Show 1 the tha exempress ex empress eugenio I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 it Is stated that the ex ei hii B iii iress reas eugenia edgenia who i is vow now living lu in hor bor child less lesa widowhood bood at in eng und land is a life of her oiin gHon who wall waa kiah lulled d nearly two 3 are rara ago ngu by the llie savage zalus in south A africa f aloa rev fow lived have been marc u ur r moro fall allot of vicissitude tiro than that of eugenio Ea genie and her ter protect alas aan tiou lends a pathetic aspect to tn her on oe her nod de a she olie its is it a suay figure to ali tile world the daughter of a spanish i nobl and the granddaughter of an aa irish gentleman who wits was at one ona time english consul at cadiz nothing could perhaps lavo have been further from rom hor her thoughts in the ilia days of her girlhood than that she should ever a throne she grow grew into a beautiful and blooming womanhood with her mother tile the duchess of alba bhe happeney hip hap penel to visit tint peril inri in the year 1852 when she wits WAS aboud about twenty eight years jears old there her extraordinary loveliness ol of poison and dignified and winning winnin tf grace ol of bea at once ence attracted the attention of the gay capital site appeared at the tuileries Tail Tuil erien eries when napoleon III hail had recently taken up his abode in his hill now caw imperial diga dignity ity sad aid the E emperor caperon quickly became onam 0 brej red of the fair spanish beauty it igbal lai been supposed that who IN boo at lorty forty five till still remained nad a bachelor would seek to strengthen his bia now throng throne byu by a marriage ter ol of some boma powerful royal house but bat he was VM so captivated by eugenier Euge Eagen les I 1 bharms that him he throw threw policy to the winds cast himself at her feet and begged her to share ahra and udora adorn his bia throne the spanish beauty I 1 not resist so BO brilliant a prospect the imperial lover over WM was accepted in less leaa than two yeara 1 1 flat after a she eho presented bar husband with y 1 t that t bs t only son ion who was for many years the center of his hop hopes ea und and who still later wait hla his mother a chief pride and oom comfort farl in the days of her misfortunes mud and widowhood the eugenie became tho the most and conspicuous princess its la europe she sot not the fashions of the world her receptions at the tailoring wore were tho the envy of othor other never estr wore the ibe of a palace more inora gracefully anil and splendidly din 1111 penned at the same sama tit timo no she presented an example of deop deep and sinforo piety she we waa a a devoted daughter of 0 the catholic Cath olio church Oliu roh and this fact hail had lo ho small in ia reconciling the oath cath olio lie priesthood in ia arauoo F truee to the rule of ler ber husband the tha trench french were proud of their beautiful beau empress aud and when they loard heard of her many charities and how bow she aho freely exposed her ber lift life to contagion by visiting the hospitals anil and tenderly caring for the sink alck their admiration increased into hiarm aarm love iier her charac ter was as porn para litell noble as her SUM face and form were lovely and by these thane qualities she probably proved of mora use in NApoleo throne than it if lie he hail had following the dictates of worldly prudence wedded a royal princess of 0 jemmy germany or russia when the will filial war with prussia rn re in her eli geile was la in paris parie tile tho population of tile the city were frao frolio fr otio tie with rage at the a utter defeat of the army but no hand wax was raised railed against the fair E agetle and she ebe was waa allowed to depart peacefully from the city and nut to take refuge in dorland thoo there in exile ahe he sweetly consoled the fallen emperor emparo as aa long as aa ho he lived faithfull to him and lis hia canoe to the last when he ha ditis she he had bad one groat great joy and consolation left it was her bor only son eon the manly and handsome band soma 1 prince now a callet cadot at the military school at woolwich iia he become her solitary hope she looked t f r yard vard to seeing him im return to Frac francu too bume aunts day As ai its emperor but bat he went to africa to birva in the E adlish aglish army against the savage zalas and one lay day was killed in a skirmish with them after defending da himself with desperate gallantry and courage the tha poor widow had now only the consolation of memory left with a bleeding heart she bhe list lait year undertook the he long leng weary bearr voyage from badland to 10 south africa to weep asail and pray on the lonely pot where her brave young son eon tell fell all the world followed tier ter journey with keen sympathy for her borrows and bereavements bereave mento and now she aha proposes to devoto devote her lonely hours to writing from her br full heart beart the brief memoir of that young career c so suddenly out short till when finished will certainly lie ito read ty by a pitying and world |