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Show Skort Stories MADE HER SICK. ? Chicago Chronicle. B Cortland t P. Bishop, the now D'i$iBt dent of the Aero club, was hrnm i.,-3F,' viewed on aeronautics. IJifc' "Is it true." said the rcporter,'''tj2jC 3-ou get airsick up in a balloon the as you get seasick on the oceanPMt 'That is only true." said Mr. BldML ' of fidgety, highly.wjnsitivo ynxMK like the old lady on the train iffiS ''Sho said to the conductor W punched her ticket: 'Conductor, is it a fact that flB? locomotive is at the rear of the triiilK t( 'Yes. madam,' the conductor swered. Wc have a locomotive at fiB end. It takes one lo piuh and oat3 pull to get us up this grade.' lm 11 'Oh. dear, what shall I do?' mouiK the old lady. 'I'm always trainririiE I ride j with m3' back lo the ABSOLUTE SILEXCE. 'if A certain colored school in a EoBT ern city, formcrh- taught bv vmW1 teachers, had been'equipped with atiB ored fncult3-J and one of the dusty pils told of it in this wise: -mBE "Dcy tuk ouh whito teachers anjE and done sont us nigah teachers, H1 do fust thing the nigcah teacher K was to put all de white niggaha icK front, and de black nirphR n il ! and den she say she want aibiK silence. What is aibs?luto silence. u$Hl wny We will in' v gib it to b.r.liiBS we ain't know what ytia. Wo hntiMBtf all round foh aibs'Iute silence an' jitMraii found it yit." in His listener replied: "Whv, JoliSf doru't you know what absolute rileittjf. means t It means to keep quiet, ad At not talk." 1 4 ' i "Huh!" said John, "is dat all iWi mean? Well, why ain't she saj up,-' like do white teachers does, o walking round heah askin' nBT aibs'Iute silence?" -AL NEW CURE FOR THEFT. ! Boston .Herald. A number of 3-cars ago a villi;. jjR the eastern part of tho" town of HitH dloboro was ven- much wrought jlV' over tho introduction of a nmeifilSW strument m their church service.' JM. the final meeting when the matter "1H. to bo settled excitement ran hiziKh'. One man whose reputatiou forwKBH dealing was not always above eujpit&jK:1 made a fiery speech 'in opposition. JKi"' neighbor whoso bnck yard joined speaker's could hardly wait for 0IO3O of tho remarks. Then, jumpier!? his foet, without waiting to UtL tho chairman, he said- "Gosh, eir, if I had known tbew " tlemau was so afraid of an orguijijfa should have had one hung on 'ir'HKkTogt pile years ago." |