Show DAILY C GRAHAM managed Mana gei ane telephone number is 27 local mention in this column 30 cents per L ne each insertion advertisements and changes be sent to THE ENQUIRER office not later lan 10 a m to secure inser ion same dav THURSDAY JANUARY mr william T price a justice of the peace at neb was confined con fineo to his bed last winter with a severe attack of lumbago but a thorough ap of pain babir balir enabled him to ret up and go to work mr price says tim can not le recommended too highly 7 let am one troubled with rheumatism neuralgia or lame back give it a trial and the will be of tho samo adinion OD 50 cent bottles for bale br co stock fish cod fieh bloaters salt herrier herri nR dunn co syrup in bulk and in cans dunn co LOOK out lor the araud enow window if at tonight to night it ia elegant call T and see them noticed the show windows ottha east coop co op it is perfectly nad ifould A small ladys watch last the owner can have by giving big address at f this office en provo if mr andersen will leave the watch at the V P eating house in this city be will be suitably rewarded by the owner miss ALICE chamberlains eye and shin ointment A certain cure for chronic sore eyes tetter salt rheum scald head old chroliw fever sores eczema itch prairie scratches sore nipples and piles it id cooling and soothing hundreds of tases have been cured by attar all otar treatment had failed is pat u in 2 ai I 1 n nt boxes take it before breakfast the preat appetizer tonic and liver regulator in use for more than 50 yeara in england positive specific for liver complaint bad taste in the mouth on arising in the morning dull pains in the head and back of the eyes tired feeling dizziness lancor of liver wm plaint remedy dr henleys Hen leys english dandelion tonic relieves constipation sti pation sharpens the api etite and the entire system get the genuine from your druggist for 1 and take according t directions smoot drug Coa yenta es ap both the method and results bhea barup of figs is balsen it is pleasant fad refreshing to alio taste and acts gently yet promptly on the kidneys chiver and bowels cleanses tho ays cm effectually dispels colds head aches and fevers a nd cures habitual constipation i permanently por eal in and 1 bottles by all druggists FIG CO SAM cal jrr HEW YORK JK r doe buck kedmy TOA alf core you boots and fine lines dunn co wanted A girl to do general house wora apply at mrs G S taylor corner of and L street ull want raisins rail at boshardy Bo shards y H siamon M D F 0 bickford M D rickford physicians and gar geons roams 1 and 2 EXCELSIOR alic brovo CITY UTAH BUSINESS stable to rent THOMSON CASH paid for dry onions at east COOP FOB SALK pare jed durham bull Th foe SALE Imported shire stallion thomson FOR SALE pure bred tersey bull thomson oysters oy ane season at the enterprise restaurant promptness and cheapness at the enterprise restaurant IF you want a good square meal eo 25 the enterprise restaurant dinners cents hoods and great reductions in prices dunn co THE dinners at the excelsior knestaut rant are superior to adv n town con scoring the price on v j most complete line of fancy and plain dishes can be found at the east coo co o we are buering 20 discount on our ladies cloaks and wrap at DUNN A co cats underwear in ayery variety and rt low down figures at bos co J street and buggy business for sale THOMPSON EVERY person groceries for cash at Bc shards will be untilled en tilled to a draw in the best music bos in town woi th fence of arery kind for sale by M L ecail ciders from the attended to addres M L pratt rosh ros H I 1 ov launt wason for sale cheap joseph A harris quilts blankets yarns hobery at dunn co the arcade restaurant Rest aurent three doors cast 0 the factory ace is the best and chelest pace in town to meals aud ostein aie eo table boa boj doj ly tour dolt s per weel when bod ania frood mel so to the aicale reet auant LOP s colli z piotr eo your raisins cm i ants lemons and c tron peel abc toe east co ep they sell ahe abw goods at low prices by the box and quantity at special prices tem ann job odice has term r e ports for district schools always on hand send in year orders canned goods all kinds dunn co pickles in any quantity dunn co mcewan co are determined to sell out all their mens clothing at cost now is your chance notice there will be a of the bloc holders of the pr ovo theatre co held on monday jan 12 1891 in the prayo tweatie Tb eatie for the purpose of electing di and for the transacting of such other business as may come before the meeting to be held at 7 p m C A GLAZIER sec STANDARD combination fence kanuf by M L laatt chamber of commerce annual maetina Me etina alie annual meeting ol 01 the prove city chamber of commerce will be held at alie federal court room on thursday january ath 1891 at p m for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before the meeting SuTa saLAND president B jr Secretary i still leads the grocery trado of cul and pea lor yourselves baled hay in any quantity at sad JOB A A light spring wagon for sale sad jos A dissolution of heretofore expiating exia ting under fethe firm name of donaldson smith contractors has this day baen mutually dissolved all debts dacej the firm should be paid to hrc Smith who is responsible for liabilities due by the firm in this city C T DONALDSON H 0 sun 11 jan 2 1891 TRADE THE gatea I 1 cubes CONC jiji ion GENERAL debilities DEBILI TIES NERVOUS testimonial UTAH NOT K 90 Ha ivator medical compaan Com for over tour years I 1 have been troubled with my lungs and unable to lie side J was by our druggist to try salvator magnna mier using one bottle I 1 could lie on either side without pain or coughing and am re sling and looking bueb better it la a lul clie and I 1 intend to co atlane au ase i respectfully DAVID ask your dealer tor it and if riot in send to the magnus 10 ka 30 commercial sal city rinh bec davis has removed his to the first door west of r snow furniture company on center street abre he is now prepared to do all kinds of hami im CORNICE WORK dinall the latest styles and patterns alo tin roofing call and get prices before contracting elsewhere E cadavis CJ Davis STEPHENS LEET undertakers supplied in the ibbe DIRECTING FUNERALS EMBALMING AND SHIPPING BODIES A SPECIALTY we have the only plearse in proto which will be furnished on reasonable terms orders I 1 y mail promptly attended to W center st gates snow CB wholesale and retail dealers in furniture of all Ms bedroom suits 22 and up wards parlor suits and upholstery at bargains carriages lace curtains portieres eres ac arices to amt all we are now in conr now quarters least seventh UTAH fai CHEAPEST j api y ace vim gl CO g oplie best coode rand jhc thc lowcau eg B dry goods groceries Ladies Children gents furnishing goods BOOTS e carff bellinoff Sel linOff ou of AT oost p t abb CONVINCE Oar t fe ri babtis ito the provo grocery IS THE TO PURCHASE ani quick delivery to any and all parts of the city jtb the paw focee the pleasant valley coal as EOS AM AI delivered i smoot deals goal Yar dRio grande depot orders ator telephone to the commercial and batok next 8 0 days will dispose of one lot of mens suits at one lot of mens overcoats at shirts at 25 cents each an endless neckwear at 25 cents and upward LINK S W are equal to any west of now toa and prices as low such is t he tu mony of conr patron including mckolay and baby mckee gall and examine goods and prices yon will be rare fo buy iron SINGLETON sapt OWN WITH Capi Hary bronchitis in provo YV bamm baesa sa esa E in order to save the little ones 1 and meat the of the P money market we have reduced our WOOLEN underwear we have them from 60 cents jp pr suit up i e PANTS and ALL WOO for SO cents spend in warm clothing and save doctors bills remember at so 14 irmon block 11 ibok SCHOOL SUPPLIES fory 0 r school pencils araj ona ink paper benr etc go to 00 W caiar the beat and Chaft pest of NOTE BOOKS BOOK SACKS ETC of any town pianos ageana or 3 Domitio machine packard and anase jar an elegant line of WALL PAPER proa boot and obery co block |