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Show C' lkIC Dn,ff 8e WSB m Stores rwect's Society if; Chocolates !ere's sufct-v in eating ic Pfcc1.ion. It's made in and 'Bgn Victory, ami only tlic Is antl 1)081 inpredicnts ffCtyee(L It's satistying, too. M ft JMlcing Powder Prescription for Stomach Digests Any Meal In Five Minutes. (Medical News ) This simple but powerful prescription will enable those with nnlcky" stomachs w, eat what they please, when and where thy please, withoutany distressing after effects. Says a noted medical niiin: AN wav8 prescribe the following for Indigestion, Indiges-tion, acute or chronic dyspepsia, sour stomach, constipation, depression languor, blues, wind and gas on stomach and bowels, bow-els, heart palpitation nnd biliousness. The results are prompt and lasting from theae ' harmless but powerfully blended essences. Take a six-ounce bottle and get .two ounces svrup of ginger, one ounce compound com-pound essence cardlol. and two ounces of essence of pepsin. Mix and shake well; then take one or two teaspoonfuls after each meal. One spoonful before eating will give a good appetite. One or two at retiring retir-ing will reiieve constipation. Glvo it 'to children who havo stomachache, bad breath or bowel trouble.. It may bo taken freelv. being entirely harmless. , The Tribune Gives Your Wants thc Largest Circulation 1 Martin Goal Co., 55 So. Main. All kinds of coal, both phones 520. Dr. Hubert Dcnno has removed his office from the Afcrcautilo block to his residence, GOO So. Main. Now 25c Popular Music, 10c, This week. CHnyton-Dayncs Music Co. Tribune Want Ads, i Ecll phono 5201. - lud. phono 3G0-318. J Hoadacbe and Nournlgla from Colds. LAXATIVE BItOMO Quinine. tho world-wide Cold nnd Grip remedy, removes re-moves cause. Call for full name. Look for signature E. GIIOVE. 25c. Charcoal Purifies I Any Breath I And In Its Purest Form Has Long Been Known As tho Grcatost Gas Absorber. Pure willow charcoal will oxidize almost any odor and render it sweet and pure. A panful in a foul cellar will absorb deadly fumes, for charcoal absorbs one hundred times its volume The ancient? knew thc value -of charcoal and administered it in case of illness, especially pertaining to the stomach. In England today charconl poultices arc used for ulcers, boils, etc,, while some physicians iu Europe claim to cure many skin diseases by covering the afflicted ekiu with char-coal char-coal powder. Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges co into the mouth and transfer fouJ odors at once into oxygon, absorb noxious gases nnd acids and When swallowed mix with thc digestive juices and stop gas making, fermentation and decay. HBh By their gentle qualities they control HB beneficially bowel action und stop diar- HB rhoca and constipation. HB Bad breath siniplv cannot exist when HB charcoal is used. There are no ifs or HB auds about this statement. Don't take our word for it, but look into the mat- HBb ter yourself. Ask your druggist or HBb phvsicinu, or better Mill, look up char- HB coal in your encyclopedia. Thc beauty HB of Stuart s Charcoal Lozenges is that HB the highest pharmaceutical expert IB knowledge obtainable has been usqd to HB prepare a lozcugc thai will give to man HBa the best form of charcoal for use: HBl Pure willow and honey is the result. Two or three nfter meals nnd at bod-time bod-time sweeten tho breath, stop decay of teeth, aid the digestive apparatus and promote perfect bowel action. They enrich the supply of oxygen to the sys-loin sys-loin and thereby rcvivity tho blood aud Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges arc sold everywhere in vast quantities, thus thev must have merit. J-Jvory druggist carries them, prico. twenty-five cents per box, or send us -our name and ad-clress ad-clress and we will send you a trial pack-age pack-age bv mail. free. Address F. A. 'Stuart Co.. 200 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. OATS, ' j H ROLLED BARLEY, j WHOLESALE. H HUSLER'S FLOUR. H J INTERMOUNTAIN MILL- ! |