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Show HIIIMHIHlinHl :: City and Neighborhood :: mMJ '.MM ItlMIHIIHtt MRS. J. E. OGLES BY hns left .the St. Mark's hospital and Is now at her home, 132 Sixth East street. v FRED SCHROTT, tho "Lucky Dutchman." Dutch-man." has gone to New York this week on Important business connected with Amalgamated Nevada Mining and Power company, a corporation In which he Is largely interested. THE STATE LAND BOARD has been notified of tho npproval by the General Land Offlco at Washington of the selection selec-tion by the Stato of Utah of 28,344.67 acres of indemnity school land In varJfus sections of the State. T. W. MESSICIC, aged 2J) years, and J. II. Jail, 3f years old, were arrested about 11 o'clock Tuesday night by Specinl Spe-cinl Policeman Urry at tho City and County building, chnrged with violating the bicycle ordinance by riding without lights. THE CON. FLAGSTAFF Mining company com-pany has had surveyed for patent tho Klrby lode In Little Cottonwood canyon. The purvey as recorded In tho U. S. Surveyor Sur-veyor General's office Is No. 5753. The survey was made by Edward Nlisen, Deputy U. S. Mineral Surveyor. THE SILVER BROS. Tron Works company com-pany ha transferred to the Latler-day Salnts church a pleco of property on the south side of North Tomple. between West Temple and First West streots. for a consideration of ?2G,000. Tho dimensions dimen-sions of the property are 330x6I! feet. IN ADDITION to tho regular prize list, valued at $800, the plumbers of Utah are to give away $400 for athletic and miscellaneous mis-cellaneous contests at Lagoon next Saturday, Sat-urday, according to an announcement mado Tuesday. The events consist of baseball, bowling, tug-of-war, races, prise waltz, etc. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION of the Utah Indian Peak Mines compnnv which owns property In Beaver count wore filed with tho County Clerk Tuesday. Tues-day. Tho capital stock Is S500.000, divided divid-ed lnlo shares of the par valuo of SI each. The officers are: President, Ernest G. Rowe.; vlco president, Bert JL. Smltlr secretary and treasurer, Peter Porter These, with Carey D. Porter and Charles B. Jack, oompoHo tho board of directors. ROLLA V. WATT, mnnagor of the Pacific department of the Royal Insurance Insur-ance company with headquarters at San Francisco, accompanied bv Mrs. Watt Is visiting his old-lime friends In this citv Mr. Watt Is a California pioneer, but hl4 early experience was not limited to life In tho Coast State for ho took a rTroni-incnt rTroni-incnt part In exploring Nevada durl-nr the infancy of tho mining Industry In that district. THE SALT LAKE frlenda of Dr J C Hanchctt, tho medical examiner of the Maccabee lodga for Its Western district will bo pleased to learn that ho will r turn lo this city August L r Ha": chett was formerly a practicing physician physi-cian In Salt Lake, but, being aaaffiH with the Maccabee lodge. lS head quarters were transferred from this city to San Francisco about thrco years ago While on his tour or tho East W t" Halloran, the real estate man, mot Dr Hanchctt at Detroit, whore he was at tending a convention of his lodge and learned Jrom h m that tho headquarters of the modlcnl department lad ho transferred to Salt Lake city n |