Show etlie tariff M evarts will leave for the old world memorial washington WASHING TOM dec 5 special the reports that the german authorities are redoubling flirta to totally exclude american pork has caiseda no particular coment here in fact the republicans do not seem seriously dia pleased with alie action taken by the german governmental govern it will aid in re conc iliner the citizens of this country to the mckinley bill choc provisions are expected to be thoroughly as well as generally understood before the next national election it is detill claimed that before 1892 it will be demonstrated that the law passed through the ahouee by mayor mckinley will be organized and accepted everywhere as a measure beneficial to all the interests of the country it s understood here that mckinley will be the next republican candidate for governor of ohio wil travel in europe NEW YORK dec 5 special when william M evarta is by the action of the legislature relieved of his sena duties he will make a tour of europe which will continue at leista year of his time the discussion about his probable successor 13 more earnest now among the democrats than among the republicans there was a time when governor hill had almost concluded to go to the senate as one of new yorks representatives as he thought the sentiment the country favored cleveland as atie nest democratic candidate lor the presidency he is inclined now since the publication of Clev elands letter on installs to reconsider hid decision as he thinks the ex president will commit some blunder that will tend to convince the democrats of tho country that he is not an available candidate there is not much stock taken in the candidacy for Jayor chapin of brooklyn for sen the petitioners petition ers admit that liis nomination for the governorship to succeed hill is within the range of possibilities ties A CAtli olic celebration ROMR dac 5 special the thirteenth centenary of gregory the great is to be celebrated here next month by an international liturgical congress to which all those who are connected with musical and ecclesiastical art arc to bo invited an exhibition of literary and musical works in connect tion with the orbein and growth of catholic and historical church music will also be organized |