Show I 1 old dutch homos homes in albiny albany the iho houses in were very net neat without and within they were built chiefly of buck brick or stone anti and covered with whito white pine shingles or tiles from holland llanil most of them hod terraced gables fronting the street with gutters ex oxton liag from ilia saves avea beyond the to carry oil oft the ilia rain rainwater water hence tile streets were ul lit most bot impassable during a heavy storm of wind aud and rain ram the I 1 ho were warn broad and lined with simile shade trees with here aud there a bit ot of pavement tile honsch were A eta generally b but ut 1 fi I atory actor and andu it half higl high unit und well out ua on tile croatia floor iliah B toll bou boudry wry hid had its ita gi aili plot und and garden in ilia roar where were produced in groat great abundance mrs grant lu in her A of the amerlean Amer loan lady nays may a I 1 the llie lers and ono or two other families faai ilion bail bai 1 ver very y largo gardens gardena laid loutiti out in fanciful L a the ilia A ato opa or of the houses were anaed above the street and shaded by trees planted glinted in commemoration 0 of some event or the birth of some home member ol of tho the family imily ti und here gathered gatli orel tho the YO young ung aud arid old at twilight every fain ily hail ita cow in a common idol fl a id 1 at the end of tho the toon und una it 16 was a tight eight at evening to see sea each animal going home of ltd its own accord to bo be milked the bo tinkling bolls belle hung round its nook neck heralding its ap preach at eight 0 clock the bull boll wad rung a signal that work well was over for tho the lay day and here just amt a brief glance of the interior of tho the dutch hume tile tho kitchen fireplaces fire places were enormous largo large enough tu to roast a whole blocs or hog and over the crackling hickory logs ended on hooks books and tram iran mols mola bubbled and hissed the largo iron puta pota a and dk ettles horo here the family gathered while n by tho the light of 0 the tha glowing lira fire and a tallow dip the spun their linen hod tile alio burg burghers hors blacked their pipes 11 la tile the parlor lor that rev ray apartment of state was it a baui lar largo lire fire place with its hickory backlog back log and its ila shovel and an tongs keeping guard over the brass andi roBs rome or lire fire doge and tender fender the chimney jims jimba were inlaid with peril colored tiles of scriptural designs brought from holland slid and were ex quaint the ihu round tort table stood ira ib the iho parlor tho the largo equa equale to diniah table in tho the kitchen ki tchon or living room roam in due corner stood the old dutch datch clook clock no doubt the gr grandfathers grandfather a rid a telling th tha a year soar mouth day and lour the rising aud and setting of the moon and when each lour hour struck read bend ing ug for foith th in silvery tones some antique air in still another corner stood the holland cupboard with its abass doors diR playing the tha family plato plata and china there WAR the massive tankard tanka cJ the richly engraved engra vea bunah bowl tha ilia shell shaped hoped a sugar bowl with ilia ibe provisions provi aiona for the 11 bito bite and BUT bail aud tile the aonia or sifter bitter for cia cinnamon namon and sugar on the top stood a decanter of law large size always filled with mm and beside belde it a ne piece as of it a cows horn smooth on each end and hollow appod with silver and every morning before breakfast must take taka tt a lorn horn 1 I its BS nn an up ap pc po tizer hence the origin of the term in another corner stood the ilia hugo bugo oak ott en ironbound iron bound cheat brin ifal of llna fine linen of home production liter this thia lavo place to tho the 11 cited chest of drawers with w ith its brass rings and key bolea on the wall hung hang the pipa oase of any with the drawer underneath for to bacco every r ery house of pretension had its cook loft in tile tho steep root roof for lease a slaves loves in tho the middle mi idle of the hull bull wits I 1 the he 11 hoist haiat door through which the wheat was hoisted up ill by a crano and strad stored lathe la the loft 0 over yet the front door wits was a shelf with steps loading leading up to it here was placed a largo tobacco box always ahwal a kept filled and for every one to help himself on the parlor walla hung the dim portraits of rela relatives tivee it ID the Vador landt and lye yo reduce it long hang ing candlestick with a mirror to re cleot ye rays raya chintz calico formed the tha curtains which vero put up without cornic e the windows wore of very small p pines lines of gl glasa s be set in in lead framed the tha floors word were sanded banded with fanciful figures made iu m the sand with a broom handlo handle the 1 he boot boat chairs wore were straight anti high backed covered with hair haircloth cloth and ornamented with double and triple rows of brass brand nails mails about 1700 tile tho crawfoot craw foot sideboards sofas and tables wore generally ge used tho the high post boast bedstead onla bail bad its ita heavy curtains cart iuna anil and valance of camlet and on it a bed bad of live goose feathers to athora with a lights lighter one for covering the patch quilt quite wa was i a most at marvelous marve loaa altair affair oyer over door was usually a stone atone with the of erection and namo name or initials ini tiala of tha ilia builder in later times timea the abo data built iu in anywhere nod alad tho the general style of was altered harpers ma marfine Mat fIne ne |