Show A new postal measure A bill is before the house of senta tives to reduce the postage on fourth class mail matter and to increase the limit of weight in matter the bill simply unites the present third and fourth classes the limit of weight from four to eight pounds and retains the present charge for what is now third class matter namely one cent for each two ounces or fraction thereof the third class matter includes printed books pamphlets engravings proof sheets manuscripts etc the charge now is as in the proposed law the fourth class matter embraces merchandise samples coin or specie lithographs maps chiomos ch romos etc and the charge is one cent for each ounce or fraction thereof there is no reason why merchandise and samples should be charged any higher rate of postage than books of manuscripts they are just as easily handled and are essential to the increase and prosperity of business the distinction now made between third and fourth class matter has neither justice nor expediency to commend it the department can well afford to increase the weight of matter to eight pounds considering si the benefit it would be to trade the bill ought to bo promptly reported aiom the committee on post offices and post roads and passed by the house the new york members in especial should bo unanimous and i active in its favor new york world |