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Show EXPLORERS' CLUB IS INVESTIGATING COOI Doetor Will Abandon His Lee-lure Lee-lure Tour to Make Aseent of Mount. McKinley. SEW YOKK, Oct. 17. Dr. Frederick Freder-ick A. Cook left tonight, for Toledo, O.. lo do more iceturiii. lie said he had nothing to aihl to the north pole-lutinl pole-lutinl McKinley controversy, hut was firm in his resolve to abnmlun his lecture lec-ture lour after this week, to beln preparations for his proposed expedition expedi-tion (o Mount MeKinloy lo recover the records he snvs he left there in 1!)UU. Dr. ('ook, by request, appeared today to-day before a special commit leu of tho Ivx'-plorcrs club, of which lie is a member. mem-ber. The club is conduct iuu an investigation in-vestigation on llio Mount McKinley climb. Jle was accompanied by his lawyer. The coiuinifice informed him that no charges had been preferred by the club, bul that investigation was only 'undertaken lo put his Mount McKinley Mc-Kinley climb officially on Ihe records, nnl lo (lo this a thorough inquiry was deemed best. Dr. Cool: considered this fair, and explained that In was leaviug town tonight, but would return to the city withinton days, when a date for his appearance bei'uto Ihe coimniltoo could bo fixed. This was agreed upon. Anthony Piahi, ;i member of the committee, today declined formally to accopl 'Dr. Cook's invitation lo lake part in an expedition to recover the records said to have been left on Mount McKinloy's summit by Dr. (!ook. Kiala declined op llio ground that ho .was uot an experienced mountain moun-tain climber. Prof. II. C. .I'urkor of Columbia university, uni-versity, ivhu rcooived a similar request, re-quest, was also present, lie. too. formally for-mally declined the invitation, saying I hat he was going lo scale the peak himself next spring. |