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Show I. MAKE TEST OATHSTHaHEER '1 Introduced in Idaho Legis-ature Legis-ature to Affect Those Who Uphold Men in Polygamy. RMONS SUCCEED IN SMOTHERING MEASURE Ider One, Which Has Ap-n Ap-n -tm proral of Church Machine, ,rci I Is Given Preference. ofcg f 1 led U ? aTN Special to The Tribune. $ -BOISE, Ida., Jan. 25. Two hills pro-3"w( pro-3"w( 'iding for the re-enactment of the test .crl' 'a th. in accordance with the State eon-jjj eon-jjj litution,. were introduced into tho legis-'miliij legis-'miliij toirc toda3'. 3& Ono bv MacBetli, which struck at real root of polygamy, contained J jyj a addition to the language employed elsr'j S the constitution relative to the test toaj ath, the following: "Or which eoun-"jj eoun-"jj :nauces, or condones the practice of i plyganvy, bigamy or the living in what ia jyj iknown as patriarchal, plurab or ce-'tiil ce-'tiil n istial marriage,, by its priesthood, n iling authorities, or by any member 3 tad re0 or whid' sustains any mem-3UjfjJyfcof mem-3UjfjJyfcof its priesthood, or ruling author- apjjyg, or anj' other official thereof, in in ajKch practice," jijjmThe bill by McCutcheon for the re-en-jpRtment of the test oath is much milder d br'Jpsm the one introduced hy MacBcth. 'tijlli jhts is an administration measure and m rs e ' "le ornion bishops in he legislature. It was drawn by W. duttij Borah and passed up to the caucus )f the Boise Representatives of the ?vi5 ormon hierarch. where it was closely tos? ?rutinizcd. neaJ?- Mormons Won Out.' Sj'The reference of the MacBeth bill eferr fjas hotly contested, the author wanted at & t fo go to the committee ou privileges 1 Pf ,nd elections, but Hart, a Mormon, Sfw ranted it handed ovor to tho Judiciary . ommitt.ee. where there would be less w limculty in smothering it. The Moc-'UMy Moc-'UMy nobs had their way, which is usually 5 " he case in thls'leVislatilre. t ai i-VThere was another spirited J,ilt over 0 m Sie matter of State deficiencies' Mac-JSitKi Mac-JSitKi Beth 'demanding that there should be ouiti,! report forthcoming, .from, .tlie State 5,-lW; Lullitor, stating specifically what they a: fi irere created for. A surprise is said. ,h4ip he.ih ptore for the taxpayers of Woi daHo when the report is laid before 1 nk he Senate by the Auditor. itbenJ iFreehafer introduced a test oath bill eel, W H. 'the House, similar to the one iu-r. iu-r. U reduced, by facBeth. in . the. Senate, jllw !jner bills presented ivere. t5ji iBy Fogg Relating to sales of muni-jo muni-jo 'J?1 bonds.- - - ! fBy Finstad Providing for a bounty oi n'gray wolves and coyotes. rtB S Ity lulallrv 'Providing; '$65,000 i'OJIS construction of tho g'filniinistratio!! building at the State g-T'jljMversit-. " ' iP' -'rtey Providing a bounty on jJjolves and wild cars. JtBy Abbott Providing punishment ,s?or husbands who fail to provide for cjl'M acBeth 's anti-wildcat mining bil'i "?ftas Passe h.r the Senate, jliTho Judiciary Committee of the 5JEou8e is holding an open meeting at ?e 'caPil tonight to near arguments -,Tqr.and against the local option bill . ZOjIffow ' before the legislature. Many .'iiwople of Boise and from over the t j?tate arc present and taking part in ite iBie discussions. KThe Caledonian society is celebrating r oo'fjftie birthday anniversary of Bobert bjljlurns tonight. |