Show A WOR OUT HOBBY FAIR PLAY SPEAKS IN DEFENSE OP AN INNOCENT PEOPLE the methods of war resorted to by the in tho republican of tho ath arst appears a well written article by fair play on the cormons mormons and rebellion tho communication is in answer to a republican editorial reviewing alie pacific railway commissioners report in which reference was made to the vast amount of means expended by tho government in suppressing tho utah rebellion we publish the article as it appeared with the editorial comments amenta by the republican in the same issue editor national republican in your editorial columns friday mom ing appears a lengthy and review of the pacific railway commissioners sio ners report apart from the reflections cast upon one of the commissioners ners and the party he is supposed to represent its tone and arguments will no doubt be endorsed indorsed indor sed by a large number of readers it is not with the main subject or tho manner of its discussion that I 1 now take occasion to find fault you speak of the cost of transportation of troops supplies mails etc across the continent before the railroad was built and incidentally of the cost of a single war the suppression of the utah rebellion which you say was almost equal to the amount advanced by the united states to aid in building these roads the amount expended by the government in the senseless utah expedition was no doubt quite as large as you state but that there was any rebellion in utah to suppress when that army was marched across the plains I 1 most emphatically deny this may appear a small matter to you but I 1 havo noticed a disposition on the part of the republican to join in the assaults that are being made upon utah just now because her voting and law abiding citizens have made a new attempt to gain the rights and privileges of freemen the editorial that appeared in tha republican of december on the utah question contained several gross inaccuracies no doubt unintentional on your part and I 1 think it is not necessary for any republicans whether journalists or congressmen to mistake facts or echo popular errors when opposing a measure or a people official reports from government officials sent to utah while the army was in winter quarters at camp scott established beyond question that the nation had been deceived by false reports and president buchanan found himself in the position of an unwise judge who had decided an important cause without stopping to hear the defense gov col thomas ji J i kano and the peace commissioners found as they reported that there had been no rebellion that the court records library and official papers said to have been burned by tho cormons mormons Mor mons were in an excellent state of preservation that no army or any other force was necessary to install the appointees in their respective offices and that the renegade judge drummond who had stirred up the tumult was unfit for the society of decent people as well as unworthy of any position under this great republic the fiasco which cost the united states enough money to insure the building of the transcontinental railroad was wasted through the acceptance as truth of just such falsehoods as people now are ready to gulp down with a relish when they are told about the cormons mormons Mor mons it is not generally known that AS early as march the cormons mormons Mor mons in mass meetings endorsed indorsed indor sed a memorial to congress by gov young and the legislative assembly praying lor u national central railroad from the missouri river to san diego san francisco or some other point on the pacific coast and showing the advantages to the government of sucha highway to the west but the records of congress prove this to be true and it is also a comparatively unknown fact that mormon labor helped materially in the most difficult part of the construction of both the union pacific and central pacific railroads on which brigham youn and his sons were large contractors the cormons mormons favor railroads telegraphs and every other modem scientific improvement and are and always have been supporters of the constitution of the united states and of the laws made in pursuance thore ofte anti polygamy laws many of them have viewed as unconstitutional and therefore thoy have not to them as they have to all other laws of the land and now that the mono mimic voting citizens who have broken jio laws who have taken an oath to obey the laws in future and who represent the vast majority of the population respectfully ask for political liberty at the same time providing for the punishment of bigamy and polygamy under a state constitution the same old stuff about rebellion disloyalty tho coracy and other exploded nonsense is being repeated to prejudice their cause and blind the eyes of the just and liberal I 1 do not think the republican party or its organ in this city has any need to resort to such methods of warfare and as a friend to the oppressed I 1 only ask for FAIR PLAY washington D C jan following 13 ilia editorial commenting on the foregoing article the writer of the communication headed the cormons mormons and rebellion complains that a great deal oi exploded nonsense Ls being repeated to prejudice their cause and blind the eyes of tha just and liberal and in conclusion says t do not think the republican party or its organ in this city has any need to resort to such methods of warfare and as a friend to the oppressed I 1 only ask for fair play so far as the national republican is concerned it will endeavor to treat every question fairly especially those that refer to political rights if fair play could convince congress that the recently adopted state cons titu tion would be executed as the funda mental law in good faith the republican party would bo as free to vote for tho admission of utah as for that of dakota into the union of withstanding the current opinion that utah would become a democratic state glands En great statesman william tho only security for civil rights is political power A k a fc act lista people without political power enjoy civil rights only by sufferance and that is against the principles of conr form of government the practical question then is will the people of utah stand by their constitution and what are the guarantees |