Show MORE BURNT CORK the renowned juliuson Joli slavin minstrels congius Coni ius next tuesday evening the finest artistic minstrel troupe now in the united states not excepting will hold the boards in this city they are so well known that wa need not present any press notices to introduce them but the following areca tha boston daily advertiser ver tiser gatea an idea of their mammoth show the curtail want ap a a circle of gorgeously arrayed darkies behind whom en the elevated biere of scabs scats were placed the orchestra from the nio ment the curtain rose the fun began aad the huge audience every seat in the bouso was taken and many were standing and applauded tho whole evening through lir hughey dougharty the veteran end man whose friends are many hero in boston was warmly and he and his fellow conspirator mr jay quigley at the other ead of tha circle outdid them belvea until they roli oved by johnson and slavin in person who west them in colloquial phrase two er three better the jokes were as fresh as the handsome BOW suits they wore and extremely good tao besides the jollities af the end mn thera was much excellent singing Es praise were the bons eons the convict and alaa bird i buns by mr will stephens and 1 I will return again guns by mr raymond shaw after the first part was over mr fred B malcolm sang some hongg in a very fine falsetto and then the audience was what are the joys of the middies and found them to consist in graceful accurate dancing and good chorus singing and some new and exceedingly cee difficult steps in clog dancing exhibited by george CL marshall mr slavin gave one of his inimitable monologues and kept the audience in roars of laughter for as long as vigorous encores could persuade him te on the abage chorus singing and reBen tins tha mogro at night on the bayou gave place to a really wonderful exhibition of bicycle riding by five bambers of the melbini family this varied and entertaining pro gramme was closed by a burlesque in which the whole company took part entitled the Lo or the island of nokah in which is act ferth the remarkable hia tory of the government of an island which until one was lost strayed or stolen was ruled by four aces but was i then usurped by the four kings which beats three aces until the lost was found again the of this after piece was remarkable and the was of very good quality on the whole it is the best minstrel performance that has been seen in boston for a long time |