Show I 1 the alobe colon colony Y N 6 tr ir t r fruia row the Via Mis miter iu the iha north western comer of iowa Is in a colony of englishmen who hive have undertaken with moderate iio capital bud in la finite pluck to build up their fortunes la ia this country their enterprise Is na new just jast old enough however to furnish satisfactory evidence that agriculture ri is when prop properly orly undertaken oua one of 0 the most profitable fridas tries in 11 thin country their number at present 1 ii about three hundred and many oil ad members aro are elpi bebej abig 8 spring pring this colony often tailed called the close colony owes its ito origin to three enterprising brothers brother respectively james Will william iata and 0 0 one so of these came out here in to roi iu in the cambridge boit boat crew at the contain Lan tennial dial regalia Ro itla some same of the crew fell fall ate kick it however and they were forced to luave leave philadelphia and retire to cape may to recuperate there the young english man met his deal destiny ny ant closed his bo biting career by an engagement to marry about this thia time the young addys father advised young close to tk a trip west went before returning to england him that it he be should do so no lie would bo be that this country off aired stronger figer inducements tog to a young man than any across th the 0 water went west flo and d mado made up his bis mind to go into farming he immediately drew his two brothers into thu the on an and together they began on a large scale at the aa edmo me tins time 0 they took steps to induce their friends in england to join them though the enterprise Is ia not three tareo years old they control at present some gome two h hundred andred thousand acres ot of laud land the young men who make cuke up this community oom manity ar are for the most moat part graduates ot of oxford or cambri cambridge age on one farm I 1 met two tall and band handsome somO young farmers whose uncle had been a member of parliament the list laet time I 1 had bad seen them was i in I 1 a L london drawing room this time they tramped me through the mud and manure manare of the barnyard to show me some soma newly bought atoo elook k they we were re boarding boar with a dutch farmer at thre e ti ollars tier lier week in ord order er to learn practical arming both w ore thoroughly contented cont entel slid and looking forward to the future with wilh pleasure another young farmer whom I 1 noticed on horseback with top boots fla flannel unel shirt sombrero Bom brero and unit belt knife was pointed out to moss me w the grandson of the an abor of theology hoaas he was attending a cattle auction at lemars lemang love iowa there too was a son of Tho thomai missi hay bay lay the tha distinguished honorary secretary of the hobden watts club and M P for Roch dala who hail bad come out only to take a look at tho the place but bat who all tell fell in love lore with the life that he be do decided to invest one had been an ad in the royal navy another had been connected witha shanghai bank there was waa a brother to lord dublo not to of future baro baranets baronets ba roneta nets and hOnD theao young nen inen had all betia been attrall attracted here by their love lova of a free active life and the knowledge that they would enter a society congenial to their tastes fasten and early eions although differing widely from TOM fla ghea tennessee colony this IOWA community community has accomplished without any special agreement boa tween the members an undertaking which combines oom binea tho the profits of farming with the out ont door sports a dear to an ALL they have tho the very boat bent ground tor for fox hunting in i n the world a rolling prairie with avila a creek here and there every colonist lonist oo makes it his hia chief care after buying baying his bis farm area to breed a good hunter tor for the steeple chisek they have regular meets for fox or 11 paper 11 hunts as aalthe the ease may bo be they lut last your year opaenell it a racing track and wound up nis the races with a grand ball thu the event was a grawl brand an success cocoa and partners were brought even een from st rial paul 27 0 miles to the north to grace the occasion their relations with the close alroth ers era are very simple antl and entirely of a been business bai iness nature after oldemire aid old csire eire has expressed to ta join the ho sad and I 1 ibo firm hive have decided that they are worthy to be admitted they are required to pay pal as a species of initiation fee this is ia about flee fire per cent on the first investment and is a commission charged to each now new colonist in return they contract for putting up op ban houses all 8 building wells purchasing land and implements etc i bull and furnishing advice whenever upon it la Is something in in tle tile 0 of I 1 a lawyers fee lor for in future t tire consul n s the tax is saved matted over and aad over again in the boo security arity the stranger obtains against all manner of exorbitant charges sharp as down eastern bisters are reputed to be they are mere begin nars compared to a western laid ahu aa d have an all example eiB of coover wat lua on a large scale abalo that works ti otly atly and hag grown up from the of the colony without any previous theorizing on the abo subject the head of the colony buys bays tor for all at wholesale with a 8 large discount discon nt ho he sells eella at retail without charging the colonials anything but a nominal oora com mi mcmillon millon lot fox his service lorvi oe herein lies ouo secret regret of tho the power and prosperity ot of ibis colony they con can combine cubino co for purchase they can combine for contracts in working their estimates ou on a large scale they can combine for spec poo lal ial rates in tho the shipment of their prod uca noo to chicago st bt paril or st bt 1 louan uin tile the dingli colonist las has not these thes ad adeau v au so BO pronounced and above all does not enjoy the social advantage of being among amoni of his him owa tastes and home associations aej bigelow Ui gelow iu in harpers magazine |