Show combines the juice of the blue figs of california s laxative and with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be most to the human system forming alie ON LY PERFECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on the LITER AM BOWELS AND 70 cleanse fihs ihs system effectually SO THAT PURE BLOOD SLEEP HEALTH and STRENGTH naturally follow every one is using it and all are delighted with it ask your druggist for OF PIGS manufactured only by the california FIG SYRUP CO SAW FRAMCISCO CAL ky NEW your N Y maxtin As cut n A rn i rn 0 r A I 1 ia 1 b and reissues re issues secured trade star and all other fiteni cai ea li uio I 1 aleut beom ahe courts al prosecuted dpn receipt of or of ln inake c and advise as arvi ol 01 sri will my onica directly from buc rut ti there it is apparent that i 0 o ff for searcher for the more and ahr li ill business entrust eil to my carp in alio llio tune alks attention business advice alid sent on reinist rein cst 1 PL LITTELL ai in catties 1 opposite U intent olalee diw 3 G NI J W JUDD sutherland fit 11 practice in all the courts of utah and adjoining slates ancl territories aall U TL U CIVIL ENGINEER county surveyor for utah county surveyor for provo city office opposite courthouse O OIT 2 U TS JOHN B alner attorney at law provo city altah y f officio at residence 2 blocks east of roberts house EVIDENT DENTIST room no 10 isak building UTAH HL Brus hAMM D pleasant grove utah soltico onu door east of or BEERS OTEL calls by day or promptly responded tc all kinds at the lowest figures FIRST CLASS V onit teeth removed by dr Christi ansons painless extraction hiis electric vapor is the safest and best J N bank building up stairs arrovo PAGE 00 REAL ESTATE fine farms for sale CITY retah SAMUEL A 01 JF long lime and lo 10 n kates or interest correspondence solicited and promptly answered office at BesiIe nce one block east from coop co op store spanish fork DON R CORAY CO aso vo 0 O ta 23 MONEY lofther LONG TOE low rate of interest correspondence solicited and answered promptly office over first Kat ionel bank SONS contractors CONTRACT Ons AM BUILDERS PROVO CITY UTAH arc prepared to do nil kinds of mason and at the prices persons intending to build would well to address liddiard sons P 0 box 40 provo city begg d when baby was sick we gave her castoria when she was a child she cried for castoria when she became miss she clung to castoria when she had children she cave them castori Cae tori BY a typographical in error our district court minutes aa reported enter day alie verdict in the case read not kalty as charged in the indictment this was incorrect the jury brought in a of guilty also in the john kilian adultery c se the cods a plea of not guilty were omitted al TRADE MARK TING REMEDY positively eral debilities Debili ties bron i prostration ass salvabor Sal valor alnonia Aln gnia Alet lical for I 1 have been tumbled with in and to lie upon my right sla I 1 was in ended by try attar using bouc bottle I 1 could itri on alme side without pain or cinghina cing hing abid an aai much better it Is u med hejne annl I 1 intend to continue its usa FonDu NiKi ask your lr and 11 nt to atio salvator magnus co ati NO so commerina kt salt lako fhy 1 ahia Standi nir with reluctant feet where ha atod meet womanhood and childhood flat la a type of tho mands of young aws irac are enier sins from the naffe of their Ner youa nt ci they enter upon their teena by e unknowably abl each forgea altu y abam the unto our c md cue the most lonar aad tho aid of nt dr to oat 1 M its athla critical safely carry them w ough period during which in many lives aa bl too female aex forms but of peculiar to tha this boon to will prevent all if they bare such or our them already a noaim owe it to herself to her family and to hr iclal petion te tion to be wu and strong her it then not TaT neglect nure mean of cure alne a leoj and compounded toy an skillful and adaptor to delicate homana in its composition it is purely refutable refe table and perfectly harmle in its effects la bald any condition of the etem by or aix boteff for copyright 1833 by WOULD DIS mm aiex and cleanta the ivr bowel they are and purely and nw one A bolday cheap groceries talk about cheap groceries go to boshardy shards Bo and convince yourself that he is headquarters for groceries We quote prices of a few articles sugar 12 bs for a dollar bacon 10 acts hams A no 1 acts no ct 12 cs syrup a gpo lenox soap 15 bars for 50 acta lest wine vinegar 25 acts a gal new orleans molasses a gal lye 10 acts tomatoes 15 12 acts per ho sugar corn 12 acts a can chipped beef 20 a ft bologna fresh 10 acts a booths fresh oysters 40 acts oranges from 20 to 50 acts a dozen all kinds of garden seed sand at bottom figures CALDELL the man who was arrested for biting a finger from the hand of a mr wilson of payson in a drunken row was brought m yesterday by deputy sheriff le of wyoming he had been placed under bonds which he had forfeited his bondsmen ware tom daniels and mr and it was at their solicitation that mr lee brought the man in he was found out on green river mr kellogg has been appointed by the court to defend him OF THE axx bytha SATI OSAl under a twenty years contract BY kexie an international improvement co braad monthly nes held in the moresque pavilion ta the alameda aar city of mexico and conducted hy officials ap polut J for the durpos o by tha secretaries of aba tho treasury roni di I 1 tl city of CAPITAL eo tickets at 84 2376 prizes amounting to pili e of tickets american money wes U halves sa quarters 1 of PRIZES 1 capital ariee of 1 capital la 1 capital prue of 1 grand prize of exo 13 2000 3 erizea of 1000 ire 6 COO 20 20 1 1000 MO 0 SM 21 prizes prizes of 0 arize thoc prizes of 60 to prize prizes of 40 to locco artee terminals of 20 decided by arize 2276 AUP sold la the united states ruu united states currena Cur FEATURES by terms of contract the company must deposit the bum of all prizes included lu the scheme before selling A single ticket and receive the following official permit certify sank of and america hoi on special deposit ajie the payment of alt prizes drawn hi the loleria e la further tho company li to distribute eltty sax per cent tf abo valno ct cu the tickets la a larger r chaa la given by any other lottery all drawings under he personal supervision and management of da i intervenor by tho government of prizes will bo rent after the drawing to all or on application may be deposited for collection with aay juank or sent thronia or by mall registered to this of ice for foil particulars odd reaal apar tado TW city of maxico GOING EAST TO BU U ato 01 MARTIN DRAKE atah 17 IMPORTERS MO BREEDERS OF suffolk punch english shire and cleveland bay horses and shetland ponies shorthorn short horn and holstein cattle fa gavce the largest and finest studa of pure bred Horses West of the missouri biver our pure bred 7 aro second to none in the west stock for sale at all times at LIVING PRICES AND OS EASY visitors welcome invited A coin biste assortment of stoves in in in appearance and all under one name bucks sole agent for utah will open on or about march ast 1st 1890 with a full line of hsc HS c y GARDEN TOOLS cutlery stoves and will give special attention to builders hardware lion block CITY walter wheeler Z undertaker has opened his office at tho carries a full line of TOTING MENS COOP CO OP undertakers goods one door west of Wight mana new store where he is prepared to do HOMEMADE HOME MADE AND IMPORTED COFFINS FIRST CLASS DENTISTRY kept constantly on hand in the most approved style sole agents for utah for the airtight air tight and indestructible casket PRICES reasonable and miniature vault combined orders ALL WORK by mail or despatch promptly filled gy samples of casket and styles of payson city utah wallpaper always on hand main street utah PEOPLES SALOON has the finest and choicest stock of mm WINES ETC best brands of ay iy blocks south of E G W depot cigars and tobaccos cos GOOD BEDS accommodations and GOOD in town trade a specialty cos the proprietors will always be found BATES call goon natured and smi lins give US a per day GOO per week proprietors which are the cheapest bates in town J C VAX proprietor main street spanish fork utah springville Spring ville utah J 31 aes 3 af MINING WATER WHEEL designed for all there limited purposes quantities of water and utilized bieh heads guaranteed to give are more power with less made water than other any being placed on horizontal shaft the wheel is by belts and all gearing dispensed with power transmitted direct to shafting for wheels estimates furnished on application specially built and adapted in capacity to suit further any particular information case can be obtained of this form ordinary vertical turbines for wooden 0 construction as well as the penstocks pen stocks a nd in iron cost by applying to the manufacturers globe cases free of springfield ohio or liberty st N Y JAMES city prease LEFFEL mention this CO paper WILLIAMS J C WITHERS D T flithers biarl OF AND IN jj ls lap puipui and a general stock of SOLE OP THE celebrated CANVASS PACK BAGS COMMONLY MEN repairing neatly done I 1 oar before MOTTO quick sales and small profits remember the jalace main street payson or I 1 street provo OPPOSITE great clearing out NOT TO CANADA but of boys clothing hats and capa boots and shoes etc to make room for spring stock we arill sell all our ladies and childrens jackets and cloaks for less than coat call and see them barney irvin |