Show i AM NUT considerable discussion has hai been created anionio tile the political circles of the united Stitt ca as to whether liet imir president garfield would full call an extra session of congress or not arid and for a long time politic tin an am with breath awaited the de decision cislon of oatlie ilia president in the interval the of the ilia country c oln 1 try worn were flooded flood til with wilh long ien leB ilera for and against the ilia holding of I 1 r the extra session bession the tha point tit issue seems to have been the consideration of benca thon ceva is ity ofa of a refunding bill 1111 the lican party strongly ugly advocated the propriety of tho the session sisi loii and bring in its aa a clincher that it if a refunding bill were adopted at at an eibrt 1 I si sva slon say to lo bo be held its ha early its in june 30 1881 I 1 then millions of 11 dollar ollars of old obligations obliga tlona could be called I 1 in a by january 1881 and new 3 pur per ct t bunds bonda would tit the did ili I 1 ihus there would be a saving or of interest in fir bix months which hrisi bring la I 1 n a clear gain of za now anil and odd dollars dollar siem to have it a wonderful tendency to bring out the in mighty ty strength and advocating vo I 9 the extra ses biou the rise 1 democratic party contend that the necessity ty of a refunding bill Is not the only y inducement to lu an extra sef lon lion I 1 but suggest that there la Is it great desire on the part of the he op osite party tr to make a clearance 0 of I 1 the ilia democratic members mei ubera of the as speedily epee dlly as aj possible ble and place republic kins ni in their seats seata hu lut t of 0 I 1 course the point just referred to not lot I 1 a republican not even senator would demand till an extra eilda sem upon but they endeavor to conceal bencsath the cloak of th re funding bill this thid their main reason rea ion fur for the call all it if an extra sc se silon had bad been called it would have been ex I 1 to cori bider the tha necessity necea alty of the refunding bill and not to turn I 1 u rn democrats or republicans out of the house it would also have proven that the democrats were right and mr air hayes haes was waa wrong about refund ing for there win was scarcely a shado w or 0 fa a chance lachance that the republicans any more than tho the western democrats would have consented to I 1 withdraw after the means used by bonito of the banks to bully congress congles Coi gress s the latest news informs us that tho the president has resolved not to call the republican hoped scission and till all controversy has bus had bad tin an end a ili far cur a as I 1 this extra eitra vesslen li Is concerned i |