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Show IStf BEQUEST IS MISUSED I ; Many Believe Thompson Fund Is I 1 j Not Being Properly Expended. I WILL NAMES HIGH SCHOOL PUPILS, NOT COLLEGIANS Present Beneficiaries, However, j Arc All Possessors of j Degrees. .Much comment baa licon caused by the publication of the list of Utah per- Ri hops who liavi) been rccomiucndoil to re- f'l ecive tho benefit of tho endowment of 1 the late .Mrs. .Jennie D. Thompson. Mm. m Thompson was the widow of tho lute 3a 'Dr. Thompson, aud in her will left a I sum of money to be unco for tho education edu-cation of worthy sons and daughters of Utah who had passed four years at a recognized high school, tho instruction to be furnished by the University of California. Tho committee to pass upon tho applicants ap-plicants is composed of the governor of Utah, President Kingsbury of thu Urn-' Urn-' varsity of Utah and President Widtsoo of tfie Agricultural college. Their recommendations, as published a few days ago in The Tribune, were as follows: fol-lows: Lyman L. Daines. A. B., Brigham Young collude, 190S; M. A., University of Vlnh, 1010; working in department of botany. i Fcramorz T. Fox, A. B., University of l'tah, I90i; working In department of economics. Ij. w. uoaruner, A. H., Bi'ieiiam ioung college, 1008: M. A., University of Utah, 1910; Instructor in Brigham Young college; col-lege; working in political science. J. IS. Graves, IS. S., Utah Agricultural college, 1901: M. S.. Univei-slty of Illinois. Illi-nois. 190S; working In agricultural chemistry. chem-istry. 15. II. Wallers. B. S Utah Agricultural college. 1009: assistant chemist in Utah Agrlcutural college. Provisions of Will. Tho public is now. inquiring why graduates of colleges aud universities of the state, holders of degrees- and teachers iu the said institutions should be chosen when the will of "Mrs. Thompson Thomp-son expressly provided for young men and women of the state to bo provided with an education, and not those who had already received a college educa-' educa-' tiou. The "portion of the will covering the caso is as follows: Eleventh All the rest, residue and remainder re-mainder of my C3f.atc. both real and personal and wherever situated, after the IW I give, devise and bequeath unto the m "xucutors of this, my Inst will and testy tes-ty lament, hereinafter named, io be held wj b. them In trust for the following uses wj and purposes, namely: (I To assign, transfer, convey and dels de-ls liver ull of said property, both real and ib personal, unto the regents of the Unl-IB Unl-IB verflty of California, as a perpetual en-II en-II dowmcnt fund, to be known and called j tho "Willard D. Thompson Memorial n fund," for the purpose of founding and n f-stabllshlng scholarships for the higher U education of worthy young men and worn wo-rn men. residents of Utah, and who shall 1 hav completed at least a four-years' Hj course at seme high school of recog-K recog-K nlzcd standing. Tho beneficiaries of such fif memorial fund shall be ascertained and ijj determined In such manner as may be Sfij prescribed and dictated by the said re-Fi re-Fi gents of the said University of Cali- fornia, or by the president and aca-II aca-II demlc council or committee thereof of I tho said University of California. 'A And whereas a portion of my said es-tate es-tate consists of real estate. Hltuated on A Dearborn street, Chicago, 111., which is i under lease for the term of ninety-nine $1 years, about eighty years of which term nj nre yet to run, and whereas the said m real estate cannot now be nold for any 1 .um approximating the amount for which I the same may be sold at or near the J termination of snld lease, it Is my wish It and desire, and I hereby enjoin and dl-jf dl-jf t eel that said Chicago real estate not E ! be sold during the term or continuance ) f such lease, but that the Income there-It there-It from be devoted to the purposes of such I memorial fund during lifts term of said i) lease, and that thereafter the said real R estate bo held and disposed of as shall iU tii'Mt si'cm proper to the said regents of (It wild University of California, for the m ducation of young men and women of m l'tah, as aforesaid: btit In no event shall Dl the principal of such endowment fund hi- devoted to any purpose, it being mv K wish that only the income of such me- niorlal fund be so used. In order that this IR endowment may be lasting. |