Show 0 combines the juice of the blue figs of california so laxative and nutritious with the medicinal virtues of plants known to be arnot beneficial to the human system forming the ONLY PERFECT REMEDY to act gently yet promptly on alic KIDNEYS LIVER AND BOWELS AND TO cleanse the system effectually SO THAT PURE BLOOD refreshing SLEEP HEALTH and STRENGTH naturally follow every one is using it and all are delighted with it ask your druggist for OF FIGS manufactured only by the california FIG SYRUP CO f FRANCISCO CAL KY NEW N Y rynka aurnt J G J W JUDD ATTORNEYS AT aih practice in all alic courts of utah and adjoining adjoin inE states anil territories aai L v rotc c TY ITY I u TA ii sutherland f attorneys councillors councilors Counci lors at law will practice in ill the courts os he tern ory office up S aars DuiM ln main brovo ENGINEER county surveyor for utah county surveyor for POVO city office opposite courthouse cita JOHN B MILNER attorney at law ivines buildings Buil dins isadoor provo city utah R T LAW oprice koom BuS luing 3 city UT yah DENTIST room no 10 bank building utan A T all kinds al tha lowest FIRST CLASS WORK GUA teeth removed by dr christian sons painless extraction his electric vapor is the safest and best J N CHRaST gAMSON bank bui liling up stairs provo SAMUEL kotelly ir admy long time and low kates or interest correspondence solicited and promptly answered office at residence one block east from coop co op store spanish fork attah am prepared to furnish LUMBER to the TRADE in any quantity and to any sizes desired fourth ward provo gity DON R CORAY CO v MONEY OS LONG TIME low lo w rate of interest correspondence solicited and answered promptly office over first national bank LONDON ASSURANCE corporation of london capital paid up cash assets over ASSURE CE COMPANY of london and aberdeen capital paid ap funds over connecticut FIRE INSURANCE CO of hartford conn cash capital 1000 basli assets eugene A agent for american rork lohi pleasant grove alane and vicinities notary public and civil engineer WAL WA L AT THE abi la doing a largo family trade and continues to keep on hand the choicest BEEP AND shou nest doer west of the west coop co op free delivery to any part of provo PROTECT YOUR EYES A 0 3 0 mr H hirschberg HIBSCH BERG ane adl dilvo str antler planters house st souls baa appointed smoot richard aco of prow as agents fur their celebrated diamond spectacles and eyeglasses and also for his diamond non changeable spectacles and eyeglasses these glasses are tha greatest invention ever baade m spectacles by a proper construction lena a person a pair or these non glasses esver bai to chaale rhetie glasses from the eyes anil every pair purchased are guaranteed so that it ihry ever leave the eyes no matter how or scratched lenses are they will the party with a new pair of glasses iree 0 S co nave a aill assortment and invites all ato wish to catl jy lliam belvea of aba areat superiority of abee over any and all others now in use to call and examine the same ft coy bole agents for sw OP ti pi iiii laoj uJ liviu effs ca s lisa cs alss assy by tire hedican gATi eiL damu under a acs G 2 C av la l co drawings lej in ila mr iiii jr ailion lithe ct mexico publicly conducted 1 rp lytle tetir te tir carlls tarl ls and the treasury the monthly te t e lid l id in th city of mexico jan 9 1890 CAPITAL phaze 0 J 00 f y tickets at sa 2576 prizes to price of tickets american money wholes sa halves sa quarters sl LIST OF 1 capital is cooko 1 capital prize of Is 1 capital prize of is I 1 grand prize of 2000 is 2000 3 prizes of 1000 are 0 20 Prize Prize 50 SM prizes of 20 approximation prizes prizes of 60 approximate to prize prizes of 50 to prize prizes of 40 to prize decided prize 8 AU prizes sold in the united states full paid in states currency FEAT CItES by terms of contract the company must deposit the sum of all prizes included in the scheme before belling a single octet and receive the following of fickal permit certificate certify the london of mexico and south america fias on special deposit the necessary funds the payment cf fcc the botera de ta mullica Pul lica further tho company Is required to distribute fifty six per cent cf tho value of all the tickets in prizes a larger proportion than la given by any other lottery all drawings ander the personal supervision and management mana of DR BAMON intervenor appointed by the government list of prizes will be sent immediately after aba drawing to all correspondents or on application prizes may bo deposited for collection with any bank or or sent throngs them or by faau registered to this office for full particulars address IT apar tada 76 city or mexico mexico easily commands connary without giving up any of its POPULAR FEATURES ft continues to add NEW attractions to its columns to WOMANS THE FARM AND HOME THE SHOP correspondence interesting STORIES THE NEWS OP THE WOM D IT HAS ADDED THIS SEASON OUR YOUTHS department edited by MRS FRANCES HODGSON BURNETT itla intended to matee this department both entertaining and instructive not only to the children tout to every member of the family the best and most popular writers and educators have been engaged as contributors this department will equal in the character of its contents any publication for young people in the country A series of atti written by famous novelists will be another new feature of THE INTER OCEAN tho rev georg ebers has written the first of the ceries entitled JOSHUA which began to run in the paper in october this will be succeeded in january by one from the pen of elizabeth stuart phelps author of gates ajar etc her story will be a novel of the times of christ and will be entitled COME FORTH the famous H rider haggard will write a story of the early times of babylon and jerusalem to be entitled ESTHER there bat these stories will attract great attention in addition to all this every yearly subscriber to THE WEEKLY OR SS S will RECEIVE A ENGRAVING which of itself ought to be worth the price of the paper to further accommodate its readers TUB artee has made a combination with THE HOME MAGAZINE edited by mca JOHS A LOGAN by which that paper is sent forces year with TIIE WEEKLY OCEAN for one dollar and ten cents only think BOTH for thus everyone can have reading matter of THE BEST QUALITY at the very lowest aice the price of THE WEEKLY INTE KOCEAN Is 1 per year the price of THE semiweekly is ga per year send for sample copies liberal terms to postmasters and club agents address THE OCEAN chicago BEFORE GOING EAST TO MARTIN DRAKE UTAH 17 IMPORTERS AND BREEDERS OF suffolk english shire and cleveland bay horses and shetland ponies shorthorn short horn and holstein cattle ive havee the largest and finest of pure bred horses west of the missouri kiver are second to none in the west stock for sale at all times at LIVING AND OIT r EASY visitors welcome correspondence invite 1 caa esclas MINING WATER WHEEL resigned for all purposes where limited quantities of water and liidi heads are lazed guaranteed to give more power with less water than any other wheel de beni placed on horizontal shaft the power is transmitted direct to shaft by belts and all gearing dispensed with estimates furnis lied on application wheels specially built and adapted in capacity to suit any particular case urther information can be obtained of this form of construction as well as the binary linary vertical turbines for wooden penstocks pen stocks a nd in iron globe cases free of t by applying t the manufacturers JAMES LEFFEL CO springfield ohio or liberty st N Y city prease mention tins paper G W WILLIAMS J 0 WITHERS D T CLARK HB Ys re m JU J J e manufacturers OF AND DEALERS IN t bastob collars slaps spurs Lap Soles and a general stock of SOLE MAKERS OF THE celebrated CANVASS PACK baga COMMONLY USED BY SHEEP MEN repairing neatly done call and examine oar stock and before OTJE MOTTO anick sales and small profits BRe member the place main street payson or centre provo OPPOSITE TAYLOR BROTHERS jih leaf jk qa ba c 4 STORES 4 daily arrivals HOUSE SALT LAK full stock of clothing latest novelties ia dress ladies misses und childrens W JL 9 t C t drop m and examine our THE EUREKA STAGE ine stage between santaquin San and eureka will run EE LL S OF DAILY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE leaving eureka and santaquin San on TUESDAYS THURSDAYS SUNDAYS W eciek one stage will leave eureka and another santaquin San connecting at boshen in ume for dinner stages will connect same day with passenger going north from dianta aum and will gelyon through to eureka at 4 pm stages leave at 10 a mann and thursdays J VT TUTT LIi PEOPLES OPERATIVE cooperative CO institution lefel UTAH CO IK general merchandise ini issett S vae or LT imber doors windows ETC ETC T R bupt supt YOUNG MENS coop co op i bitah IK general merchandise farming implements ami all kinds of WM essco STILL A and listen I 1 tell you of beautiful bedroom and parlor suites that have just arrived at taylor bros their carpets and wall papers are the finest in the market and sold at such reduced i prices that you and everybody else can afford to furnish your home get me a baby carriage a chicago cottage organ and new home sewing machine remember the place H tia DR JOHN musician mS ICIAN MB SURGEON the treatment of 0 anil chronic diseases in which he has had upwards of 40 years successful experience a specialty PROVO CITY UTAH manufacturers of STEAM ENGINES BOILERS PUMPS BRASS IRON CASTINGS CASTINGS FOR STOVE FRONTS MILL WORK WORK FOR JAILS BRIDGES and BUILDINGS WROUGHT IRON FENCING BOILER REPAIRING A SPECIALTY ALL KINDS 0 plumbing gas and filling 15 manufacturers and dealers in STEAM HEATERS you PRIVATE BUILDINGS DEVEYS PATENT TUBULAR IRON wheelbarrow S FOR MINERS FARMERS CASH paio FOR OLD C ast 1st IRON half block west of west coop co op P 0 limox agents for laflel steam engines and water wheels DEVEY sutherland attorneys and counselors at law will in all the courts of the territory office co stairs fietcher maidl street provo hoalt FOUNDRY AND T SONS LESSEES manufacturers and dealers in STEAM ENGINES BOILERS mining and agricultural machinery castings for shoves buildings and hill work of all kinds I 1 to thugs 5 ah D CRESTING MADE TO ORDER all work of the best material and CS axa acee 23 COMING TO THE FONT STAR MEAT MARKET have opened a new shop one door of their old stand where they will keep y ion HAD THE BEST befi M ani foa mi AND PORK SAUSAGE calves and dressed hogs wanted free delivery to any part of the city OPPOSITE TSE COURT HOUSE TiU Sy Y OF liev li tV CARRYING A FULL LINE OF DRUGS MEDICINES CHEMICALS TOILET also a choice selection of our motto is low prices and small profits dr A J shores in constant attendance physicians prescriptions fally compounded day or night II 11 E manager main street payson city utah alios contractors CONTRACT mib BUILDERS PROVO CITY UTAH are prepared to do nil kinds of janson y and at the lao krest persons intending to build would do well to address liddiard sons P 0 box 40 provo city b P P hindmarsh NEW BASKET AT WEST END carries a full line of imported and home made BASKETS all sold at prices that defy competition ho will also have a choice selection of home made and imported candies itata etc he will sell at BED ROCK PRICES give him a call SAMUEL L PAGE at law WILI MAKS LOANS ON low rates of interest on one yeara time and upwards correspondence solicited us sa |