Show president harrison what is this states post office john wanamaker manager letters carried to every martof the country with safety and dispatch I 1 unrivaled facilities we di stanco all competitors I 1 mr wanamaker its a display advertisement verti of the fico im going to pat it in the papers but you dont ees sir you cant run a business without advertising look at me I 1 owe my money to printers ink A western editor appe alsto his delinquent lin quent subscribers by saying juliis week wo have taken in potatoes and pic kleson subscription now if you will baag in some vinegar for the pickles and some wood to the pota toe wo can live till artichokes get bi enough to diar A superstitious man after reading an headed this out it may savo your life cut the advertisement out and pasted it in his hat and the same day was struck on tha head by a brick and i killed cholly jocularly pencil oufa of your mouth billy say mister who owns this mouth cholly A syndicate probably judging from its size HATT SHOT if I 1 got as intoxicated as you do id shoot myself prisoner if you wass as I 1 am you hitter barn door lie on the left side says a health journal if ishad been a law journal it would have said lie enroth sides |