Show peculiar medicinal merits cf II 11 is sarsaparilla Is bully confirmed bythe by the ry testimony of thousands icho have tried it peculiar in the combination proportion avil preparation or its ingredients peculiar a the extreme cars with which it is put u hoods accomplishes cures w here other preparations entirely tail alar in the unequalled unequal led good name it has made at home which Is a tower cf strength abroad peculiar in the phenomenal sales it has attained Is tho roost popular and successful before the public today for purifying purify ins the blood strength creating an appetite 1 I suffered from low and also had eczema on the back of ray head and neck which was very annoying I 1 took one battla ot hoods and I 1 have received so much benefit that I 1 am very and 1 am always glad to speak a good word for this medicine mas J 8 pann purifies tho blood henry biggs campbell street kansas city had scrofulous sores all over his body tor fifteen ears hoods Sarsa parina completely cured him wallace buck of korth bloomfield y Y suffered eleven years tuh a terrible varicose ulcer on his leg so lad that he had to give up business he was cured of tho ulcer and also of catarrh by hoods gl by C L HOOD CO apothecaries lowell mass doses one dollar G formerly of attorneys and counselors at law will in all ilia lorri tury domce up stairs sarce utah BV jr ATTORNEY AT L AW collection AGENCY 9 J buik BuiM fuK eriv chiv uch R AT LAW kom noa baik building Buil CITY WALTER physician AND SURGEON PROVO domce AT 2 blocks north of depot DR C E froia condou cures baiot vitus dan fits all nervous tein nl weakness and impotency hy he lonison treatment agent or Uter iro supporter AU jacinda eft adone at alie JL ovest fissures Fi gold 1111 filling a sped etuy 11 adik warranted to alt orthe money will be refunded alia figure for dental wort ever anywhere apa over street DR JOHN riggs amm AAB mw the treatment of CA and chronic diseases in which he has hail upwards of 40 years successful experience a specialty PROVO caty UTAH EXCELSIOR BEAN A PROP RS BEEF VEU PORK ETC THE AND in town da at tho houses ur our promptly OPPOSITE THE HOUSE TG ATT t la doing a large family trade and continues to keep on hand the choicest BEEP POM shop on smoot block opposite meeting house proe delivery ro any par of provo IN THE LEAD always on hand tho BEST AND MEATS OF EVERY leave or eeoc your orders and wo wiil promptly fill them every day we have fresh the nicest in the market COOK SCOTT CO 4 doors west of post offida EXCELSIOR heitel HEAT its location between the court house contrast and the depot makes it par convenient to visitors FIRST CLASS TABLE AND ROOM accommodations the excelsior hotel la renowned for its comfort and reasonable charged ch argea arrangements cac be made for board either BY THE DAY or WEEK S D proba ROBERTS foual two blocks south of first national bank PROVO CITY UTAH mais HOUSE is NOV COMPLETED A newly furnished throughout and supplied with mi w large etc AT reasonable RATES hariel wib every train 1 ite only a question ot time and a short time too as to when your will yield to hoods try it 9 V W ao fe fe warranted is it is the best blood preparation known it will positively cure all blood diseases purifies tho whole system and thoroughly builds ap tha constitute oa remember we guarantee it sold by provo coop co op a a tk T arav alhaj s aade ackers baby soother at band it ia the only safa medicine yet made that will remove all infantile disorders it contains no opium or morphine but nivea the child ease from pain price 85 cents bold by provo coop mim PORTRAIT AND LANDSCAPE the only first class gallery in utah county dont spend your money with snide traveling concerns when you can get your work done first class and warranted ia every respect of bank up stairs PROVO UTAH m AMI IN men CLOTHING HATS AND SHOES N new styles IATI SALT raice airy ladies will find there splendid almes of COATS NEW MARKETS JACKETS all classes of wooden goods suitable for the winter season AT main street salt lake WELLS gy I 1 am prepared to sink and finish artesian leus in the best manner cheap and an short notice have a fall net of tools for my new steam letter and I 1 cap effs CHEAPER THAN SKY J A f fa 1 l MW bron chit sn sisA 1 LUNG 5 sold en send for 39 lW aitor S le iba all Dru saints br sale by U a DEALERS IN AND business done on a strictly cash basis we buy closely for cash and sell at bedrock bed rock prices W A rt 3 X wool hides sheep skins beaver mink gat otter and muskrat skins THE elm ahe stage between and eurela will ann arr IW el ea S aj 2 INSTEAD OF DAILY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE leaving eureka and on csach ono stage will leave eureka tinus and connecting at boshen tn lime for dinner blares will connect same day with passenger going from nanta quia and will get you to eureka at 4 pm stages leave burka at 10 a in sundays tuesdays r w r DR SHOE BRIDGES BOTANIC BITTERS alie greatest Grea teat Kea and lifts Pro lonser in america PR SHOE BRIDGES amm binm A certain cure stor CHOLERA FLUX AND DR SHOE BRIDGES A specific for G anvel and all kidner and Ier aale complaint E B a drug store centre st provo MOWERS SM LINE ot BETWEEN to THISTLE AND fairview U T stage lea ves FaIrvIew for thistle station on the afe R G ballway every ane dav and friday at 5 alanl ama nl arrives at thistle at 1 p m in time for trains leaves thistle lor wednesday and saturday at 9 u m at wat 5 p in in ameto connect with he stage at maunt pleasant HENRY iV prop PEOPLE who have been east over the great wabash route express themselves as pleased with its elefant equipment and fast time but more particularly with the low kates procured through C M HAMPSON commercial agent no 10 windsor block denver write to him ON ALL we have the finest best and cheapest furniture in southern utah and keep constantly on hand an elegant line of organs and other musical goods WaP yovo i i u s K 3 r 1 Ss and everything else as cheap best assortment of stationery in town centre street tn t n 5 Ss 13 g il rt B i s i tays T n Us g 9 B S B THE KEEPS AN AMPLE AND CHOICE OF ready mixed paint diamond wall Pini sli etc ALSO A FULL LINE OF GROCERIES AND NOTIONS proprietor etoi mm OPERATIVE cooperative CO LEHL CO lit general merchandise agricultural istas vae or lumber doors windows T B bupt supt SPANISH C 0 OPERATIVE 13 GRAIN AM PURiTy gia OT y y r X A A A S FAMILY ROUB ON HAND M 1 l merchandise hour or grain FILLED ON SHORT NOTICE JOHN jonea bupt supt v alles headquarters FOR THE 11 RECORD of the of jesus christ of Latter day saints LOOK OF have always on hand M 0 lt T S MABBLE and GRAVE STONES bome fome AND flee US WE ARE our stock at first cost and we want the to be benefited by st all work guaranteed f y EBS OF BRASS IRON CASTINGS castings for store fronts ivill WORK ironwork iron work for lails bridges fences etc manufacturers of utah vaclev iron mfg mag gos MINERAL the largest establishment of the s kind sonah of salt lake the very guaranteed JOHN DEVEY bupt supt cor I 1 form ariy as hall NOTICE r air no V S land office sail laka city utah february NOTICE thai finned settler har abed gotico ot support of alro and anat said proof will be mude before atie Krol Sate judko or ills absence lie county clerk county U T at provo city utah county utah on Sata rilay april 14 isacs viz john S larte for ibe H K 0 o N E lie jamea abc rollow jug witnesses to prove hs ona upon and of said laud viz andersag Ander sG strat tio ohn II 11 Sir attoa thomas J matteu all of beach utah co biah I 1 WEBB he sister booth brown attorneys t ape mi jr r OY STOCKING YARNS JEANS and FLANNELS IN genera merchandise CASH PAID FOR WO OL S PETERSON SPANISH FORK cm UTAH has on imad a full stock of undertakers goods coffins and carets of all aidea of superior quality and in walnut rosewood and freigh Frei ih burl also homemade home made coffins on hand and ande to order on short notice all at prices that defy competition BOOTS co undertakers a ti carry a fall line of WHOLESALE AND RETAIL solid 7 alnut rosewood and burl casket and of all sizes ispus fia effi FACETS the metal caskets orders by mail or dispatch promptly attended to liberal discount givan to the trad two doors of bank provo acty g y P s Ss iia ac S 1 fa t twit sl S l ey a ari g 1 K S g ii ry y Sr iS fyk fy K ct a miach ird all patent isco lec oar office is ora Or 1 vy lat of ficat we bava TO denb dacca hence caa tra cac i aice u less time aua at loii coat than bosc remote froia seail or proto ason we if or not free ot cli arpe 0 r fes cot adne till t la A book hov ho v to obtain Pa tenta iab references to actual climata in boar state county vs to A SHOW CO patent office D C over USE rT artiss iss efey ata 2 sUed to bo aba sw y fh aig ig i in tio world K B tl i rrth SD S dpree TO all a ini til laft J fa ont tt all aass D K PERRY tha GUIDE ia issued barcli aad dept i each year it ia on enar clo of useful anfor marioa for au who yea chess tho luxuries or tha necessities of ufa we can clothe you and furnish you with au the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride waB dancer sleep eat fish hunt work to go church or stay at hone and in various gizea styles and quantities just figure out atis these thines and you can estimate of tho kalua of GUIDE theBY ima which will be sent receipt of 10 upon cents to pay post aee montgomery warda michigan avenue chal CO anis AM A T ha lct na axa P floii cl 6 aaa newspaper bo it IX toUne w fe I 1 vidy esai ai P S B I 1 ft f 8 U I 1 ursery UR SErn 50 acres located on the t hallways onar tab central ami U R G ot a from the hy city utah after coloty themy bobp years or observation and hie peculiar climate in utah Ir irvind nind ornamental Oin prepared lo 10 oger ti the public the selection ot very best varieties tuai win sva satisfaction I 1 have also tor sale a collection or iho improve d 5 apples ars raches rM ches anett apricots Gooe grapes g berries currenti Curr bei kasp ys in plants fives anil Flow erlus AT LOW PRICES mulberry trees for SUK culture a specialty P aldrew All rew JT C beusen provy city utah boutah Co Utah great english keledy murrays Mur rays specific MARK cure lor all ai weak AIe ajosa ta wory of brain pata jn tha back ton frost verbal impotency We wakae Kae and general loss of power ol 01 tho indiscretion in either sex caused by or over and which alil load to premature and elyj a bix or alx boxes fop sent bf mail on in full pamphlet at to every ap fay S ave Gt wantee pvc boxt A to cure Fo onier re we rand six antea lore rund the if a anar money not a r our dees addrena all to the scle THE MEDICINE ca in provo kansas Cl tyMo bair c E R W 6 ca fatato 11 only in E ary tofu for |