Show BY A department EDITED BY JULIA FK ANSWORTH CORKS rocks differ wholly from stratified rocks on account of the absence of laminations by the sorting of material by the absence of fossils and by crystalline structure these charac te are due to the mode of their formation instead of being deposited sediments from above as Rt ratified rocks are they have consolidated from a state of fusion and poured out from below their glassy texture and also their effect upon stratified prove this they are found in many positions sometimes in covering the stratified rocks as between the strata they but a small portion of the land surface of the earth perhaps one tenth but they are supposed to form the great mass beneath the crust they are classed as graniti cs and true arup aites the former being coarse grained and appearing on the surface over wide areas especially in the axes of mountain canses Erupt ives are injected among the strata or else outpoured out poured upon surface in sheets cs or true aro also distinguished from the graniti cs by their fine grain and glassy texture showing that they cooled too quickly to allow complete crystallization there are ewh modes of eruption in one a fused mass comes up through a cone and flows off in streams while the other comes up through great fissures often extending for diun reds of miles and covering extensive areas forming vast lava fields often many sheets are out poured one upon another until masses two or three thousand feet thick are formed thesa extensive areas are usually basalt and eem to be made up of regular prismatic coloms often sheets are found between the strata sometimes repeated several times they may have been poured out on the bed of a lake and been covered with sediments or they may have forced its way along in fissures alma forming intercalary beds ORIS SNOW geology class A thank to aliee our god we owe for thy blessings hare below may we each thy sin and our souls to jesus bring help us all thy will to do make oar bonne yonne hearts pure iad true may we still thy precepts keep gather to alo fold thy sheep teach us all thy holy ways crown our lives with peaceful daiy diy guide conr always right and well serve thea with our might bless us with thy spirit kind while we at eliy shrine i cleanse our hearts from sin and strife give to all eternal life ML LOCALS meeting of the chuich school teach era next saturday on account of some changes now made and others to be mado shortly a supplement to the B Y A circular for 1890 91 will soon be issued every ifasi day alie theological ex excises aro combined and a meeting cor responding with the spirit ol 01 the day is held A hearty reception and courteous treatment were extended the academy choir by the citizens of lehi A kindergarten teacher has been secured to make our course more complete examinations are at hand the class in french is getting on swimmingly amaguer swimmers how ever latin A is nearly through ceaser latin B will commence ceaser immediately after the holiday vacation A bookcase book case has been provided the teachers for their own books elias olsen a student of the normal department is suffering beverely Beye rely from a recent accident he injured his knee with the sharpened aud of a lead pencil the lead seems to have affected the blood and feaver followed we are all anxious for his recovery and hope that he may soon be with us broe lias is a general and much respected student the public are ever welcome to our Poly session we should like all to see conr assembly room miss amy brown was called home suddenly yesterday on account ot her sisters illness fallacies is logic last week the B Y A concert co will go to logan on the dinst Chemis tery A is phosphorus and its properties VISITORS wednesday mr stanley pried of goshen misses annie nielson nettie robison and hannah nietsou Niel sou all of pleasant grove |