Show WHO I 1 I 1 y hero here is is a specimen ol of the doi doing nga that male mon men lose iso their patience pati the tha chief incendiary oththo loy loyal al league and anil the literary blather skits akito of the vandal element I 1 in n gen oral ral wo WB mein mean 0 J hollister of courso dispatches the tha following to bonnet in response to the tha lat lattera telegram asking for something to whito wash tho the news of the murder of 0 dalton tho the father of tho the deceased par in in the mountain meadow massacre in 1885 dalton himself was first arrested on an indictment for unlawful cohabitation and es lie HA was again arrested in in april 1880 for the sarno same offe of Tenae riBe knocked the guard down ond and ag again fill i escaped lie ile has been a terror to the officers in in southern bouthern utah for years last may ho he sent threatening letters to the marshals MarB hilB office at beaver notifying the deputies that if they expected to arrest him they had bet ter tar come coma armed thompson has haa been connected with tho the marshals office in southern bou thorn utah twelve years and has always been regarded KB as a good discreet of ficor the iha author of this budget of in infamy has had bad along experience in in the class of to WE which ich it bo belongs longs he has been bean notorious for years ua no tho tha most irrepressible and ready falsifier of the tha whole carpet bag co combination I 1 it is this qualification fi that renders readers him desirable to tho the I as their chief secretary master scavenger grand dispenser of bands and a ad principal blotter plotter and calumniator for their washington I 1 Vas hington outpost it is ia well for the people to know who it is that is soliciting in their behalf under the tha pompous assumption of loyalty |