Show SOLEMN ceremonies THE impressive OBSEQUIES AT the cload to lie cathedral strewed ifill fir branches march 16 the funeral of emperor william took place today to day the weather was extremely cold hundreds of thousands of spectators occupied tho space behind the soldiers while every window along the den linden was crowded all the houses on the thoroughfare were covered with mourning and exhibited flags with black drapery at the street crossings massive draped with black and surmounted by prussian eagles had been erected the lamp posts were covered with crape and at every fifty paces there were large candelabras candel abras bearing flaming cres sets the route of the funeral procession presented a most imposing aspect entirely in keeping with the deep snow and the reverence of the people the center of the road was strewn with gravel and fir branches in the paris plot large crape festoons fes entwined with laurel were lang the mg gate was draped and there was a large arch in front of it upon which were the words god bless you the funeral service took place in the cathedral in accordance with the pio gramme emperor frederick was not present the weather being too severe to permit of his exposing himself the service began with a soft prelude on the organ during which the mourners began to assemble dr koegel the chaplain read passages from the psalm and verses 25 and 26 of the chap tor of john the choir bangt san gt know that my redeemer liveth passages were then read from psalms 81 and timothy ivle chapter ath and ath verses the chaplain concluding with the words blessed are they in the lord now and evermore 1 the choir responded with the words ea the spirit saith they shall rest from their labors their work shall live after them the prayer was then intoned what god boeth I 1 is well done dr foegal delivered the sermon standing beside the coffin hi text was lord now let thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word for mine eyes have seen thy salvation he concluded his sermon with the lords prayer and the congregation gre gation then sang the blymn ich sol scheiden A motel from brauns tod jesu was then sang by the choir after which the members of the sing academic ren herrlich die nene welt at 1245 dr koegel pronounced the benediction while at the same time volleys were fired by the infantry on the outside the cathedral ceremony closed with the song of of holy holy is the lord the procession to escort the kai sers remains to the mausoleum then began to form prince bismark and general von moltke were not present at the service at the cathedral nor did they take parkin the procession to the mausoleum the cathedral presented a most solemn and impressive appearance when the soft organ prelude began the court chamberlain and ministers look positions behind the labonets tabo nets bearing the insignia general von pape holding the imperial standard then stationed himself at the head of the coffin count behen dorf and prince led the emperors aides de camp with drawn bywords standing on either side of him and the adjutant general and other aides de camp standing together at the foot of the coffin while the organ still played the royalties entered prince william arriving at noon at the signal from the master of ceremonies the organ broke into welling tones and tho service was begun prince william stood in the middle of tho nave behind the imperial standard alongside of him were tho king of Saxony King of belgium and king of close by stood tho grand anke of baden princes albrecht and henry and other princes of the hoyal house of prussia the prince imperial of austria tho prince imperial of russia grand dukes michael and nicholas of russia prince of wales crown prince of Italy Crown prince of denmark and tho crown prince of greece all in the uniform of their respective spec tive countries the prince of bavaria grand duke of hesse and other notables and foreign representatives including general billott of france and his suite formed the next rows in the nave the diplomatic pew was covered tho scone was truly memorable when amid tho strains of the final chorus and the sharp rattle of the volleys outside twelve regimental commanders slowly and ro vently raised the coffin from its resting place moving forward with i it on choir shoulders to the principal door before them walked a high court official on either side of the coffin were tho ministers of state bearing on cushions the imperial crown and scepter and other insignia above the coffin waived the imperial standard borne by general Von Pape on each side of him walked an officer with drawn sword tho royalties assumed positions in the cortege in due order As the coffin reached the door the drummers of the military bands outside beat a deafening datoo this was the signal for the troops to prepare to march while the procession was forming tho bands played chapins Cho pins marche Fu tho sounds of the tolling of church bells mingling with the strains tho formation of the cortege wes effected in rigid accordance with the official pro gramme the conspicuous absence f tho emperor and count von bolike ike and bismark was deeply regretted the military display was magnificent though sombre she entire escort comprising the elite of the army wore dark overcoats and mantles owing to the extreme cold all the surroundings of the funeral car yore invested with solemnity this morning the french general belott placed on the coffin a superb garland of roses violets and were also contributed by the delegates from moscow kieff amster dam rotterdam and other formiga cities the to tho throne iona of by the most illustrious representatives of very european presence to the universal veneration in was held and by ablong line of statesmen all combined to give the scene an im that athe of the ing the cortege the procession reached the brandenburg gate afew minutes of 2 bunter den linden presented an spectacle like the gloom of jn at midday mid day everything houses jahe mast of this intense gb bamps the fact came from the flaring sf pitch torches throwing over the scene a glare that was the kinoko of the by the wind the demeanor 1 countless spectators was excellent the silence was unbroken everyone remained uncovered until the boffin had passed the cortege Ire charbo tt enburg at 31 p nl and the was received at leusby the pastor of Charlotten birg korgol read the grayer blessed is the man who rosi temptation dmd the lords brayer jr ayer andt lien closed the solemn service witha benediction A salvo of artillery from the window of the salon overlooking the park the emperor watched the procession empress victoria and the princess attended the service at the mausoleum empress augusta remained at home in solitary prayer the deceased em pero rhad expressed his desire that the texts read should alternate between the old and new testament the word of prayer from the old testament was responded to by the promises from the new testament and the end was rejoicing over the attainment of eternal bliss when a selection from psalm 60 the days of our years are three score years and ten etc was read there was not s dry eye and suppressed sobs were heard throughout the cathedral chaplain koegel opened his sermon with these words the plaintive peals of church bells resounding brou frou town to town and from village to village have announced the sad news and every german eye is filled with tears the father of fatherland pride and delight of our people chevalier the new emperor haslett has left us another touching allusion was to the daily greeting of the populace laco at the emperors window a thank offering every day toward the end of his life was it not a daily leave taking for fear they would not see him again ho exceeded the age the psalmist called the greatest by more than ten years he did not outlive his vigor like moses hia age was his forces did not fail he was restless and eager for work to the last 1 have no time to be tired were among his last words in conclusion he said now his funeral procession is out to wend its way to charlottenburg Charlott enburg to the quiet I 1 grave of father and mother to the I 1 mother who dying blessed him with a loving hand to the father who was an example of probity to him the emperor was greatly grieved because ho was not allowed to attend the an fn the thought disturbed his sleep his physicians had entreated him for a long time as he persisted in his intention to attend the funeral while the cannons were firing he stood silently listening and watching at a back window As the coffin passed the window ho covered his eyes with his bands and burst into tears BOSEE march 16 an autograph letter from the pope to emperor frederick which monsignor Moo signor barte fakes to berlin expresses the deep sorrow of his holiness at the death of the monarch who ws animated with the friendliest feelings toward the catholic church tha pope thanks the emperor frederick for the tone of his proclamation and which he says gives him joy inas much as it proves that the son cherishes the sentiments of his father the sentiments which give assurance that tho relation between prussia and the vatican shall become more and more friendly the pope on his part will do the utmost in his power to secure a friendship that will be to the glory of both the emperor and the papacy in conclusion his holiness expresses the wish that the em boror may recover his full health in the interests alike of his people and of the whole of europe LONDON march 16 funeral services for the emperor frederick william were held in london and at windsor the queen attended the services at windsor minute guns were fired at the principal garrison ga irison towns A requiem service was held in the english church at paris M flourens minister of foreign affairs premier birard who represented president carnot the diplomatic body including all members of the german embassy and the president of the chambers were present LONDON march 16 in malta today to day tho mourning was general flags were at half mast on the principal buildings and minute guns were fired by the garrison at madrid services held in the german chapel which wore attended by representatives of the government foreign diplomatic rep tives and most ot the german residents A dispatch from melbourne says the occasion was generally observed throughout australia special church services were held and all german business houses were closed constantinople march 16 there was an imposing service in the german church today to day which was attended by diplomats high govern 1 ment and palace officials in uniform and the more prominent german rest dents |