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Show SCHOOL BOARD CLERK TALKS OE SALARIES He Says tho Complaints of Some Teachers Come With Poor Grace. According lo L. P. Judd, clerk of the board of education, and other school authorities, tho complaint of somo teachers of delay in - receiving their salaries is not only utterly unfounded, but comes with poor grace. "Tho teachers hnvo now had four pay days, ono more than they wero entitled to under their contract," said Mr. .ludd Wednesday. "School opened September S. Tho first pay day leu on October 2, the second on Oclobor 30, the third on November 27 and th fourth was scheduled, under their eon-tracts, eon-tracts, for January 15; but in order to give them their money for tho Christmas and New Years vacation of sixteen days, wo made up tho payrolls, pay-rolls, which occasioned no inconsiderable inconsider-able additional labor, and paid them off December IS, only three days less than ono month ahead of time. Otherwise, Other-wise, they would not have had this 11101103, amounting to $20,927.31 for the mid-year vacation season. 'This payroll covered three weeks and enrried the teachers up to Friday, Fri-day, December IS. the last day of school before tho mid-year holiday set in. By the next day the checks were all in "the hands of tho teachers and they had received pay for every hour of service they had given. The making mak-ing up of the payroll in such a short; space of time caused a whole lot of. inconvenience and additional work, but we wanted to give the teachers their monov for tho vacation season, and did so, despite the inconvenience ami hard work and mistakes that were iikci.v 10 occur and have to be rectified. Tho paving the teachers December JS, almost a month, ahead of tho regular regu-lar time, advanced the January payroll pay-roll from January 15 to February . On this date tho teachers will receive pay for one month and two days additional ad-ditional pay for Christmas and New Year's days, which they did not teach, of course, but for which they are allowed al-lowed pav following an established custom of the school board. The payroll pay-roll February 5 will be ono ot the heaviest of the year, amounting to upwards up-wards of $t0,000. Under the contracts a school month constitutes four weeks of five days each. The contract provides for payments pay-ments monthlv in the week following the four weeks' service. Only legal . holidays occurring in a school week are counted as school days, in the contract. |