDOW FRAMES of the hotel A tardy fire engine two salt lake fires fires are becoming more frequent than in the city and in nearly every instance suspicion points to the tramp as the originator on monday night a few minutes be fora nine an alarm nf gre was sounded and flames of fire were ken shooting up from the frame barn located in the rear of the hotel roberts a number of firemen and citizens boon appeared at the fire engine house and transferred the hose cart to the scene of the fire the hose was stretched from the factory race two blocks west to the barn and the fire men stood waiting for a signal from the fire eleine that the water was coming ant the signal came not the fire grew hotter and hotter the window cilia of the hotel were scort ched and one email blaze started the telephone pale in the caught fire and barbina brands were lodged in the shade trees the hotel windows were kept soaked with by means of buckets and still no signal whistle was heard the fire men grew impatient and the crowd beean to finally the fire engine came steaming around the hotel corner and down to the race A few minutes later the longed for came and a stream f water was thrown on the now almost completely demolished structure after a olay of a couple of hours the alamei were extinguished inquiries as to the delay of the alre engine in reaching the spot elicited the following information the key to toe stable hangs in the marshals office in the court house abe office door was locked aud no one present had a key to open it the stable one block away was then repair ed to and the door broken open one of the city horses is a little fractious and I 1 this racket evidently excited it somewhat some little time elapsed ere the animal could be hitched to the engine when the alarm sounded engineer hatton who ie also night watchman was on his bealnear beat near dunna aos store of course it required some little lime for sir hatton to reach liis engine and start tha fire and by this combination of circumstances waa the fire engine delayed do we need a anre department build ing where the horses can be kept and where some of the fire boys can always be present mr W D egberta Eo berta the owner of the barn places the loss at 1400 there were no live stock or hay in the barn A carriage and several other smaller articles aers removed before the fire gained great headway the general opinion of all is that tramps started the fire lh barn had been unused for a couple of weeks and bad been left unlocked but on this evening it had been locked by mr will kob erts whether some of the tramp fraternity approached and set fire to the barn in revenge fur being locked out or whether it w as done through pure and simple cussedness is a query frank dusenbery son of judee dus benberry en berry that he saw a man throw coal oil or bouie liquid against the barn t east corner and then apply a torch A blue flame immediately started up the man then rah through the block in a north direction frank cried to the man to stop bur the fellow only ran the faster H ars A small man with a mou and wore a light cap the officers have for several days bea n watching an individual who ha s been 1 in tha city for about two weeks lie is n elderly roan and his actions aroused suspicion yesterday he went to evne and drug store and purchased half a gallon he has not been seen since one man was arrested arreh ted last night but there kasnot sufficient evidence to warran this being held many of the firemen when the fir alarm was sounded at first thought it was the curlew bell ringing the bell thatis used 03 a fire alarm bell should not be utilized as bell fire cried borne one its my barn said Mr roberts no said the fiend its mine water water where can ve get water sept you can have some of the factory race teamster gray biad a long way to ran to get hia team and then the sorrel horae balked chief brown was hunting lor a horse trade this morning 1 if a fire was to break out in bank block what bould be the result with team engineer fire engine and driver each in a different part of the city A find sleeping accommodations auit provided near the engine house until a fire department building can be erected how nice it would be if we had hy arants to hilch onto remarked councilor an d fireman maibec last night while the boys were wailing for the fire engine therdo was no insurance on the barn the hotel carries an insurance of 10 |