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Show iVl Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Abso- j 1 lutcly Harmless. aol Everj- mother sliould know fh.it .gsj Chamberlain !s Cough Remerh' is per- Tgj fectb safe for children to take, as it -YMPr contains nothing harmful. For sale by 'lnteS an leading druggists. ZE&J ABSOLDTELV PURE n.JjO, Under the Hew Pure Food Law fcll Food Products must be pure end honestly labelled. ' BURNETT'S VANILLA was fifty years ahead of the Law. It was alwnyn pure Vanilla. Every bottle now I bears this label : Guaranteed undtr the Food and Drczt Act June 30thy 1906" Serial I linmbtr 3. which has been assigned to us I by the U. 3. Dept. of Acriculturc. I OIto a M-omaa n b.-uiUfcl haul ot lialr and lnlt'ltL6balt!oatlcQ4Lty'3 woo. Imperial Hair flegeooratGr Tho Standard Hair ColorhntrforGraj or B: cached Hnlr. Rcatarca Gruy. Btrealiod or Faded Hair to actual inim color of youth. Wlrei! applied caj- ArflKl nt bo dotecied. sT- fapcrk Qr-n. JtlcXo.. 12S VT.Tid SL. 1LV. I New Exchanges BUE3KA, UTAH, ! PRESTON, IDAHO. Just Opcnod. 4 Best Toll Service In America. 5 3 Utah Intl. Telephone Go. ) Call Ind. 61 for rates. I .1 I & Picture Frames, I Wall Fape?, FAINT, VARNISH. STAINS, U KALSOMINE, JAP-A- R? LAC. M MidgSey-SodeS Co. I Wall Paper and Paint Store, j 3335 East Flr3t South st. raj Ye Never Have a Special Sale, ' but wfi DO soil diamonds, Watches and Silverware at VERY reasonable prices, and If you vlll call wa will gladly SHOW you how to save money on your Xmac buying, and show you a first-class line of goods. j. Fo mms 259 SO. MAIN ST. If you want good painting, get the best. It Is the Idsst expensive. $y;Guaranteejj HAMLIN PAINTS WILL PAY. I PIANOS High grade nad medium, easy payments; ono prlco only, cash reductions-, estimates esti-mates on piano repairing without coat; we do renting and tuning. NEW YORK & WESTKIIN PIANO CO., No. E2 Maiirot St.. near Post Office I SPECIAL CLOTHING SALE Hundreds of Up-to-Daie Men's Suits and Overcoats. YOUR CHOICE 5S.00, Worth $12 00. 515. 0(T to 13.00. The best bargains In the city. THE HUB. 50 E. First South. W. S. Hudson, dentist, lias discovered dis-covered a new remedy and euro for Pyorrhoea Alveolaris, (Sore- Gums and Loose Teeth). It costs little and docs much. "So bo up and doing, life is real, life is earnest." Subscribe for Tho Tribune and Clef all (he News. 1 JUST ARRIVED i I A FINE LI2TE OT I Players all I i 1 Very Low 1 a ! Vi Sold on easy installments, with- out interest- ffl I DAlfNES-ROiHNEY j 1 MUSIC COMPANY I I 25-27 E. Rrat South St. 1 k U As White and Pare as Shot, is WARP'S MASSAGE cold mm You wanl, the hosl quality to be had and there cannot be auythin finer than this. In .jars at 2oc, 5Uc and 75c. dayton mm CO. Cor. 2nd South and State streets. Lump, Nut .tnd Slack; Anthracite, An-thracite, Charcoal, Smithing Coal, Coke. All the Time. j Central Coal & Ike COo "At the Sign of the Peacock." Phones 2G00. 38 fco. Main. Scott's Santal-Pepsin Capsules A For Inllaramatlon orCctarrh ySfo a of tuo Blunder and Diseased &yr?e tfv Klunoys. NO CUnE NO PAY. Wvji n) Cures quickly and pcrmi-t?a.'Jj pcrmi-t?a.'Jj ,( nently tho worst cases ot K vS P jJonorrheca and Cilcet, ' SJ&iS?. I n0 uatterof how Ions stand- Ja-o Inr:. Alisolntely harmless, sn Sold by drugclsts. Price $1.00 V. or by mall, postpaid, ?1.00, 'P1 THE SAHTAL-PEP8IH CO,, ,W8&pHi2'' DCLLSFOHTAIKT, OHIO. ' F. J. Hill Drug Co., Salt Lake City. j' EAST Ap WEST 1 JAITUAHY 10th and 21st. I J Prom Salt Lake to:, H Hl San Francisco or Portland and return ..- S31.50 y HH r San Prancisco and return via Portland 4.4.00 3 pj Los Angeles and return via San Prancisco 35.00 M Hl g Los Angeles and return via Portland 17.50 gfl HH p Tickets Limited to 80 Days. 1 I JA17UARY 22ITD. J Hi p Prom Salt Lake to: g Bl w . Denver and return $19.75 t IHI 1 Omaha and return 32.00 ? BB R1 Chicago and return 44.50 I IH i Kansas Oily and return 32.00 " iH ftj St. Louis and return 39.50 Bl Tickets Limited to 60 Days. 1 See agents for further particulars. Bl CITY TICKET OPPICE, 201 MAIN -STREET. Kl AMD RETURN I H Iwmt Mute to fee Cst il Remember, the new Hue reaches the heart of the j III j Golden State, the best "beaches and the orange j II "He who hesitates has to take an Upper' j l I City Office, 369 S. Main. Phones: 16 Bell, 19S6 Ind. ' ll I AM IT THAT II AB MAKSIM Write II - Ads Thai Am II """"""" "You ought to know me." Address J. L. N. Tribune. H The Tribune Gives Your Wants 11 the Largest Circulation. II . We Have Mciw Told You It Is Up to Yoe! j II 1 " ' ' ll . I There is ciiesfioe tout what the last day wIM witness the most drasSle Frfee-enf- 3TABLSsnED IS64- jl -'4' ting known to Salt Lake. Madieal as oar mettiods lave beesa MFMp the progress o! MjfffM il " W I this sa!e9 we mast give way to methods more radical. The entire sfoek goes today at s 11 a " I a L. You will find on everything in the store a Una! price that will sell it In a Fm P 11 5 I I hurry. The climax ot Utah's Greatest Bargain Event has been reached. Tonight this IQ wi Jjjt I sale eomes to an end! one pce to all never undersold |