Show HOME missionaries the home missionaries of utah stake axe appointed to preach on sunday feb at the wards designated eli openshaw provo ast 1st ward geo E james taylor provo and 2nd george kirkham B W brown peter W M bromley provo ath W H chipman jamea armitstead provo ath frederick newman thos J patten N L nelson gos james E daniels T M samuelson springville Spring ville evan edward acay spanish fork jas E talmage salem john E booth J R boshard lake shore edward harding J B keeler benjamin G H brimhall george smoot payson W D alexander moroni L pratt james White heed L D Cranda II goshen 0 M mower thomas child cedar valley S brockbank evan evansen lehi E A wilson john alpine C D evans niels american fork H W babett W S tanner pleasant sant grove hours of meeting provo fifth ward 1030 a m gos ward 2 p m and in tho ward meeting houses at p TO springville Spring ville 2 p m spanish fork 2 and 7 p m salem 2 p m payson 2 and p m santaquin San 2 p m goshen 2 p m lehia p m alpine 10 a m american fork 2 and 7 p m pleasant groop 2 p m cedar fort 10 a m fail field 2 p m spring lake 2 p m benjamin p m consumption cured an old physician retired from practice havin phad placed in his hands by an east india missionary the formula of a vegetable remedy fur the speedy and permanent cure of consumption br n chiaia catarrh asthma and all J broat and lung aleo a and radical cure for nervous and all nervous complaints after having ite wonderful curative powers in thousands of cases has felt it his duty to make it known to ats suO ering fellows actuated by thi s motive and a desire to sufi eung I 1 will send free of charge to all who desire it thia receipt in german drench or english with full direction sor preparing and neing sent by mail by ail dressing dressi hg willi thin pi W A coyra block y r velvet an d astrakhan trimmings furs and jaffs all the style at EAST COOP ff W w 8 Q THE REFORM SCHOOL what are cutuli conneys Conn tys advantages for its location the following letter prepared by alie special legislative committee on reform schools has been received by judge dusenberry legislative ASSEMBLY SALT UTAH february 4 1888 N dusenberry probate judge utah county dear sir in behalf of the committee appointed by the legislative assembly of this territory to obtain estimates of tho cost of a proposed reform school to receive proposals ar the site of the build ings connected therewith and to consider the most eligible location therefore I 1 invite you in behalf of your county to advise us by letter or messenger of any advantage your county or any portion thereof possesses and may be able to offer for the location of alie same state whether you can furnish acres or more of good tillable land in compact form with sufficient water to irrigate the entire tract and as water power is very desirable what if any such power there may be in connection with track or tracks you may mention also upon what terms each of alie several tracks you may call our attention to can bo obtained As our time is limited we desire to hear from you at the earliest moment possible and trust that it may not bo later than the logli dinst very respectfully E G chairman we understand that the committee will be pleased to receive information or proposals from any expect to inspect several localities nipped in alio bud isit not better to nip consumption the greatest scourge of humanity in tho bud alian to try to stay ita progress on tho brink of tho grave A few doses of Cali fornias most useful production SANTA atcie the king of consumption will relieve and a thorough treatment will cure nasal catarrh too often the forerunner of consumption can ba cured by california CAL OAT H OURE these remedies are sold and fully warranted by all druggists at 1 or three for white swelling mr M shamlin one of the best known insurance men in north carolina from winston as follows evar since I 1 was seven years of age I 1 have had what the doctors call hip disease and which I 1 call white swelling my hip was drawn out of place there was a swelling at the knee joint where there ia a profuse running which has been there for oi course this has greatly depleted rny system together with surgical operation on the leg bone I 1 tried every known blood purifier to build up my system but none did me good until I 1 took S S S 1 it every baring it always builds me up giving me appetite and digestion and enables me to stand the long trying enervating hot summer days to me there in no such medicine for purifying the blood and building up tho a system jm 8 S S OB using it I 1 soon became strong of body and easy of mind my color changed from a pale worn look to healthy robust complexion mr G N frizzel of teina writes about august lat 1805 atu eruption appeared on my arms and legs which pained me much and seemed 0 o affect my physical condition generally on the advice of physician at this e 1 finally commenced specific I 1 ani glad to fray eliat after using three large bottles the sores lave all healed tiia on blood and skin mailed free SWIFT co drawer 3 DEALERS IN AND business done on a strictly cash basis we buy closely for cash and sell at bedrock bed rock prices act V TT J vj ta a cpr nn sa f wool hides sheep skins beaver mink gat otter and muskrat skins THE INTHE LARGEST CLOCKS jewelry of AND THE to 7 SOUTH OF SALT LAKE AT JENSEN TAYLORS next door to taylor bros farn itura store provo mm THIS popular of eating housea is fitted up in excellent shape good meals and good beds if you want comfort combined with this is the place to get your meals at opposite the tabernacle block centre street JOHN GRIEB prop THE STOCK LATELY OWNED BY but having purchased the same consisting of shoes hardware groceries cod fish herrings sausages bologna nuts candy oranges figs etc etc wai sell for cash we give acts worth for and ask for a share ol 01 your patronage 0 call and see if we do as we say CEO PROVO Anya crip have out will be tien as cash by us within thirty days fy e s t r f fi m a is unsurpassed this department is re in every respect conr being exceptionally fine conr is well supplied with goods our purpose being to have everything on hand to meet the demands of our extensive trade the FP bl departments are filled with everything needful tte have a fine line of HATS HA TS ETC our stock of a is gain enlarged we carry the best cook ing and heating stoves in the market if you want fine and cheap goods call at the east coop co op where you will find a large assortment to select from JOS A HARRIS bupt supt TO CO i importers of and wholesale and retail dealers in all kinds of As pine a stock of goods as any drug house in attah we carry a faill and complete line following goods G apura brues patent com bs boilet anielee Ani eleB dyes mirrors chamois skins articles apt I 1 alponse remedia Re medie lints oila Sli braces etc prescriptions and FAMILY RECIPES CAREFULLY PREPARED AT ALL HOURS we make our purchases from the largest aad most Reliable 1 drug houses ia america and can therefore sell as low as any house in utah thanking the public for their liberal patronage in the past and by fair and courteous treatment in the future we hope to merit a continuance of the same RICHARDS CO smoot block centre street proto B naders nH ders manufacturers ot doors windows blinds Moul dings and frames screen doors stairs stair RaH iii Balas lers bewell posts and brackets Wholesale and retail dealers in weights sash cord door locks hinges screws etc ec i H s ss si y ss aps ss of the celebrated studebaker bros make fence we manufacture and keep constantly on hand the celebrated combination composed of 6 8 or 10 annealed steel galvanized wire at with 44 pickets prices from 50 cents to per mile per rod saying the farmers more than s and factory opposite V 0 R 1 l depot y 4 r |