Show PM AT 1 trie lafe A FINE PLANT PUT IN prove men at the head of the enterprise city work tuesday night the grand electric light plant 0 thriving payson sent fort its first lurid incandescence to the delight ot all who appreciate liehr the corn pany intended having the system in operation for the holidays but were defeated by a slight accident abent a week ago when starting the machinery one of the steel hands from the amature broke which necessitated the delay until another amature could he gotten from alie factory the company was organized on the of with the following officers as a stock company president thomas E daniels secretary jos A daniels manger geo finlayson treasurer geo W hancock the above named gentlemen constitute tha stock owners and entire company alie machinery is from the national machine company eau clara wisconsin and cost the elec machine consists of but one dynamo capacitated to venerate een erate five h undred sixteen candle power lamps the plant is located at the coop co op mill site with twenty horsepower horse power water and forty horse eleine both of which are more than sufficient to run the dynamo to its utmost capacity the natural rate of speed is one thousand four hundred and sixty five revolutions per minute which is a trifle leas than the speed of the large dynamo at provo tho entire system is incandescent and no arc lights the company claims that they can light the city with leas cost and by the system of distributing every few feet make the scheme a complete success abe present lighting costs the city five dollars per block but it is not PS good as the provo system ahey expect to distribute lights twenty feet on the main streets and that they expect to equal the ac lamps the city has made no contract as to how many lights they will take but are now using twenty biye incandescent lights of twenty five candle power the business mem baue haue already taken one hundred lights and after seeing the success of thy concern thee remains no doubt bufa that the company will have all their power will produce the city authorities were somewhat con in regard to the project but now that the city is electrically awakened we expect them to take wore light on the question the entire cost of what has already been put into operation is less than four thousand dollars and yet the prospects are that payson will have as a plant as her sister cities if the citizens will support the movement like in all prosperous cities the fathers are at work on the ordinance making them fit the every want and emergency uie last proceedings to revise the ordinance relating to buildings and improvements obstructing the cje walks etc the ordinance relating to signs across the sidewalks was revised so as to remove them to the front of the buildings alie cize of signs and awnings was also the license of liquor dealers was raised from six to eight hundred dollars per year after their present time expire some time since there was a curfew hill drafted hut lodged on the table theartres theatres The atres concerts parties etc have been the leading of the holidays just past last night an immense throne of eager listeners were entertained at the meeting house by mr charles ellis the noted lecturer he ia a liberal phenomenon striking terror to those who oppose freedom and liberty while treating his subject history of utah from 47 to 70 ho touched many points familiar to the veterans of those trying times which aroused their zeal and shouts of go on came from the audience by request he will lecture again on next wednesday evening on the subject of utah liberalism twelve missionaries are called from this place to repair to europe on a savine errand and as soon as can be determined they will start for their ie pec tivo fields of operation in alie old world bishop tanner and aids are busy set aling tithing accounts this week to night davson is to witness ten in a bar koom by the rogers leroy beasley dramatic co VE DAM |