Show ITY COUNCIL brown and councilor holdaway resign josepfa unanimously APPOINTED ASTEK A committee appointed for the erection of a city hall the city council metin regular session with mayor dusenberry in the chair the only absentee was councilor hansen the following petition was read to the mayor and of the city council GENTLEMEN we alie undersigner undersigned under signed your petitioners petition ers pray your liono rable body to take into consideration and deliberate upon some means of protecting from fire alie costly business block sanci other buildings that have and are being reeled in compliance with an ordinance cn abed by the city council governing theare limits of this city 1 and your lier pray that you gentlemen take alie matter under advisement at an earl date for the benefit of your taxpayers and public that may accrue from a measure of safety countenanced and created by your hon arable body your petitioners petition ers fervently ferrent ly pray respectfully A 0 SMOOT and eighty four others on motion of alderman scott the petition was referred to the committee en fireworks with instructions to report at an early day the communication of john liddiard giving reasons why their verandah was erected of material forbidden by the ordinance on the subject was read alderman alexander moved that it be referred to the city inspector city inspector samuelson aid if this ins lanca was allowed to pass ua noticed bv the city council other persona would bo taking advantage of the city ordinance providing for the erection of ve randala ran daba he would like to hear the council express themselves on the matter he had done his part and he considered it the matter back to him without au expression on the part of the council alderman A D holdaway considered the council should be persistent in having the ordinance beaning on taix matter enforced if wo are going to let the present case pass then let the ordinance establishing fire limits be repealed but it remained on the statute bookee was in favor oi seeing it enforced alderman alexander stated that he bad been waited upon by mr D john ia relation to tho matter who had sought his advice in the premises mr john had stated that he intended to replace the wooden eup porta of the verandah with iron pillars as eoon aa he could and in other ways make it con formidable with the ordinance the communication by the proprietors of cosmopolitan hotel was not satisfactory and hence he was in favor of it being referred back to the street inspector with authority to sea that the verandah was reconstructed in conformity with the city ordinance councilor maiben was not present when the resolution providing for the erection of verandas verandahs veran dahs was passed had tie been he would have opposed it aa it was in its provisions he would oppose the reference of the communication muni cation to the city inspector that officer had already dona bia duty the marshal was the proper one now to attend to the matter councilor bean considered the council waa working an injury in saying that every part of a verandah should be compose of incombustible material the council might just as wall say that a person should not make his window frames his door frames or oven his boors of anything else but iron there was less danger of fire from a verandah ahn nav other part of a building alderman scott eaid so long as we have an ordinance on the book it should be enforced but he sincerely believed that the ordinance establishing fire limits should be amended in many ways alderman holdaway did not consider that the ordinance prohibited the use of material in the erection of a verandah that was absolutely in its con was combustible bat a verandah should not be built entirely of combustible material councilor haibon didiot think provo would go far wrong if sha patterned after bialt lake city in this respect she was not so technical in the matter of erecting verandas verandahs veran dahs as the council wanted to be hi firn belief was that the originator 0 the resolution providing for the fe of verandas verandahs veran dahs drew up the ordinance for no other pur pose than prohibiting the erection i of verandas verandahs veran dahs altogether the ws finally referred 10 the city inspector with authority to see that tho ordinance was complied con plied rita A letter of resignation was presented rom city Wat ermaste W if brown on motion of councilor dixon the resignation yas accepted the of the city marshal for the month of august showing fifteen arrests and 07 ass assied sed as fines was read and accepted the monthly report of the recorder Ee corder was also read and accepted tha showed a total of collected as license the report of the quarantine phyan cian for the six ending august waa read and accepted the of justice alexander for the quarter ending august way read and accepted the report shows a otal of sixty a heard and aa desbee as fines alderman scott from the committee of finance to whom was refer roe the peti lon of S S jones asking for the ampro of to liquidate the debt in erred on the celebration of the fourth of juar ice the ion of the sum for alderman holdaway Holdaw av did not think the council had any right to makuc such an so far as he tin ler stood he sentiment of the taxpayers of this cita aliey were opposed to any amount appropriate d for a ay such purpose alderman scott said that while the council had no technical right to make thia appropriation yet them was any amount of precedence on every side thai bould warrant the council granting the and he believed the city would justify iha fiction of the council in so doing the motion to make the appropriation wa carried without one dissenting voice this commit ee also alib sum of 76 be appropriated to B T thomas for services from november to march adopted the same commil tue recommended that the compensation of the city assessor be established at per year the report was adopted th special committee to whom was referred tho matter of conferring with the county court alie building of a vault submitted the following report to the mayor and city council GENTLEMEN your special committee to whom was referred the subject of conferring etith the county court committee in relation to joining with the county in building a central building and vault would report that we have conferred with said committee and from what information we can get we are of the ion that it would not be advisable for provo city to join the county in building said bu iding and vaults and would recommend that provo city build a city hall on the northwest corner of the courthouse block and that there be a building committee of three appointed and that they be authorized to procure campeti ive plans and specifications for a building not to ex ead in cist and submit the same to the council W B H chairman councilor farrer was not in lavor of the report if provo was to build a city hall it should not be erected on the property facing the tabernacle on tha east it should be near the courthouse he believed the west half of the square would be used for other purposes in the future aldermam Alder mau brown moved to amend the report by striking etri king out all that portion referring to the location of the hall alderman alexander considered the northwest portion of the block the place for the erection of the hall and no where else and he would oppose the amendment councilor maiben thought the location could be decided at some future time councilor wanted to eee the hall built on the west haaf of the square and in such a situation as to allow of the appropriate laying out of the grounds surrounding it alderman scott thought the matter of location should be decided before any move was made for procuring plans and specifications he would favor the southwest corner bein used for the hall and the northwest corier being sold councilor dixon thought the location decided upon by the committee would meet with public approval alderman brown would like to see the matter left entirely with the committee the mayor here stated thit were getting considerably mixed up first this special committee was instructed ted to call a mass meeting of the taxpayers of provo for the purpose of getting from them their views as to whether provo should operate cooperate co with utah county in building a vault next the meeting is held and the sense of the people ia declared to the effect that provo city shall build a city hall in conjunction with the courthouse now comes along this and says that the city hall shall not be built in conjunction with the courthouse but by itself a proposition entirely different to what the taxpayers declared at the mass meeting if this was the way we were boing to treat the expressed wishes cf the tas what was the use of having mass meetings so far as he himself was concerned if agather guch meeting was cill edhe would not attend he would advocate this inglorious council letting the entire matter die out aud nothing being said at all about it at some future day when the record of this council would be read seme wit would arise and say that the asylum was erected in a very suitable place indeed councilor maiben did not understand that the people at the mass meeting wanted a city hall built in conjunction with the courthouse some individual it ia true got up and added the words in conjunction with the courthouse just as the question ws being put to vote but that proposition was not discussed at all councilor bean was not in favor of this inglorious council Ce uncil letting the matter die out as suggested by the mayor he was in favor of the council going on record as a sensible body and one that could do hat would redound to their credit A great deal ol 01 talk was here indulged in by several of the members of the council regarding the action of the county court in advertising for bids for the erection of a vault without first consulting the special committee appointed by the council to confer with the county court committee on the subject the motion to strike out from the re port special committee the wards on the northwest corner of the courthouse block was then carried by a vote of 9 to 3 the report as amended waa then adopted the following claims were then allowed city marshal for police services for the month of august A wilkins for board of prisoners quarantine physician six months vices for special services for 1888 31 and deputies 90 street supervisor and depatie dep utie recorder 75 juanice W D alexander city surveyor locating a four rod street from chals house to utah lake etc 19 soren jensen ringing curlew bell 4 committee on streets and alleys committee on finance on motion of alderman alexander the claim of pyne i maiben for furnishing medicine to ing to 2270 was referred to the committee on quarantine as also tha claims of alfred newell A wilkins and asael wilkins councilor david holdaway here arose and tendered his resignation as councilor of the third ward on account of his leaving provo on motion of alderman brown the resignation was accepted the mayor appointed aa a building committee on the city hall in accordance with the report of the special committee on the alexander and bean councilor dixon here placed in nomination the name of joseph 8 strong as vice W H brown resigned seconded by councilor alderman scott moved that the question of appointing a be deferred till a future meeting of the council alderman scotts motion was lost and mr joseph strong was elected at live minutes to ll the council adjourned till monday evening september 16 1889 |