Show Bu pepsy this is what ou ought to have in hot you must have it to fully enjoy life thousands are searching for it daily and mourning because they find it not thousands upon thousands of dollars are annually by our people in the liopo eliat they may attain this boon and yet it may be biad by ill ve that electric bitters if used according to directions and the use pcr isted in will bring you good digestion and oust lie demon dyspepsia and install instead we f commend electric bitters for dys india and all diseati dise aei of liver stomach alij kidneys sold at and per bottle by smoot richard richardi i co drug gifts you dont have to change cars on felt excursion W II 11 gray co a fine lot if spectacles just in we have htiu famous and eye glasses new and largo assortment of glassware and crockery we leave the finest and largest stock in awn of the lustre band china and are selling cheap for cash stow pans and yeast pans given anway with baking powders fino line of cigars just in it ii abe only house where the celebrated amole toilet soap can be obtained ew arrivals of buggies carts rakes Mower 5 rown and buckeye io large variety A large and well block 0 always on hand p r W n gc centre street arnica salve 3 THE BEST SALVE in the world for cuts bruises sores ulcers salt cheum fever sores setter chapped hands chilblains corns and all skin eruptions and positively cures piles or DO pay required it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded price 25 cents per box for sale by smoot co PROPOSALS proposals sealed and endorsed received at my office boom 1 courthouse provo city bitah until july at m ing and diving feet of three 3 inch artesian pipe for utah county VJ V J HALLIDAY tay as county clerk H i tu t U call and see the immen seline of gents clothing just arrived at mcewan fan EC the cheapest simmons liver regulator is what the name indicates a regulator of that most important organ the liver Is your liver out of order then is your whole system deranged the breath offensive you have head ache feel languid dispirited and nervous no appetite sleep in trouble and simmons liver regulator restores the healthy action of the liver THADE allmark elL MARK for strains and sprains evidence fresh new St ronar hi f tenant tazil suffered 8 tears aca 20 WS with of lad coald not nud two bottles st oil VM cured K J on oala hinr 2 1 I two eki en birom knuf nuj et jacolia oil eidd aa antara of ala la oa WU BAT atod cane dezu fane ny tick haa to ar cne vu calef IT st CU istas 2 aas E in abed Eo midi ay iy abbat 3 Z mui baid vu in led OB cai two thre appu k day from thre oil carid ia taa of JOSEFS damin pain I 1 my spring and k teril bl md pala junikl OU ul a ad ta st ata B attia 01 feln GIL B AT THE CHARLES A CO ml when yon want a good cheap basket call on the basket maker who keeps a nice assortment and allows ten per cent for cash two doors east from west coop co op store the finest in the territory outside of the salt lake city now roods constantly arriving t au 9 P P NOTICE any person owning or having charge of any dog in provo city is hereby notified that tho animal fax on the same s now demand must be paid to the city recorder as provided by ordinance of provo city JAS E DANIELS ja city marshal by WM STRONG deputa CITY anly 17 1887 for sale A four roomed brick house and two lota for sale on D street second ward provo enquire of mrs margery vincent on the premises t au 16 wanted to exchange six head of good young milk cows with calves by their sides for hay or gram delivered at our stables live stock association excelsior livery stable mcclellan drake take pleasure in announcing to the public that they are now thoroughly located in their elegant stables opposite the theatre and that they aro on hand to cater to the wishes of the people generally hacks carriages buggies etc for hire day and saddle horses for ladies and gentlemen special rates to excursion and picnic parties desiring conveyances reasonable call or write ua ti the teacher who ad her pupils to strengthen their minds by the use 0 ayers ea parilla appreciated tha truth that bodily health is essential to mental vigor for persona of delicate and feeble constitution whether young or old this medicine is remarkably beneficial ba sure you get ayers sarsaparilla every spring and fall I 1 take a number of bottles of ayers sarsaparilla and am greatly benefited mrs james H eastman stoneham mass 1 I have takes ayers sarsaparilla with great benefit to my general health miss thirza L crerar palmyra md my daughter twelve years of age has suffered for the past year from general debility A few weeks since we began to give her ayers sarsaparilla her health has greatly improved mrs harriet S battles south chelmsford Chelm stord mass about a year ago I 1 began using ayera sarsaparilla as a remedy for debility and neuralgia resulting from malarial exposure in the army I 1 was in a very bad condition but six bottles of the sar with occasional doses of ayera pills have greatly improved my health I 1 am now able to work and feel eliat I 1 cannot say too much for your excellent remedies F A south Mol me my daughter sixteen years old is ansing ayers sarsaparilla with good effect bev S J graham united brethren church buckhannon ava I 1 suffered from nervous prostration with lame back and headache and hava been much benefited by th use of ayers sarsaparilla I 1 am now 80 years of age and am satisfied that my present health and prolonged life are due to the nse of ayers sarsaparilla lucy moffitt conn mrs ann H farnsworth a lady 79 years old so woodstock vt writes after several weeks suffering from nervous prostration I 1 procured a bottle of ayers and before I 1 had taken halt of it my usual health returned ayers sarsaparilla BY dr J C ayer co lowell mass pike 1 ix dottl worth 5 a dottl SPECIAL NOTICES cash paid for fat calves by W cos butcher provo farmers who want a binder mower hay rake will do well to call on duax co cash customers can always save money by purchasing their supplies at dunn co mrs H W dayis is selling off below cost call and see her before buying elsewhere an elegant line of parasols and at prices that surprise you for cheapness in by express at dunn co come to the li ast coop co op and get you white embroideries and dress goods A fine selection for the holidays if your watch or clock is in need of repairing take it to W G highey at K S hines store wanted A good experienced dining room girl apply at the roberts house wanted 20 to 30 men and teams to cut and haul ties to spanish fork canyon apply to S S provo A first class cook wants employment in this cita enquire at H Oster lohs bakery opposite the theatre A pig lost last seen near S Liddi ards residence inthe third ward about four weeks old black and white apply at this office fly time is here and you can get screen doors all sizes for ready to hang up at DUNN co S peterson fashionable tailor half block north of bank corner provo city is making up suits to order of homemade home made and imported english french and german cloth good fit and first class work guaranteed prices reasonable undertakers we are the soli agenda for joseph E taylors homemade home made and imported caskets and coffins for provo city which we furnish on short notice and at reasonable rates shop one block north of railroad depot Q H OLSEN co the uld Ite hable E osterloh is still at his old stand on centre street opposite the meetinghouse block and leads out in all confectionary tio nary cakes ice cream soda water etc meals at any hour served up in first class style my 21 tf advice to abe banners Fan ners better hav forks can be bought at the east coop co op for less money than you are paying itinerant pedrera ped lera whose goods and prices are inferior in every respect dont be deceived by the misrepresentations made to you the boss whip maker F F bee co have secured the services of E M martin the boss whip mater of utah la addition to their saddle and harness business they will now be prepared to manufacture all kinds of whips pointing out buggy whips a specialty our motto is first ceass work and low prices call and see us F F BEE co t s 19 centre st donth sonth side provo removal of easiness having such an increase in my business I 1 find it necessary to have a more convenient and commodious place to carry on my trade so to accommodate my patrons I 1 have taken the basement under smoot richards gos drug store where I 1 will be glad to accommodate my customers I 1 will keau a gen oral assortment 0 merchandise and also have constantly en hand ice cream Den halters soda water all of vegetables and california fruit I 1 shall sell everything for cash as I 1 buy for cash and can therefore sell lower than any house in town C proprietor superintendent and cleric july 3 1889 mens boys badiea and childrens hose in endless variety good goods and lowest prices prevail dray co A MAIBEN successors TO F H 0 IN 0 gils MM mi all aisig sf 1 pass i A LINE OF C we carry the largest stock of atoff linn or X trusses and homoeopathic specifics a specialty B B FAIL TO VISIT adjoining the postoffice Post office prove A thousand useful household articles including fireworks for the holidays siva sfa jR gc sr a g I 1 aze dollars aiu take care of themselves aar THE rain s yx se carry complete lines of the following gooda DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS STAPLE FANCY GROCERIES HENS LADIES RUSSET AND CHILDRENS BOOTS AND at prices that cannot be duplicated in thi city 0 o we also carry the best mates of steel and chilled plows harrows hand and horse cultivators garden tools of all descriptions hardwood and wagon timber we have the exclusive agency for prove of the WALTER A WOOD MOWER AND HARVESTER the most durable easiest managed and decidedly the best machine for the farmer in the world we have the bain end mitchell wagons which after years of trial in this territory have been found to be the best As will be seen above the west coop co op carry none but the best goods in the market and the prices are guaranteed to be the lowest against all competitors hence the public generally are not only cordially but earnestly asked for our mutual benefetto benefi tto call and examine our goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere EST MOTTO sa fair dealina and coir ANDREW bupt supt DRUGS MEDICINES TOILET ARTICLES comer of seventh and I 1 streets provo i ih illy eb ai with a handsomely fitted up bar where the choicest W LUPUS AND CIGARS can be obtained W WR A T J A axim a asi sy jEB mi i B S BIKES V danielse DANIELS 9 GALLERY is the ijane to get photographs worth of new accessories and instruments every thing re fitted among the rest is a beautiful set of instruments for taking LIFE SIZE PORTRAITS direct from camera large groups and views a SPECIALTY I 1 have recently secured the service of mr C A conkling a thorough and ac complis hed workman of more than ten years experience in the best appointed city galleries call and see my late improvements 2500 reward I 1 will pay 25 to any one that will give any information leading io the conviction of the person or persons who entered my store under the basement of smoot eichardt Eich ards cos drue store on friday night july ath and stole my tortoise As I 1 have some duo to the parties who made avray with it I 1 will not only grant a pardon to the one vf ho may turn states evidence lut will also give him the 25 reward C apply at the fourth ward cash store or at the west branch under smoot richards gos drug store sea gull tea is the best for sale at lehi by trane evans american fork by coop co op store and A dunkley pleasant grove by frank beers provo by the principal merchants springville Spring ville by deal bros mendenhall and boyer bringhurst spanish fork by coop co op store and A A dahle salem by coop co op store payson by douglasb Dou glasa sons santaquin San by coop co op store keahi by bead bryan sanpete county by most of the merchants gar jim prepared to furnis Jb LUMBER to the in any quantity i and to any sizes desired fourth ward provo city THOS CHILD SON UTAH HAS ALWAYS ON HAND MARBLE we have them also at mr charles brewerton payson CALL AND SEE THEM all work warranted SCHOOL OP MUSIC 8 BY c mi mm s g OP g 0 SALT 1 VOICE violin fc 0 AT 0 y OPERA HOUSE g every g c j ani g send your name and stady that y Q you wish to persue to who will arrange time of leson and terms full liae of buggies and spring wagons cheaper than the cheapest and better than the best a the EAST COOP CO OP |