Show lifis iii ape f SECRETARY NOBLE and TANNER at cuts over the rim inua of pension office correspondence ol 01 the political sensations and very warm do not usually go together in washington but this week is an exception cep tion for although tho thermometer has been dancing around in the nineties all the week we have had a real genuine sensation at first it was given out abat secretary noble had peremptorily removed pension commissioner tanner on account of the way in which he had been running the pension office then it was stated that tanner had resigned because the secretary had reprimanded him and assistant secretary bussey both of these reports turned out to have been wrong mr tanner had neither been removed nor has ho resigned but one of the other may yet cuccur as the relations between the secretary and the commissioner are decidedly strained the day after tanners return from his western trip he received a summons from secretary noble to come at once to his private office arrived there he found assistant secretary bussey who has charge of the appeals from the pension office and who is in sympathy with the commissioner ideas and Secie tary noble an animated discussion was at once begun with tanner on one aside and noble on the other it is said that the secretary gave them both to understand der stand m the plainest sort of language that they were subordinates of his and right here is I 1 understand the root of the whole trouble the secretary bad no serious objection to any thing that tanner has done bulie objects to tanners way of doing them he wants the fact impressed on the mind of the public that the pension bureau is a part of the department of the interior and that ho noble is at the head of that department mr harrison has gone to join his family at deer park it is given out at the white house that he will spend very little time here for the rest of the warm weather not over two days a week at the outside this is taken to mean that very few presidential appointments will be made between now and september public printer palmer has taken his buo cuo from the president and is going very slow in making new appointments point ments he has just made the most important in his gift chief clerk and the members of his party do not like it although the gentleman appointed is a republican mr collins the lucky man entered the of fico as an apprentice served his time and was afterwards detailed for clerical work he has been for several years head bookkeeper book keeper and was not an applicant for the chief clerkship mr harrison has positively refused to give office seekers the names of parties that make charges against them he says to do so would be to frighten other people and prevent their telling him of bad things they might know about future applicants secretary blaine will be represented at the state department until september bv his re turned from bar harbor this week I 1 that Harrison Mr will visit mr Blu ineat bar harbor as soon as he cau find time to map out his first message to congress anew division has been established in the department of agriculture and and wm hilla minnesota editor has been put in charge of it mr hills duties will be 10 condense and simplify the reports and bull kens issued by the department so that they may be understood by these not familiar with technical and scientific terms senator quays friend Tom cooper has captured the of the port oi philadelphia secretary windom has prohibited the use of the steam plate printing presses in the bureau of engraving and Printing no the offer of the owners of them to accept ahe royalty named by congress one cent per thousand impressions they received per thousand previous to july washington is to have another attraction added to the many it already possesses the historic old line of battle ship constitution is to bo brought Portsmouth from shire where she now is to the wash ington navy yard when she will be used as a receiving ship the constitution ution has a proud history the department of the interior announces that no more appointments will bo made in the census bureau until september discharges of minor officials in the departments here are quite frequent just now was in new york city nearly all this weel secretary denies that gen felix argus of the baltimore american gave him a blooded horse as we published D 0 july 12 1889 |