Show KINGS TOBACCO BILI BILL FOR establishing A TEE BOARD for negotiating a territorial loan we were compelled to crowd out of our last issue the latter portion of wednesday afternoons house proceedings ce but now give it A communication from the governor announced that he had approved and filed with the secretary EL at 16 an act to amend chapter 26 of the laws of 1886 providing for the punishment of persons entering railroad cars in certain cases A communication from the council announced that it had passed H F 37 a bill providing for the release of the right of dower with one amendment at the request of mr hoge consideration of the over from the auditor cams the communication muni cation enclosing bill for desk and chairs furnished his office also claim of aera snow for legal services referred to the committee on claims mr lund from ahe special joint committee appointed to examine the auditors accounts reported that they had examined them and found them to be correct adopted mr thurman in pursuance of a resolution offered a few days ago presented a bill for an act providing corthe negotiation of loans for certain public purposes filed for the second reading C P 25 wag read the first time and referred to tha committee on judiciary A communication from the council announced the passage by that body with one amendment of EL P 17 a bill for an act amending sections 91 92 and 93 of chapter 9 of an achre the proceedings in justices courts and providing for appe alsto district courts in certain boses the amendment was non concurred in mr king reported ELF 25 had been correctly to the governor hoges divorce bill caneup on the question of adopting the port of the committee on judiciary recommended elhat the biu be rejected mr thurman moved that the majority report be accepted mr hoge moved as an amendment that it ba rejected A hot and interesting debate followed which was participated ia by thurman hoge alien and king mr bill providing for a geological survey came read the third time and put upon ita passage but failed 10 ayes and 8 nays not the requisite two thirds the house then adjourned THIRTY NINTH DAY FEB 16 A communication was received from the governor notifying the council that he had approved and filed with the secretary C F 14 an act amending section 2006 chapter 10 title 9 of the compiled laws of the territory of utah in relation to gaming and C F 15 an act amending sections and 1163 of an act revising the code of civil procedure of utah territory the council was notified that the house refused to concur in the coun bips amendment to H F ing section 91 chapter 9 of an act revising proceedings in justices courts and providing for appeals from justices courts on motion of mr marshall the council insisted in its amendment the committee on counties reported favorably on H F 20 TI bill pro viding for the removal of county seats adopted and the bill filed for second reading mr hoge introduced C F viding for the organization and promotion of a geological survey for the promotion of agriculture this is the bill rejected by the i house on wednesday its supporters claim that it would have passed except for so many members being absent at the timea mr bryan introduced a bill to prevent and suppress infectious and contagious diseases among domestic animals referred Hefe to the committee on public health mr bryan also introduced C F 30 authorizing county recorders to administer oaths and affirmations ee berred to the judiciary committee the second reading of H F 27 providing for the construction and maintenance of barb wire fences in tho territory of utah was postponed H F 20 providing for the removal of county seats ws read forthe second time and filed for the third read ig and burial of dead animals was read for the third time and passed the council was house refused to concur in the coun cing amendment to TEC 3 17 and had appointed richards thurman and moyle as conference youner marshall and shurtliff appointed to represent the councel 1 I S r BL F of leors was read tor the third tune and passed voting in the negative BL E 38 a bill defining the anan ner as determining disputed county boundary lines was caien UT omits third beading jea ding it as far as I 1 section 5 and re committed to the committee on counties adjourned houba mr wood presented the petition of george frantzen and several hun drad others asking for an kioa to spend on the roads in huntington juanyon jC anyon sanpete county Kefer the committee on highways 1 the committee on live stock reported a for EL F 48 a billin relation to animals running at large and recommended its adoption the report was adopted the committee on enrollment reported that H P 24 K F 41 and H P 43 had been correctly enrolled and forwarded to the governor for his action thereon was notified that the council insisted upon its amendment to H F 27 a bill amending sections and 93 of chapter 9 of an act revising the proceedings in the justices courts sir richards Bic hards moved that a conference committee of three be appointed carried and eichardt Eich ards moyle and thurman appointed to represent the house the judiciary committee to whom was referred H P 56 a bill prohibiting the sale of tobacco to minors and a F 61 a bill fixing the time for electing the members 0 the legislature etc t recommended that the bills be placed apon their passage adopted mr stated that the members of the committee on the compilation of the laws wished to have the bill under which they were acting sprinted tso ordered the committee on claims and pub lie accounts reported adversely upon the claim of Z snow for for legal services on the ground that ho had been compensated for his services by the salary paid him adopted mr introduced a bill for the establishment of a territorial board of health and to provide for the organization of county city and local boards of health the bill was read for fahe first time by its title and referred to the committee on public health MJ hatch introduced a bill making an appropriation of 1000 to each county in the territory to be expended for the improvement of roads etc the billow as read for the first time and re forred to the committee on the report of the committee on judiciary recommending that a bill for the punishment of poly gamy and other of fences be rejected was adopted HF 56 kings tobacco bill was taken up on its second reading mr jones thought that the penalty was too light mr king moved that the bill bo printed pending its second reading carried on motion of mr king H F 61 as amended was ordered printed tul H T 65 abill for an act providing 1 l public purposes was taken up on its second reading the amount of the loan was re deuced from to after some other amendments further consideration of the bill was postponed until february on motion of mr farnsworth the motion to postpone was reconsidered and the bill made the special order for the the committee an conference recommended that the councils amendment to H F 17 be concurred in adopted A from the governor notifying the house that he had approved and filed with the secretary of the territory H F 25 in relation to appeals from justices courts was read the house was notified that the council had passed H F 33 in relation to the burial of dead animals and H F 35 providing for the selection of jurors the substitute reported by the committee on live stock to H F 48 a bill for an act to amend fhe compiled laws of utah in relation to animals running at large was ordered printed consideration of H F 3 a bill for an act providing for registration of voters and conducting of elections was defered saturday adjourned FORTIETH DAY FEB 17 1888 COUNCIL the committee on claims to whom was referred the communication of the commissioners to locate university lands recommended an appropriation of to the commissioners for their services during the past two years and an appropriation of for contingent expenses adopted and referred to the committee on ap the judiciary committee to whom was referred H F 51 a bill for an act amending section title 7 of an act revising the code of civil procedure of utah territory relative to eminent domain recommended that the bill be placed its passage adopted mr bryan introduced C F 31 forbidding territorial and precinct officers from being elected members of head for the by its title and referred io the committee on judiciary mr C F 32 which is as follows t an act territorial county and precinct officers and for tho fees of said offices to be into the public treasuries section 1 he it enacted etc that the compensation of all territorial officers shall bo determined by the legislative assembly and be paid out of the territorial treasury upon warrants ahe auditor of public accounts amay b e prescribed by law and the of all county and officers shalla be determined bythe county courts of the respective county treasuries SEC all shall collect the fees and mileage pre scrib ed bylaw sos fidall pay the same into the territorial treasury and all county and precinct officers ahau collect colIe ct the fees and mileage shall pay the same into the respective county trea i luriea HF 61 amending the code of civil procedure was than taken up dij a iian ii yn sp and passed under a suspension of the rules C F 30 a bill authorizing county recorders to administer oaths and affirmations firmat ions were taken up and passed under a suspension of the rules BL F 20 a bill providing for the removal of county seats were taken up on its third reading on motion of sir bryan consideration of his bill was postponed until monday mr bryan stated that there was a dispute between the counties of millard and juab as lo 10 the county boundary lines and requested that the members or the committee be ex 1 aused until monday in order that they might visit the boundary line granted the council then adjourned until monday at S p m mr hatch presented three petitions from morgan and ogden asling the passage of the local option law the chair also a petition of similar import referred to tho committee on elections mr wood presented a petition framl kmetcalf and several others praying for certain amendments to the fish and game law referred to the committee on fish arid game mr hatch from the committee on claims and appropriations reported thai they had examined the bill of henry dinwoodey torone tor one desk and six chairs at 7 each and one at 1750 for the auditors office they found that the articles had been purchased and recommended that the bill be allowed and amount placed in tho appropriation bill mr creer presented a bill for an act amending the pound law and asked that it bo referred to the committee on live stock so ordered mr hoge presented a bill for an act to amend an act entitled an act prescribing rules and regulations for the execution of the trust arising an act of congress entitled an act for the relief of the inhabitants of cities and upon the public lands approved march approved february it is given below in full SEC 1 that section X of said act be same is hereby amended go as to read as follows SEC 10 if there shall remain any unclaimed lands within such city or town after the expiration of six months from the publication of the notice provided in section TIT the municipal authority in cases where thelah ds shall have been entered for a municipal corporation and the probate judge in cases where the lands have been entered in trust by him shall same to bo surveyed and laid out into suitable and convenient blocks lots and alloys and shall reserve such portions as may be 11 hospitals asylums ahre engines and hose pest houses or other necessary public use and shall cause all necessary streets roads lanes and alleys to be laid out through the same and a plot of the same properly tined to be recorded in the office of the arof the proper county and shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash after public notice of time and place of such sale published at least forty days in some newspaper in tho county if there bo such otherwise n the nearest newspaper such lots or blocks so laid put if any of such lands remain unsold for want of a bidder at such auction at the end of three months thereafter the corporate authorities or probate judge as aforesaid shall have power to sell such residue of lands at public or private sale on such terms as they may deem for the best interest of the city or town and they shall deeds as in this act provided to the several purchasers for the lands so sold but none of such lands shall bs sold for less than 5 per acre either at private or public sale SEC 2 that section XI of said act bo and tho same is hereby amended so as to read as follows SEC IL that all money arising from the sale of lands as provided in the next preceding section after deducting the costs and charges of such sales shall be paid into the city treasury in case choro such lands have been entered in trust by corporate authority or with the county treasury in cases such lands have been entered in trust by the judge and the same shall be set apart and applied to the improve 1 ment of public squares and streets the construction of sewers and providing a supply of water tor the use and benefit of the inhabitants of the city or town in which such lands are situated under special orders of the day came up H F 65 a bill for an act providing for negotiating a loan for certain public purposes an amendment was carried making tho bonds payable at any time within twenty instead of thirty years as previously but as the bill had been received in such a horrible cond tion from the printer it was referred with instruction to correct HF 37 the bill providing for the teleado of the right of dower as amended by tha bame upeor consideration the was non in jerom the council came a communication to the effect that that body had passed H P 51 an ace revising the code of civil procedure relating to eminent domain with an amendment also GP 30 authorizing coun ty recorders to administer oaths jhio amendment was concurred in and 0 F referred to the committee on counties mr band from tha committee on counties to whom had been referred 11 P a bih providing for a uniform system of county government reported with the recommendation chak it be printed and put upon its passage adopted air moyle bom the committee on education to whom had been referred H y 21 a abill for an act amending an ordinance incorporating the university of deseret ted that tae bill had received careful consideration and recommended that it be rejected the rejected bill provided that the faculty meet at least four S times a year to discuss the best methods to be pursued in the conduct of the university report adopted H T 3 a bill for an act providing for the registration and conduct of elections came up on the question of rejection as reported by the committee on elections the motion to reject was anani save the three liberal members neither of which voted 0 P 23 a bill to amend section 2 chapter 7 of the laws of 1886 was the nest measure considered mr richards offered a substitute for section 2 which was adopted the rules suspended the bill read the third time and passed from the committee on agriculture to whom had been referred H F 57 a bill for an act providing for bounties for tho destruction of certain animals reported that a substitute bill had been drafted which they recommended be printed and put upon its passage at 3 p m the house adjourned until monday at 2 |