Show ibia ties at alie poll HOPES t ho is suffering arc m brights disease wh game to this country SAN Fu cisco jan 20 special king kalakaua of hawaii lies dauger busly flick at his hotel and is expected to die any moment ho eague from ame alanda about six boeke apo and went y to California where his health beamed to improve but upon city he became worse and tue doctors havu given UR all hopes he is with brats disease and lias ban for some months his at home tsarina he would euc cinna to tho disease if he lid not rest from the cares advised liim 0 o take rest by travel and suggested rug a trip to the united states the been despondent however and his sojourn in this country lias not done him the good it liht otherwise have done senseless newspaper reports to the efface that lie came over to sell his kingdom to our republic has anso annoyed him not a little kiep kalakaua loves liis little kingdom and ia very patriotic by regards the talk of annexation ai placeit nit libin in the liht of a traitor |