Show narrow escape from death in iron county A BOYS TONGUE HAS TO BE CUT FROM A WAGON WHEEL A boy narrowly escapes death from careless shooting A writing from pinto iron county january ath says we hove just had the heaviest snowstorm that lias ever been known in this part of the country the storm commenced in earnest on alie ard 3rd dinst and continued three days and nighta accompanied with a high wind w ich gifted the snow in great banks filling up the streets and lanes and making it next to impossible to travel the thermometer stood this morning at sunrise at 25 degrees below zero the mail carrier came verv near losing his life on alie night of the ath dinst he left aliis place to go to harmony fourteen miles about noon of alie oth expecting to reach harmony by night the storm came on fiercer than ever and the abow was so deep and drifted ao badly that very little progress was made finally his horse got in a drift in harmony canyon and could not get out in plunging about the animal got back and finally died two young men from harmony joined the mail carrier on the road aad horses also got into the drift they were successful in getting one of out and sending the youngest boy on to harmony for help which came back in the shape of a dozen men found the boys almost unable to speak but soon brought them around all right LAST saturday afternoon an accident occurred in the ward of logan city which shows once more the eternal danger of handling firearms A young man named kent was playing with a six shooter when it was discharged the ball struck liis eix year old brother heber in the left hand passed through the two first fingers grazed his abdomen and proceeded clear through his left leg his w bled profusely and he had a very narrow escape from death dr ormsby attended him and he is on the road to recovery THE little sanpete valley railroad Eail road from nephi juab county to chester sanpete county is suffering in common with the other roads from the cold snap there is one difference however between it and the others the latter dig their way out of the snow and force the blockade while the former will probably have to wait for a thaw before it can resume business one of the locomotives co with alie frain is said to be safely ensconced in an buim nse now bank on the divide walk te other locomotive co is frozen solid bo that it cannot be handled at present IN alie case of ogden city vs john mclaughlin and bay gallagher a decision was made in favor of the defendants by the same court that denies the church to appeal their cases to the US supreme court the men were arrested under n ogden city ordinance for resorting to a house of ill fame for lewd ness and appealed to the supreme court on the ground that the city had no authority to punish such conduct the decision was to the effect that the city charter did not authorize the ordinance against lewdness A writing from koos harem diute piute county says that there the snow is so deep that the roads are impassable the thermometer ranged for beveral days at from 30 to 40 below zero and the acae period th price of hay advanced from 5 to 15 per ton with little to be bought at that pric eSome of the people are trying to get their stock over to the henry mountains in the hope of saving them but it is feared that a great many cattle and horses will be lot A writing from scofield emery county gives an account of the cold weather in that section he bays that on saturday night coal oil froze in the lamps and at p m on that day the thermometer indicated 50 degrees below zero at the mouths of mud creek and winter quarters canyon A SERIOUS freight blockade ia reported at ogden salt lake parties are complaining pla ining that freight due there a week ago has been detained in ogden for over that length of time the recent snow blockade on the utah northern probably has had something to do with causing alie jam TUESDAY afternoon peter tong a resident of near park city was arrested on a charge of having committed horrible crime of incest it is alleged that the victim is his 22 year old daughter he was taken to park city where he is to have a hearing before a united states commissioner A BOY named moroni thomas while amusing himself in the nineteenth ward on sunday afternoon had his tongue frozen to a wagon wheel from which he could not release himself on assistance being brought his tongue which was swollen greatly gie atly was cut from the wheel with a knife ON tuesday the party searching for james baxter who was carried away by a snow slide near park city on jan ast 1st were successful m finding the body from the condition in which it wag they concluded that he must have been killed almost instantly of the seventh ward salt lake city died monday at six he had been a resident for over thirty five years and was greatly esteemed he WM sixty four years of age he had been failing for some time past THE weather in lagan is the most severe experienced in many years the thermometer has been down to 42 degrees below zero and the general condition of the weather there is 10 below all the time TUESDAY afternoon carl capron of mill creek was arrested by deputies marshal of salt lake he iff charged with unlawful cohabitation the defendant is over seventy years of age THE thermometer at scofield is said to have been down as low as 44 degrees below zero during the past week IT is said that children in the settlement of Ham aviU weber county are afflicted with measles an absolute cure the ORIGINAL MENTi sonly put up in large two ounce boxes and is an absolute cure for old sores burns wounds chapped hands and all ekin eruptions will positively cure all kinds of niles ask for the ORIGINAL albietine ABI ETiNE OINTMENT sold by all druggists at 23 tents per box by mail 30 cents the third term ol 01 the district schools commences on monday next clearance sale at bonn gos commencing tomorrow to morrow morning we offer our stock of cloaks and wraps hoods nubian caps cardigan jackets and all wolen goods that are made up at a great sacrifice we will dispose of them regardless of cost and at prices th atwill astonish TOU come and see what we can do for you no trouble to show sale will continue for twenty days this is an of a life time never at any time b eforo in provo has the same class of goods been offered at such greatly re deuced figures the insane Asylum 1 la the biennial report of the board of directors aitho territorial insane aay lum presents tp the legislature oh wednesday appears alie estimate for the cost of changes and additions proposed for the asylum as follows propped 00 main wing 00 kitchen 00 administration 00 1 00 the president states it Is a matter of special gratification that we are enabled to report an entire exemption from suicide and homicide and kotlier serious accidents so likely to occur in institutions for alie insane accidents which laxity in discipline invites but which the vigilant care cannot always prevent notwithstanding the fact that the present building way intended to accommodate but seventy five persons you will see by the report of alie medical superintendent in that the number lias been increased to ninety patients and two have been added since making ninety two we believe that no better investment could be made by the territory than the purchasing of at least acres of the excellent land lying adjacent to the asylum which with the same degree of energy eliat lias heretofore characterized alie management would insure alie saving of very much of alie revenue of aliis territory alie territorial has donned a new head or hat if you like we presume it is because it is and thought probably it would take better with the fair sex and indeed with all fair minded peo territorial ENQUIRER lias been changed to UTAH in anticipation of the change of our territory to alie stata of UTAH as it remarks the prominent old english heading well becomes the paper since its enlargement and corporation we tip our hat to alie paper and fisli it the same happy new year advocate |