Show pacific coast disaster crew intoxicated san francisco 17 at 2 30 this morning tho the whaling bark atlantic was driven ashore a mile and a halt half below tho the cliff house and went to pieces in in a few minutes not a spar par remaining standing th the 6 w wreck reck was strown along the beach three or tour miles about abou t twenty five men are believed to be lost the captain and mate with eight or ton ten men were saved the following is is captain War warrens rons statement of the wreck we were towed out oat to aea day afternoon there wal was a heavy swell and no wind the currents wore were so so strong we could not get out of the swell wo we let go both anchors but the aea swept the docks decks and was so BO heavy the anchors could not hold we dragged ashore and struck at a m the dineh men word were being washed off during all this time by immense waves wavea which dashed over us ua the vessel went to pieces I 1 an hour and a half after she 6 struck there was a very heavy beavy fog and it was pitch dark wo we succeeded in lower lowering 9 two boats but bo both cap a bcd b before getting two boat lengths away iram too the ship tho the first brist boat contained Z H doty grist first mate antone antona perry third mate and four or five of bf the crow crew that was the last we saw of them in the second boat were myself second bacon J mate pung and five M men en when wo we were aw swamped the sea carried us in in till we wd touched bottom when we draped dragged ours ourselves elvei ashore we made mada no sig signals rials of dis die tress as 4 k was too foggy for any to be ba ay As soon as the captain roach reached d 8 shore bore he made his bis wity way in an ebba exhaust it ei ed condition to the lite life having sa Sta station tiona a few hundred yards away and gave the alarm the apparatus was immediately got out but owing to the darkness and the tog fog it was some time before the wreck could bo be located A line was then shot over her but proved of no service as it became entangled in in we the Il floating wreck ago and aad the vessel shortly went to pieces the vessel is is valued at and let her outfit at ansur ansur ance the captain and crew illum number ber forty two persons and up to the present 0 only bil y eleven are arc known to be saved 0 only n y one body thus thug far has been bean recovered recover ad it is ia rumored that a large portion of the crew were wera intoxicated and that twenty five were below sleeping off their liquor when the vessel struck and thus met their deaths there is 13 some gome doubt as to the tha number on off the tha ill fated bark when she left yesterday customs officer gives 12 42 while the captain izates there were but 38 the Tha ships captin captain and the pilots express tb the opinion that the tug which to towed d cainion the t 0 vessel out left her too soon N she should have taken talan her at least four mile further farther to sea where she would have been bean beyond the inshore sweep of the incoming tide |