Show frigar march IS st patricks day magnificent line of hanging lamps nor at the east coop co op A case of temporal insanity is reported from spring ville bochard still leads tho market in fraits and fresh oysters the public square is being monopolized by lovers of the base ball live and dressed chickens wanted at R E llewellyn of county lias been appointed a notary public cash will be paid for 2000 pounds of dressed or live chickens at Bo sharda Headquarter a for clocks greatus variety cheapest best and most endurable at EAST COOP CO OP the marriage certificate of el us pierc to sarah ann dea of pleasant crovi has been filed with the counte clerk there is a naw arrival of sheea at th east coop co op the goods are of the fines quality velvet and astrakhan burh and muffie all the style at PROVO eart COOP CO OP the weather has again returned to its normal condition clear edy and warm sun for all ands of wall and decorations paints etc TO to II 11 J co the name of john lee brown of new york has been sent to the senate to be associate justice of the supreme court of idaho wanted at the east coop co op immediately wild rabbits wild and tame ducks lurkens lur keys chickens butter and Cs II 11 J 3 business in spanish fork is so that the gentleman is under the necessity of building a store 20 x 34 feet does provo intend having an efficient bise b ise ball club thia season that will rank the best in the county the time to take the matter in hand before you clean house go and cx amin the faue display of wall paper and decorations paints all new spring goods at H J MAIHEN co richard mccarthy who has been serving a sentence in the penitentiary larceny has been pardoned by the governor we intend to sell out our remaining stock of shawls hoods etc before tile and of tha present month at the lowest kind of prices EAST COOP CO OP wm of lelii was on tuesday morning released from the penitentiary having served a six months term and paid a fine of 50 he avent homo the same afternoon the ogdan standard in its yesterdays isue stated that the boom hag taken flight from that city for the anfor motion of that paper we will state that it lias landed in provo oscar dunn of cache county incarcerated in the penitentiary for the crime of honoring his wives is said to bo dangerously sick medical aid has been summoned in his case tonight to night a select social party is to be given in the B Y academy under the auspices of the Poly society judging by the past we are safe in arc dieling dieting a good and orderly time merchants or others desiring a fine quality of rock salt at bottom prices cannot do better than confer with H J of spanish fork head his adv in special notice column several soldiers of the ninth infantry are in town to appear before the grand jury in the caso against private collins charged with the murder of sergeant i at fort duschene last september the music rendered at the funeral services wednesday by prof giles is said by all who were present and competent judges to have been the best ever rendered in Provo on any similar occasion the residents of provo bench precinct has forwarded a petition to the postmaster general at washington praying the establishment of a lice at that place W K as postmaster why h it that alie cabe against geo jaberg indicted for fornication with witnesses under the nose of the at lion all ready and willing to testify in s the premises was dismissed was he a mormon A merchant recently received the follow ing unique order mr please bend by bearer four pounds shingle nails a pound of screws and a hatchet my wife had a baby last night two padlocks and a monkey wrench whooping cough may bo kept under complete control and all danger avoided bv frequent doses of chamberlains cough remedy no better treatment can ba prescribed for it sold by schoot richards co 1 f i in the article published in our last issue containing the resolutions to the memory of miss maud passed by the teachers and students f alio B Y academy ane name of joseph findlay should be jonette findlay no duty should be left undone if you have a smarting skin disease it i not your duty to scratch and irritate it but to apply chamberlains ointment and curo it guaranteed end sold by smoot richards co A fellow in nebraska has discovered a new hy trap ho saturated a blanket coal oil and hung it in the house soon it was black flies and lie suddenly set it on fire it killed all the flie burned up the house in the twinkling of an eye one lesson cost him A beautiful piece of cabinet work has been completed for the utah county church association and the use of the high council of this stake by the provo L M B co it consists of a fine secretary made from cherry wood and is the finest piece of homo work of this sa turc that we have seen the company s to be congratulated yesterday evening was a gala time for neplir it was tha occasion of a reception tendered lion W A C bryan the representative from juab county to abe utah legislature in return for the faiths ful services performed by eliat gentleman in of alie interests of the citizens of nephi over people participated in a luxurious repast while speeches singing dancing etc as indulged iu to the hearts content nephi deserves great credit for the grand ovation mr L M martin a prominent iowa railroad man and sup erin of the st louid dea 1 northern B B says on my return from a recent trip south where the f water was very impure i was attacked tt with a violent case of cholera borbus having heard a great deal of chamber laina colic cholera and diarrhoea remedy I 1 concluded to try it and with the most beneficial results within six hours I 1 was completely cured no well regulated household should ever bf without a bottle of colic cholera and benardy Bena edy abold S y smoot richards co important to stock raisers on saturday last march the executive committee of the utah county stock growers association adapted are port of the special committee of which the following is the substance that rasmus nielson S S jones it E booth J E daniels jr and A J stewart are appointed a committee to examine and judge horses for the purpose of pedigree hereafter viz mountain poney trotting coach and draft horses the certificates will ie given to members of the association only the first examination is to be held saturday march II 11 a m persons having hordes for which a certificate is desired will do well to see some member of the committee or the secretary ponies to weigh from to 1000 ib s coach horses from 1000 to 1500 ibs with good style and action draft mare not less than 1200 ibs has done a heavy business in seeds the past few days he has a fine variety call on him arnica salve THE BEST SALVE in the world for cuts sores ulcers salt cheum fever bores setter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or no pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 23 cents per box for sale by A communication from it is croffy ed out of this issue an al core the ORIGINAL OINTMENT is only put up in large two ounce boxes and is an absolute cure for old sores burns wounds chapped hands and all ekin eruptions will positively cure all kinds of piles ask for the ORIGINAL OINTMENT sold by all druggists at 25 cents per box by mail SO cents mothers head the proprietors ot SANTA ABIE have authorized all druggists to refund your money if after giving this california Cal fornia king of cough cures a fair trial as directed it fails to give satisfaction for the cure of coughs croup whooping cough and all throat and lung troubles when the disease affects the bead and assumes the form of catarrh nothing is so effective as california CAT R CURE these preparations are without equal as household sold at a package three for the roof is being put on the adobe addition to the store of the shoemaker scarlet fever having appeared in our village dalbys prophylactic fluid was used for bisin the college buildings the disease never went beyond a single case either in the college or elsewhere where the fluid was used REV G F auburn ala fluid dispels all forms of epidemic diseases by destroying the spores or germ poison that cause contagion SPECIAL NOTICES produce price list corrected for the ENQUIRER by the west coop co op wheat 75 to 90 per bushel oats to aft cat cwt barley to per c vt onions per cat cwt potatoes 45 to 50 per bushel corn shelled to per cat cwt chickens ilive 25 to 30 chickens dressed 10 to 11 per pound weight 10 per pound turkeys dressed 12 to 14 per pound butter 20 to 25 per pound eggs hay ton hay baided bailed 1000 per ton lucern seed 7 per pound beans white 3 per pound dried apples 8 per pound dried peaches 11 per pound dried plums 14 per pound apricots 14 per pound ground cherries 6 per pound dressed hogs 7 per pound home cured side mt 10 per pound 4 home cured hams per pound honey 6 to am cabbage 1 per pound 10 reward strayed from eureka gintic tintic on feb A bay horse seven years old white left hind foot dash through centre and CD C D basli through centre of don left thigh and 0 basli through centre on left shoulder the above reward will b paid to adv person delivering the ave described animal ta lart t mi 31 eureka gintic tintic lotice the partnership co heretofore existing between kempton hoover is by mutual consent dissolved kempton assuming all bills and paying all accounts splendid coffee has the flavor of java or mocha wanted A girl to do general housework enquire at this office splendid coffee packed in black and also in red packages for sale cheap a good second hand maeon aud harness for further particulars tic ulars enquire of R J im provo city sea gull deais sold by the principal stores rock salt for the use of both stores and cattle men alwill deliver rock salt at your place in spanish fork per ton provo pleasant grove 1025 10 25 american fork 1050 address PO box 69 t 27 spanish fork utah sea gull tea be sure you try it the season open W E gray co have now on hand a large and varied supply of garden seeders cultivators drills harrows biow clippers etc A carload of wagons is ex pecked in daily anything in the way of farming implements clements ts can now be obtained at V H gray cos centre street provo sea gull tea is the most economical the west coop co op Is the headquarters for the champion han esters and mow era haa rakes and fish brog wagons fanneye wanting extras should make their wants known and they will he supplied before purchasing farming machinery anywhere else you will find to your advantage to call and get prices at the west coop co op sea aull tea is the strongest wd best cash baij for lit calves by W cox butcher provo ft fe j 35 ita peculiar efficacy la dna as much to the process and NOTHING skill in compounding as to IT l the ingredients themselves 1 take it in time it checks diseases in too outset or if they be advanced will prove a potent cure no home te vim it it takes tho place of a doctor and costly pre all who lead FOR WHOSE sedentary lives will find U the best preventive of i and cure or indigestion Indis estion constipation headache file and mental depression no loss of time no interference with business while taking for it la most innocent and harmless no danger from exposure alter taking cures colic di arr hoea bowel ness and feverish colds invalids and delicate persons will fand it the mildest and tonic they can use taken at night insures refreshing sleep and a natural evacuation of the bowels A little taken in the morning sharpens the appetite cleanses the stomach and sweetens Bwee tens the breath A Ori 1 I have been practicing ine for twenty years and have never axen able to put up a vegetable compound that would lice simmons liver regulator promptly and effectively move the liver to action and at the same time aid instead of weakening the digestive and powers of the system L M HINTON ID washington ark marks of genuineness look forsbe red trademark trade mark on front of wrapper and tho seal and signature ofa co in red on the fide tako no other 1888 SPANISH 1888 PURE PRED SULTAN AND VICTOR FIRST imported from france and COACH HORSE frenca american no D U JU 1 al no stand for the season it spanish fork and vicinity french no v IL i i will and for 1 be season at spanish fork provo coach hor c brilliant Brilli art will be with victor for the season brilliantz brilliants Brilli ants i elierce as follows sired by ivanhoe he bv arne lr ne albert who look the old nt the territorial pair salt lake in dam was mary kandall she was sired by borne he hy andrew jackson he by virginian the 3 mlle heat horse ruef dam ws mary lUnd allt dam fanny lee sired by brilliantz brilliants Brilli ants dam sired by imported french and morzan grand dam by imported morgan great grand dam an american mare Is a carpe stylish and handsome stallion who when dev loped will make 1550 pounds the season will commence on april all those who have mares ready lievore that date should bring them to spanish fork those at a distance can send their mares to spanish fork where they can be pastured rasmua NIELSEN spanish fork ti spring summer all seasons ia JL m mm MB AT a as EBOW all men fay blat ie book stationery co not only keep an unlimited stock of loesl constantly on hand but ace have the agency for the g kimsil and household sewing machines also a large stock of novels poems gift book autograph albums photograph albums stationery legal blanks pocket cutlery purses hand satchel accordions etc etc etc we are also prepared to receive subscriptions for all foreign and local pers and periodicals CALL AND SEE US bm cupi BR P M DEALERS IN FINE DRUGS CHEMICALS FANCY TOILET ARTICLES AUTOGRAPH AND PHOTO AR VARIETY TOILET AND ODOR CASES ALL AT EASTERN PRICES our display of holiday goods is unsurpassed in variety and cheapness in price TRUSSES homeopathic REMEDIES and a full and complete line of goods as can be found in any drug store atthe lowest market rates store and office opposite meetinghouse meeting house provo city isea ISE 3 Z WATER WHEEL designed for all purposes where limited quantities of water and high heads are utilized guaranteed to give boore power with less water than any other wheel made being placed on shaft the power is transmitted direct to shafting by belts and ai gearing dispensed estimates on application for wheels specially built and adapted in capacity to suit any particular case further information can be obtained of thia form of construction as well as tbt ordinary vertical turbines for wooden penstocks pen stocks and in iron globe cases fre of cost bv applying to the manufacturers JAMES LAFFEL CO ohio or liberty st N Y city please mention this paper the only place ia utah and adjoining territories that is prepared to fill orders for C K E RY BY all orders by mail will receive prompt attention P 0 box 78 CITY E 0 sat two or three skilled potters wanted BROWNS COUCH BALSAM and tar troches are invaluable in every family for coughs colds sore throat and consumption BROWNS ARNICA SALVE Is every boy warranted for cuts bums bruises old sores piles and sore eyes no cure no pay every family should keep a box in their house only 25 cents BROWW has nu equal stands alone as the BLOOD anft FIER and cure for rheumatism no now sold is so fully endorsed by physicians and Druggists Complete formula printed on each bottler sk for SAI and use no other i r f T s s r A s |