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Show AGAIN THE MOTE AND THE BEAjM T would not parade my foolish vice upon tho streets and thereby give offense of-fense to others. There Is nothing moro contemptible or degrading. Tho spirit of God can't remain with men of this kind. , From sermon of Joseph F. Smith at Cache stake conference; Logan Journal, October 20, 1907. The Chairman. Then you could educate edu-cate your children and clothe them and feed them without having new Issue? Joseph F. Smith. Well, yes; I possibly could, but that Is just exactly the kernel in the nut. j Tho Chairman. Yes. i Joseph F. Smith. I have chosen not to ' do that. Mr. Chairman. The Chairman. You have chosen not to do that? ! Joseph F. Smith. That Is it. I am responsible re-sponsible before the law for my action. The Chairman. And In not doing It vou are violating tho law? Joseph F. Smith. The law of my The Chairman, Yes. j Joseph F. Smith. Yes. sir. Testimony in Smoot case, volume 1, pago 33-1. Tt may bo well for The Tribune to explain that at Logau the self-styled prophet, seer and revelator of the Mor mou chufch considered it to be his duty to upbraid men who indulged in smoking. This offense appeared to him to be so great that it was worthy of condemnation out of tho lips of God's pretended vicegerent. Smith 's observations observa-tions in this matter were of a piece with that other fault-finding movement inaugurated by him which proposed to rob the grandmothers of Israel of tho cup of tea 'to which they had been accustomed ac-customed from bub3'hood. But. let us take some note of the prophet's own conduct. With barefaced bare-faced assurance he parades his greater sin before the world and calls it a virtue. vir-tue. During the course of bis examination examina-tion at Washington he confessed to being the father of eleven illegitimate children: and since his returu from the National capital another has been added ad-ded to tho list that is, to tho public knowledge (how many others there have been will be known only when Smith is no moro). These, look 'ou, will some Any marry. Arc ihey to bo joined to your families? Ts tho brand of their shame unfortunate as tlioy arc in their helplessness against it to bo introduced into your household 1 To the father and mother who respect communit3' decency aud houor, the evil perpetrated by Joseph F. Smith, as he confesses to it. is ono of tho most grievous griev-ous that exists among mankind. And. as ho says, "there is uothiug moro con temptible or degrading than to parade pa-rade such vices iu arrogance before one's fellows. But. that is precise!' what Joseph F. Smith has been doing, and is doing to-da3'. j However, this h-pocritc takes upon himself tho right to pronounce his priestly anathema upon the peccadilloes peccadil-loes of his followers, even though he himself be steeped in crime against, the law and redolent of disobedience to the commands of heaven. This man, Smith, recks of evil; his whole career is filled with immorality, greed, spite, hatred and treason. How is it. possible, under his own ruling, for tho "spirit of God" to remain witn him? Well, it doesn't; that's all. |