Show AN IRISH MEETING will he held tonight in chicago john feltner is tried for murdering Murd eing james morrell general news CHICAGO dec 22 special A great mass meeting will be held at battery D this evening by the irish americans of this city in support of parnell the sentiment sent imant amon mhd irish americans oi chicago not including the few who have accumulated vast wealth is overwhelming wh elming in favor of the continuance of pamell as leader of the irish people all factions by parnell Pd rnell the meeting therefore tonight to night promises to be both large and enthusiastic Es Congress inan john F finerty will preside and the resolutions will arraign healy sexton and mccarthy for walking with open eyes into the gladstone net tim healy never a favorite among his country people in chicago is beyerly denounced where ever irishmen congregate for the foul language he has applied to parnell nothing but pitty is expressed for poor sexton Mc Cathya literary works are rising up to accuse him in one of them he draws with a master hand the picture of an fleeing from english justice for having ahot the landlord and two weeks later turns up in new york as a member of the police force it has been an open secret here or some years that the two healas healys He alys F D ri tim healas healys father in law fc sullivan and michael davitt all of whom except the latter have been paid for their out of the parnell faud contributed by the irish in america and australia principally have been fighting the irish leader in an underhand way if the anti should win today to day in kelkenney it will mean the election of as leader to parnell in the leadership of the irish parly for already the amiable mccarthy ia already pleading to be allowed to retire from the of ace tim healy will never be accepted as loader by the ariah americans of chicago who claim that for the ten years tie has been in public life he ahna failed to establish a reputation for political honesty murderer a ind dec 22 specie john W feltner indicted for the murder of jamea mc rell at huron indianna just a month ago was brought up for trial today to day hia attorney made several delatore del atory motions and finally made au for a change of venne which will be argued tomorrow to morrow meat wednesday old man elbanks lind his son will be put on trial for the murder of mary mitchell on november ll 11 thia was a vary son rational eat ional murder and attempts were made to lynch the accused the case haa attracted wide attention and it will be closely watched by the public and by lawyers who are interested in some novel points that are to be raised will lecture to fetters naw YORK 22 special E S willard will have an audience composed largely of artistic workers in potteries when he appears tonight to night as cyrus Blen karen in the middleman there will be present from brexton Tr exton N J abaye more than SOO people the management thought that a gathering of the workingmen would be particularly interesting on an occasion when the entertainment itself was a drama that represented the potters life there will be a good proportion of women for women have found no woric more pro than decorating ceramics there is a fascination in the processes of making pottery and this audience will no doubt recognize the fine points both technical and emo that are brought out in Williar dg performance of cyrus Blen karen ii dec 23 fanny davenporte davenports Daven ports production of kardoos cleopatra will be seen for the first time tonight to night at the fifth avenue theatre mils davenport secured the entire english rights of the play for america her company comprises fiely people melbourne mcdewell her husband will be the mark annb my there will be ballet a chorus and panoramic efi ecta given by a new process which requires about 1500 yards of canvass |