Show educational convention the work done by utah county school officers last saturday on saturday july 1888 the annual aducat onal convention of school officers principals and teachers of tho county was held in the central building provo county bupt supt M H hardy in the chair roll call showed the following representation provo one trustee city superintendent and one principal springville Spring ville two trustees spanish fork two trustees and principal teacher salem one trustee benjamin one trustee payson one trustee san one trustee goalen one trustee lehi one trustee and principal teacher pleasant grove one trustee principal teacher and five applicants for recommendation men dation to university normal class lake view one trustee provo district one trustee and one teacher lake one trustee convention proceeded to alic discussion of most suitable time for the opening of the district schools and decided following cla lendar the school year is divided into four term of ten weeks term will bein september ad and end nov uth the second term will begin november and end january the term will begin january edth and end april oth the fourth term will begin april etli and end june the county circular was considered at length revised and adopted forms for pupils term reports and certificates of promotion were discussed and adopted as factors to school discipline and pupils advancement the course of studies blocked out by the utah county teachers at the summer institute was by unanimous vote ordered revised and published in pamphlet form with the county circular the following committee on revision and was elected CIU M n J A reese J B VV alton and jas L brown the matter of trustees annul census financial and statistical reports was presented and attention called to tho fact that these reports bo sent in by the preparation of school grounds and buildings was considered and the following points emphatically dwelt upon as the imperative duty oi school officers and teachers alie ground to be cleared of all rubbish and made as attractive as possible preparation made for the setting out of more trees chis fall out houses separate secluded and clearwater clean water supply absolutely free from any contamination through seepage surface drainage or the slightest relation to vaults school rooms thoroughly renovated at least provided with proper window shades lor regulating the liblit suitable means of eventuation and alie seating graded teachers responsible for the protection and healthful condition of building and grounds if such are first put in proper condition and placed at the exclusive use of the school provided some system janitorial of work the employment in each district of a permanent principal who should be general custodian and inspector of the school grounds and buildings superintend alie school work in the district hold at least weekly teachers meetings be himself an active member of the county teachers association and see that his aids are such members also the convention then adjourned |